New NEWS!!!! Read all about it!!!

January 1, 2025: Time to begin! The New Year is here!
Posted by Brynmor

As many know a new year started at midnight. With it comes many new problems, fun, adventures and chances to help others. So together we can make it through all the bad, by making sure to either see some good every day along the way or by being the good. Let's push for doing our best to be the best in this extremely challenging world. 


PS Happy New Year!

Pss I know it's a little late.


November 12, 2024: Fort Family Community Outreach
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi Everyone!

It's Jeff this year asking for your help to keep our sites up and running. You may well know our sites are run almost entirely on your generous donations! When your donations do not cover all of the cost, the difference comes out of our pockets. We have no ADs on our sites and no Premium Tiers and No Pay Walls! There is no charge to our authors for hosting their stories nor any charge for you the readers to read them. That was the original agreement in the beginning and we work hard to keep our promise to keep it that way. Of course we would appreciate it if you could find a way to donate any amount to help us in our mission keep our sites AD-free and running. So please check between your couch cushions and under your car seats any amount will be gratefully accepted. No amount is too small. Seriously!

We thank you very much for all of your help over the years.

So you know, our last offer is still on the table. We are still running the following promotion, simply put, make at least a $10 USD donation and say that you are interested, you'll get a random autographed copy of one of the soft cover Joel Books directly from Ted Luis himself. I don't know how many copies are left but while he has them, he's happy to send them to you all as a thank you. Mine is on a shelf here in my room and it's probably one of my favorite keepsakes.

The Original Offer - Repost:

Have you considered helping to keep these sites up and running? Are you also a fan of Ted Louis' "Joel" series? Well, Ted has informed us that he found a case of assorted Joel books. Yeah, "actual" in print books! He decided that for anyone willing to make a $10 or larger donation within the US to the hosting service paying the bills for the Fort Family Community of sites, he is willing to send you your very own copy of a random book in the "Joel" series, autographed by Ted Louis himself as a thank you! An amazing keepsake from an amazing author!

What to do:

1. Click on and click on "Donate Now".

2. Make a qualifying donation of $10 or more.

3,. Email your name and mailing address to (Yes, a P.O. box, relative's address, next-door neighbor, total stranger's address... is fine. As long as you are able to intercept the mail ;)

4. Once the donation has been confirmed, Ted Louis will send a random autographed copy of one of his books to you directly.

(One book per donation. This offer will be withdrawn once the limited number of books has been sent. The early bird gets the worm! Unfortunately, only US residents due to expensive international shipping :( We'll take down the offer as soon as we confirm that no copies remain.)

August 14, 2024: Help TSL Move to Healthier Air in Massachusetts
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Greetings Friends and Fort Family! I am in the process of attempting to improve my living conditions so I can continue the work I do for our online reader community and I do need to ask for help. I need to relocate to Massachusetts in approximately a month or so. I am moving because I am being priced out of where I am living now. I am also moving for health reasons as the air where I am living is not safe for me to breathe for too many months of the year. This is because of the wildfires around me that cause poor air quality for too many months of the year. The poor air quality wreaks havoc on my Asthma. Where I am moving has much cleaner air and no wildfires to concern me. The Medical System there is far better than where I live now.

I am asking for funds to rent a truck, gas for the truck and lodgings for the trip. Jeff P. will be flying out here to help drive me to Massachusetts. Jeff has arranged a place for me to live that is substantially cheaper than where I am now as well as to have friends nearby to help with some of the daily tasks that are simply becoming more difficult than they should be due to the declining condition of my current environment.

I would greatly appreciate any donations to help defer the cost of moving. Any amount would be awesome!

Thanks for caring,


Help TSL Move To Massachussetts

July 12, 2024: PEBKAC - Missing in action.
Posted by Brynmor

I wanted to first apologize for the absence online. Many things have gone on.

Health Issues - not listing them, we would be here for days.

Work - Real Life needs to chill.

But things are starting to get better.


So let me post the updates and get them current.

Then hopefully if everything goes better, we will see what happens. 


"A Twisted History of the Easter Bunny"

by Jonah Timoty Campbell-Forte & Timmy Short


Hurricane Temple

"Chapter 4"



Living in a Small Town

"Chapter 3", "Chapter 4", and "Chapter 5"



The Creator's Intent

"Chapter 4"



Thank You

for all the encouraging emails!

June 8, 2024: June 7, 2024: Str8mayb R.I.P. June 2, 2024
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I have to inform you that one of our own has left this plane of existence. However, don't be too sad because Str8mayb is going to Heaven to be with his wonderful wife Robyn. They both have left us too soon. How do I know that he is going to heaven? That is an easy question to answer, he is a Presbyterian and according to one of his favourite songs Heaven Is For Presbyterians. Str8mayb passed away Sunday,  June 2, 2024, he had been battling a severe version of Colitis, the same version that had hit him before. However, this time he couldn't recover.  Str8mayb was not only an author but he was an editor as well. Str8mayb like Comicality helped several authors become better writers, he even convinced several skeptical people to write. Str8mayb was also a former Admin of The Fort Family of sites until personal and work issues took away his time. As you maybe could tell Str8mayb had a very warped sense of humour, especially when it came to music. I am not sure whether Darryl The Radio Rancher corrupted him or vice versa. They were both diehard fans of the Frantics, Boot to the Head was another favourite of his. However, the thing that most of us will remember Str8mayb for is that he was the Evilest Author, and I can personally attest that he was evil. He took the slightly used Cliffhanger and elevated it to new heights. In fact, he raised the bar so high that I couldn't beat him with five Cliffhangers in one chapter. He was also a Master of Deception, he would lead you down the Primrose Path and then suddenly you are looking at the edge of a cliff with no way back. He would a lot of times end the chapter there. He was also known for carrying a Cliffhanger for several chapters. I learned a lot about misdirection and cliffhanger from him. Before I forget, Arli J. was one of the authors that Str8mayb convinced to write. While I will miss reading new words from him, what I will miss the most is writing collaborations by voice on Skype. Str8mayb, Darryl, Darryl and I had a lot of fun seeing which character we could cause to have the most trouble or cause the most trouble. Str8may gave me one of the highest compliments an author can give to another author; I had edited a chapter of his and I had added over fifteen hundred words. When Str8mayb got his chapter back he couldn't find the words I added. He told me that he didn't know where his words ended and mine began. He told Darryl the same thing several times as well. Str8may also created a character that had two nicknames the first one was "The Bengay Kid", and the second one was "The Modern Major General," a character from The Pirates of Penzance by Gilbert and Sullivan. I have many amazing memories of a wonderful human being, and he will be sorely missed.

The Story Lover

June 6, 2024: Please help us look out for an extended family member!
Posted by JeffsFort

It would mean so much if you could take a look at our GoFundMe, “Support for Comicality's Mother in a Very Difficult Time”. Comicality's unexpected passing has hit us all very hard but his mother is now being overwhelmed with his final expenses while at the same time dealing with the loss of his income. Please donate or share with others—any help gets her closer to getting her head back above water. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support as we look out for the person who to Comicality was a rock through some very rough times.

Here’s the link:

May 27, 2024: Memorial Day
Posted by Brynmor

Ah, fellow members, though we may hail from all corners of this great globe, let us unite in solemn reverence for a momentous occasion fast approaching. As Memorial Day draws nigh, a sacred day of remembrance cherished in the hearts of our American brethren, let us pause, not merely as a gesture of camaraderie but as a tribute to valor unmatched.

For on this hallowed day, we pay homage to the gallant souls who, through the annals of history, sacrificed their very beings in service of noble causes. They, the guardians of liberty, stood unwavering against the tides of adversity, ensuring that the flame of freedom burned undimmed for generations hence.

Though oceans may separate us, let our spirits be bound by a shared reverence for the sacrifices made. Even as the sun reaches its zenith, let us mark the hour of three, as beseeched by the esteemed Veterans’ associations in the land of stars and stripes. Yet, should the hands of time dictate otherwise, let us, in every corner of the earth, pause for a fleeting moment at our local hour, and in that fleeting instant, honor those who bestowed upon us the gift of liberty.

For in this act of remembrance, we bridge the chasm of time and space, weaving a tapestry of gratitude that transcends borders and tongues. Let us not overlook the weight of this solemn duty, for it is upon the shoulders of the fallen that we stand tall, beneficiaries of their unwavering resolve.

So, my dear friends, as we stand on the precipice of Memorial Day, let us heed this call to reverence. Let us, with bowed heads and hearts heavy with gratitude, honor the memory of those who gave their last full measure of devotion. For in their sacrifice, we find the wellspring of our freedoms, and in our remembrance, their legacy endures.

April 29, 2024: Another Wonderful Author and Friend has passed. R.I.P.
Posted by Brynmor

On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, Comicality left us to begin his Sun Quest. He helped so many people with kind words and helpful thoughts. I'm currently at a loss for words. I wish I had his gift for words and creating a world for characters as he did. He will truly be missed. 


Thank You, Comicality for being there when we needed you. 

Hopefully our paths will cross again.

Rest In Peace.

April 8, 2024: Donation Time
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Hello Readers,

It's TSL again with hat in hand, yes it is that time of year again when we ask you our loyal readers to help keep our sites up and running. You may well know our sites are run almost entirely on your generous donations! When your donations do not cover all of the cost, the difference comes out of our pockets. We have no ADs on our sites and no Premium Tiers! There is no charge to our authors for hosting their stories nor any charge for you the readers to read them. We would appreciate it if you could find a way to donate any amount to keep our sites AD-free and running. So please check between your couch cushions and under your car seats any amount will be gratefully accepted. No amount is too small. We thank you very much for all of your help over the years.

To sweeten the pot a bit, we are running the following promotion again, simply put, make a $10 USD donation get a free Joel Book.

Have you considered helping to keep these sites up and running? Are you also a fan of Ted Louis' "Joel" series? Well, Ted has informed us that he found a case of assorted Joel books. Yeah, "actual" in print books! He decided that anyone willing to make a $10 or larger donation within the US to the hosting service paying the bills for the Fort Family Community of sites, he is willing to send you your very own copy of a random book in the series, autographed by Ted Louis himself as a thank you!

What to do:

1. Click on and click on "Donate Now".

2. Make a qualifying donation of $10 or more.

3,. Email your name and mailing address to

4. Once the donation has been confirmed, Ted Louis will send a random autographed copy of one of his books to you directly.

(One book per donation. This offer will be withdrawn once the limited number of books has been sent. The early bird gets the worm! Unfortunately, only US residents due to expensive international shipping :( We'll take down the offer as soon as we confirm that no copies remain.)

January 22, 2024: A Submission Lost In Cyberspace :(
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

Unfortunately,  a Thanksgiving Short Story Submission by Paladin was lost in Cyberspace. It was submitted in time and processed properly, however, when the story was returned to the author it never arrived! The author contacted the indomitable TSL, who was able to get me in contact with the author.

Paladin's story is now live and available for your reading pleasure.

Keep Christmas in your hearts every day,


Fred De Elf PNG

December 2, 2023: Oops, I forgot to anounce the Sumissions Announcement!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

The following authors submitted their Short Stories for this Thanksgiving Event.

ACFan submitted his migraine-inducing story called TaDaoaSMiSwtbInkIhtIfotPD-AC. The name alone gave Santa a headache. Why the extremely long title, twice as long as TSL's longest title? ACFan decided to write a Short Story that tackled all of the event's themes, and somehow he succeeded. It is worth a read.

TSL submitted another one of his alcohol-infused submissions that again featured Wild Turkey prominently. Yes, both versions of Wild Turkey. TSL swears that no Wild Turkeys were harmed during the creation of his Short Story. Oh, you want to know the title hang on a sec while I consult the Library of Congress. Oh yeah, here it is Thanksgiving At Denny's® Again! ~ TSL

I apologize for forgetting to post this on time, however, the EggNog has been flowing freely here at the North Pole.

Happy Reading,

Fred The Elf PNG

November 16, 2023: Thanksgiving 2023 Thanksgiving Short Story Event Update
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

Due to popular demand, the Thanksgiving Short Story Deadline has been moved to Midnight Wednesday, November 22, 2023. [Actually, TSL needed more time, so his problem is now your help.]

Happy Authoring,


Fred The Elf

October 7, 2023: Thanksgiving 2023 Thanksgiving Short Story Event
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Attention All Readers:

The long, long-awaited Fall Short Story Event has arrived and it is a humdinger of an event. There are more choices of what to write than you can shake a stick at. This event starts today and ends at Midnight PST on Saturday, November 18th, 2023.

This event's themes are as follows: Thanksgiving At Denny's® Again!, Thanksgiving With The Brother I Never Knew I Had, Thanksgiving on the Planet Denny's®, and last but not least Thanksgiving On A Spaceship Marooned In Space.

For the completely fearless authors out there ACFan has issued a challenge to all entrants and the challenge is this, join him in writing a Short Story to this Theme: Thanksgiving at Denny's® again on a Spaceship Marooned In Space With the Brother I never knew I had, that I found on the Planet Denny's®.

The Guidelines are straightforward as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words, give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Saturday, November 18th at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author who wants to enter; non-fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2023 Thanksgiving Short Story Event.

As always, this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred DeElf PNG

September 1, 2023: What?!? A Free Joel Book???
Posted by JeffsFort

Have you considered helping to keep these sites up and running? Are you also a fan of Ted Louis' "Joel" series? Well, Ted has informed us that he found a case of assorted Joel books. Yeah, "actual" in print books! He decided that anyone willing to make a $10 or larger donation within the US to the hosting service paying the bills for the Fort Family Community of sites, he is willing to send you your very own copy of a random book in the series, autographed by Ted Louis himself as a thank you!

What to do:

1. Click on and click on "Donate Now".

2. Make a qualifying donation of $10 or more.

3,. Email your name and mailing address to

4. Once the donation has been confirmed, Ted Louis will send a random autographed copy of one of his books to you directly.

(One book per donation. This offer will be withdrawn once the limited number of books has been sent. The early bird gets the worm! Unfortunately, only US residents due to expensive international shipping :( We'll take down the offer as soon as we confirm that no copies remain.)



August 28, 2023: Brotherhood of Love
Posted by Brynmor

"Chapter 12 - Hawaii Invasion" from Brotherhood of Love by ACFan


Sorry its been a while, Major health issues currently affecting my ability using a computer.

Brynmor the Lost Author

April 4, 2023: Changing of the Guard at *True's Fandom*
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi everyone!

I wanted to reach out to regular readers here at True's Fandom as well as those who circulate throughout the Fort Family of hosting sites. One exceptionally difficult job is finding someone willing to take over the work started by a community/family member who we all miss. We all know that TrueFan (Lenny) put a lot of himself into his own work as an author as well as in growing his site. In the few years that True's Fandom has existed, he has amassed an impressive library that signifies the personality of those hosted on the site as well as give many newer authors a jumping-off point or even a home base. When we lose a site owner, we can maintain the hosting so the work isn't lost and active authors can still contribute but, we need to find someone who is willing to carry the torch lit by its creator. Today I am very happy to announce someone who not only is willing to take the wheel but, if given the opportunity, someone I believe Lenny would have chosen himself as his successor.

For those of you who are readers both at True's Fandom as well as many of our other hosting sites, author "Garret D. M." who has been a very close friend of many of us, including Lenny, has accepted our request for him to take over his online "Dad's" site and I know for a fact, this would make TrueFan himself both very happy as well as very proud. Garret brings with him new ideas & new direction as well as the ability to pay tribute to a man who quite literally was his online Dad, which is awesome!

So please join us all in welcoming Garret D.M. as one of our newest site owners and let's all support him as he learns to drive the vehicle Lenny and his hosted authors have built! 

- Jeff

March 19, 2023: Advance CSU Story Notice - Prepare for INCOMING!
Posted by AC

Hey all!

As I'm sure all of you are aware, I've been bouncing around between stories to get everything up to the current spot in the timeline - which sometimes means jumping around to ensure continuity across the Universe is maintained.

When Dave of D&B passed on, B turned the characters and stories over to myself and TheEggman to allow the characters to be part of future storylines. Unfortunately, at that point in time they were in front of all of us! Before Dave passed, he did manage to merge two of his stories into a third one. Both Jigsaw and Be Careful What You Ask For run alongside each other, and were merged into Dawn's Early Light to cover the BOE storyline.

This has allowed a unique opportunity; in most cases, when an author passes, their storyline stalls. In this case, we've had the permission to continue the storyline, but needed things to be caught up to allow that to happen. Once we finally were satisfied that it was safe, the next part was deciding how to pull it off. While various plot points that had been planned were included in other CSU stories, to move forward the storylines from D&B really needed closure. After serious thought, and quite a few discussions, it was decided that the best way to honor what he was doing would be to write a multi-chapter Epilogue to Dawns Early Light, resolving some of the major storylines and preparing the characters to move forward in future CSU stories.

Over the next week, I plan to finalize a method to re-direct you to Dawns Early Light after the last chapters of both Jigsaw and Be Careful. The first chapter of the Epilogue is over 2/3 done, and will be posted as a continuation of Dawn's Early Light. Upon the conclusion of the Epilogue, all three stories are expected to be wrapped up and the characters poised to be able to be easily integrated into future CSU stories without major questions left hanging.

So, now that you've been warned, you'll have time to refresh your memory on all three stories, and will be ready to move forward with us as we once again get to see Jonas, Harry, Kurt's family, and other characters actively moving ahead!

I hope you enjoy it as much as we are writing it! This will be appearing on all Fort Family Sites which currently host D&B's stories!



March 15, 2023: Missing Ark Speak
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Clan Short Universe Crest GIF

Just a quick note, we are working in the background to replace the missing Ark Speak in some CSU Chapters. It is a slow process so please be patient with me/us.


Clan Short Archivist


February 4, 2023: That time of year again
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Authors and Readers,


It is that time of year again. Yes, it is time for our Annual Pledge Drive to keep the lights on and our Fort Family of sites servers running.

So please give us a helping hand to keep our sites alive. No donation is too big or too small, all donations are greatly accepted and appreciated.

Remember none of our sites have ads or Premium Fees!

Please help us keep our founder August Christopher's dream alive.


To Donate just click on the Donate Button in the left side panel on any site.


Thank you for your help over the years,


The Fort Family Admins

November 27, 2022: R.I.P. True Fan
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

The Fort Family is truly saddened by the loss of the Author and Site Owner True Fan. He will be sorely missed.

We are extending our sincerest condolences to his family, co-authors, and readers.

His site will be maintained as a memorial to him.

Requiescat in Pace, 

The Fort Family Admins

November 24, 2022: Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Brynmor

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving, at least for those who celebrate it! For those who don't celebrate it have a wonderfull day and happy reading!

This message brought to you by:

Brynmor and

The Fort Family


October 18, 2022: Fort Family Sites under attack?
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi everyone,

As some of you may have noticed, we have been experiencing intermittent outages with a small handful of our story siites as recently as earlier today. These outages are a result of a service that we utilize being hacked, which is affecting some functionality of the sites and triggering malware scanners within our service. It is being addressed but as with any attack of this nature, we can't offer a timeframe of when we are "in the clear" as we are simply reacting when trouble pops up as software needs to be developed to address this new issue moving forward.

For now, be sure you keep copies of everything that is newly posted on your site as an attack could force a site to restore from a recent backup, which 'could' reverse the addition of new material. Site owners, you will be contacted if this action is performed on your site. Get in touch with one of us if you have any questions or concerns.

Together we built The Fort Family and together we defend it!
- Jeff


September 15, 2022: Official Announcement: New CSU Author
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Attention All CSU Readers:

As Archivist of the Clan Short Universe, I hereby declare and confirm that the author known as SamIam has successfully completed the necessary requirements to be awarded the title Clan Short Universe Author and confer upon him all the rights and responsibilities which are consistent with the title.

On this day, September Fourteenth, in the year Two Thousand and Twenty-Two, let it be known that the story Oh Can You See has been reviewed and accepted as a Clan Short Universe Core Timeline story, and is considered a canonical part of the main storyline.

TSL Clan Short Archivist

Welcome to the CSU SamIam, as usual, all of CSU Stories will be co-hosted on the CSUhub as well. This is the only place for all the CSU Stories, Images, and Resources.

This post has been approved by The Clan Short Archivist. CSU Crest PNG

Portions of the post have been contributed by ACFan Creator of The Clan Short Universe.


(PS: Temporal Tranquilizers are in the third drawer on the left!)


September 9, 2022: Condolences to all our UK friends and family
Posted by Brynmor

The Fort Family of sites wish our most heartfelt condolences to the subjects and territories of the United Kingdom upon the loss of Queen Elizabeth II. Queen Elizabeth was an inspiration to millions. Her legacy will be remember for years to come in our souls and hearts. 


August 5, 2022: Possible Stability Issue
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi Fort Family!

As many of you may be unaware, on Thursday evening our service provider was one of many who experienced a complete outage that took our entire community down for a short period of time. I won't go into any details but we are not complaining about the speed in which this issue was addressed. The reason for this post is to request that any major site updates or important chapter postings should be postponed to allow for temporary fixes to receive permanent repairs. Where the work continues, I would consider all of our sites "Read Only" for a day or two. I will attempt a current backup as a "Just Incase" but, if we experience DNS issues resulting from the outage, new work could be lost.

So please join us in thanking those involved in such a speedy recovery but to be safe, do some reading and let your readers angrily stare at your newest cliffhanger one or two more days. 🤣


July 31, 2022: Its been a while
Posted by Brynmor

In the time I have been missing in action the following stories have been updated.


Brotherhood of Love

by ACFan

"Chapter Five: Munchies"

"Chapter Six: Lessons From the Past"

"Chapter Seven: The Healing Begins"

"Chapter Eight A: What's in a Name Part 1"

"Chapter Eight B: What's in a Name Part 2"

"Chapter Nine: Thank you for being a friend"

"Family Tree as of Chapter Nine"



by Boudreaux

"Chapter 8"



Voyagers Book II

by Voyagers Authors

"Chapter Twenty-Four: No Longer Lost in Space"

"Ajagaron Calendar for Year 2335"

"Chapter Twenty-Five: Diplomacy"

"Chapter Twenty-Six: Destination Earth"

"Chapter Twenty-Seven: Family Reunion"

"Chapter Twenty-Eight: Emergency"

"Duty Roster: SS Darastix"

"Duty Roster: Space Fleet Academy"




by MultiMapper

"Part 6: Once in a Blue Moon >> Chapter 26"



by William King

"Chapter Ten: Gilgamesh"

"Chapter Eleven: Blindsight"



Shadow of a Soul

by MultiMapper

"Chapter 19: Albiet Regret"





by Myke D

The Touch - Volume One: The Void

"20 - The Bond"

ACE - Artificial Intelligence

"9 - Seperation"

Be The One - Awakening

"8 - Fighting for Air"



March 14, 2022: Updates Detected!
Posted by Brynmor

Hello Everyone,


There are a few updates.



Flea Market Sausage - "Chapter 25"



Brotherhood of Love - "Chapter Four: Timmy's Law


The Story Lover

Why - Poem - "Why?"


Myke D.

The Lost Souls - "Chapter 9"



January 2, 2022: A Belated Merry Christmas!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

December 31, 2021: Happy New Years
Posted by Brynmor

I must say this year has wound down extremely fast. 

But don't be fretten. 

All your favorite stories will still be here next year.

With even more to come.

So remember to say howdy everyonce in a while. 

We are glad you are here. 

And Remember just because time has added another year on.

Doesn't mean anything. 


The Mikyvis Time Corps will hopefully fix all Time Anomalies!


Hugg's Everyone!

This year is a wrap!


November 21, 2021: 2021 Christmas Short Story Event
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Fred De Elf

We are thrilled to announce our Christmas Short Story Event for 2021, and the first Event of 2021.

This year's themes are: Christmas In Outer Space, Christmas On Mars etc., and because Uncle AC begged, Christmas at Dennys® On [Name Your Planet].

The Guidelines are straightforward as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words, give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 20th at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter; non-fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2021 Christmas Short Story Event.

And now something special for this year's event Flash Fiction! The Themes are: A Horse for Christmas, An Elf For Christmas etc.

The rules are the same except for the word count, which is a Maximum of 500 Words!

As always, this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred the Elf PNG

October 31, 2021: Voyagers Book II Updates
Posted by Brynmor

Voyagers Book II

by Voyagers Authors

"Chapter Twenty: Up the Chain"

"Duty Roster ~ SS Sooloo"

"Duty Roster ~ SS Joseph Hooker"

October 13, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor

Current Updates!


Voyagers Book II

by Voyagers Authors

"Darastixian Calender"

"Chapter Nineteen: Let's Debate"


Parvenu: [5] Son & Heir / Sun & Air

By MultiMapper

"Chapter 20 - Ancient Artistry"

September 28, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor



"Book II: Glossary"

"Chapter Seventeen: Medici's Committal"

"Chapter Eighteen: Plus Three"


Voyagers Book II


Voyagers Authors


"Chapter 19 - The Dazed Maze"


Parvenu: [5] Son & Heir/Sun & Air




"Chapter Twenty-One: Giving Thanks"


Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance


Zarek Dragon




September 1, 2021: Donations Needed
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Due to the ongoing Pandemic, a lot of us have gone through financial difficulties. The Fort Family of Sites has been affected by those financial difficulties as well. In fact, for the last eighteen months, we have been running in the red. Due to quite a few of our sites coming up for renewal over the next couple of months, we will go far enough in the red that it will be untenable.

So, please donate to support our Author Hosting and keep all of our sites online. All donations large or small will be greatly appreciated. Anything you can give to support The Fort Family of Sites will go a long way to keep the sites online and Ad-Free.

Thank you for your generosity.

TSL for the Fort Family of Sites.

August 25, 2021: Update
Posted by Brynmor

August 16, 2021: Another Update!
Posted by Brynmor

August 13, 2021: More Updates
Posted by Brynmor

Updates Detected

Raise Shields!

Story Updates Detected !

Lower Shields!

"Book II: Glossary" from Voyagers Book II by Voyagers Authors

"Chapter 3: Recovery and Alliances" from Jesse's Story by Brynmor


Happy Reading

August 12, 2021: Update! Update!
Posted by Brynmor

Updates, Get your updates!



"18 - The Show" from The Touch - Volume 1: The Void: by Myke D.

August 12, 2021: Updates, Get your updates
Posted by Brynmor

"Chapter 17 - Frakish Vallum" from Parvenu: [5] Son & Heir / Sun & Air by MultiMapper




"Chapter 37" from Dear Diary by Boudreaux


Happy Reading!

July 9, 2021: New Story Detected!
Posted by Brynmor

Story Information Update

Attention: Memories and CSPRD Readers!

A new section of "The Mikyvis Chronicles" has been created, entitled "Honeymoon" This story is intended to fill in the gaps between what happens at the end of two stories, Memories Book Three and CSPRD Book One, and the start of the next book of both stories.

This first chapter focuses on events involving DJ and Tanner immediately after Memories Book Three finished. There are lots of adjustments that the two boys need to make as they learn about their new family members, plus there are a few surprises awaiting them! 

Link to The Mikyvis Chronicles: Honeymoon

From The Eggman and myself, we hope that you enjoy the newest chapter, and want to make sure that you remember to keep an eye out for more chapters!




If you missed the message above, Then read the message below or just click the link below to go on to the story. PS, race you to the link. 

New Story Detected

ACFan and TheEggman

"Honeymoon Chapter One: Adjustment"


The Mikyvis Chronicles


July 7, 2021: Chapters Detected?
Posted by Brynmor

New Chapters Detected


"Twenty-Seven: The Balance between Light and Darkness"

Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy


Myke D.

"17 - Trials & Time"

The Touch - Volume 1: The Void

July 6, 2021: New Chapter Detected
Posted by Brynmor

July 2, 2021: TBFL Chapter Update
Posted by Brynmor

New Chapter Detected!




Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy

"Twenty-Six: The Darkened Truth"





June 27, 2021: Commander Kid Update
Posted by Brynmor

Attention all readers:

The long awaited next chapter of Commander Kid has arrived!

Jeff P. has admitted there was a slight delay on getting this chapter out and he acknowledges he has received many emails. 

Jeff P. is hoping to have the next chapter out quicker, so please be kind and not book him for a space x launch! (Although he said it would be cool)

Here we go...


Jeff P.

Command Kid

"Chapter Four"


June 25, 2021: Chapters Ahoy!
Posted by Brynmor


Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them

"Chapter 44: Shelter"


The Story Lover

And A Child Shall Lead Them

"And A Child Shall Lead Them© ~ Poem"

June 23, 2021: New Chapter ~ Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy
Posted by Brynmor


Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy

"Twenty-Five: A Snake in Lion's Clothing"

June 22, 2021: Chapter Detected!
Posted by Brynmor

Voyagers Authors

Voyagers Book II

"Chapter Fifteen: Christmas' Lesson"

June 21, 2021: New Chapters
Posted by Brynmor


Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy


"Twenty-Three: Dealings with Snakes"

"Twenty-Four: Legends"



Dante, My Inferno

"Chapter 38 A New Leaf"


The Story Lover

Societal Commentaries

"Discrimination Hurts Us All!"



Parvenu: [5] Son & Heir/Sun & Air

"Chapter 15 - Shoulders of Giants"


Happy Reading!

June 6, 2021: Hmm, looks like a new chapter.
Posted by Brynmor


Brings us the latest of:

Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy

"Twenty-Two: Belle of the Ball"


 Happy Pride Everyone


May 30, 2021: Month in Review at the Annex
Posted by Brynmor


Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy

"Eighteen: Ghouls and Toads"

"Nineteen: The Real Hermione"

"Twenty: The Real Harry Black"

"Twenty-One: Battle for a Soul"



Parvenu: [5] Son & Heir/Sun & Air

"Chapter 12 - Three Faces North"

"Chapter 13 - Song of Simeon"

"Chapter 14 - I Am Cat"


Myke D.

ACE - Soltan - Volume One

"1 - Landing"


Voyagers Authors

Voyagers Book II

"Chapter Fourteen: Back to Darastix"



Dante, My Inferno

"Chapter 37 Here come the Parents"



CSV-DSM Part 2

"Chapter 9 - Aftershock 1"

"Chapter 10 - Aftershock 2"



Digital Refresh

"Chapter 6B Fun"


April 24, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor

Myke D

"8 - The Outpost" from ACE - Artificial Intelligence





April 22, 2021: Update!
Posted by Brynmor



Update Detected!



"Seventeen: Goblin Sorrows" from Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy


April 20, 2021: Updates
Posted by Brynmor

The crew is back for their latest adventure. 

Where will it take them?

What misadventures will they get into?



"Chapter 6A: The Misadventure Begins" from Digital Refresh

April 19, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor

Updates have arrived!



"Sixteen: Cry of the Wolf" from Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy


Myke D

"Chapter 7" from The Lost Souls



"Chapter 36 What Now?" from Dante, My Inferno



"Chapter 11 - Fires I Set" from Parvenu: [5] Son & Heir/Sun & Air


April 8, 2021: Chapters Detected !
Posted by Brynmor

Updates are Here!



"Chapter 17" from Expanding Horizons

"Chapter 13" from Lagniappe



"Chapter 09: Abracadabra" from Parvenu: [5] Son & Heir/Sun & Air

"Chapter 10: Deep in Death Mirrors" from Parvenu: [5] Son & Heir/Sun & Air


Myke D.

"7 - The Shield" from Be The One - Awakening



"Fourteen: Classes" from Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy

"Fifteen: Wizards, Witches and Wizengamots" from Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy




March 28, 2021: Updates
Posted by Brynmor

Current Updates for March




Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy

"Eight: Friends and Foes"

"Nine: Darkness Within"

"Ten: Wizengamot Acts"

"Eleven: Master of Manipulation"

"Twelve: Rivalry"

"Thirteen: Brothers and Allies"

Project New Horizon and Project New Dawn

"Chapter 27: Epilogue"

"Chapter 28: The Interview"



Dante, My Inferno

"Chapter 35 The Right Thing"


Myke D

The Legends of Blood

"Chapter 28 - Memories"



Memories Part 3: And a Child Shall Lead Them

"Chapter 43A - Unbroken"

"Chapter 43B - Unbroken Part 2"



Expanding Horizons

"Chapter 17"

March 24, 2021: Site Maintenance
Posted by Brynmor

Dear Annex Readers, 

This site will be undergoing a little maintenance over the next few days. During this time a few stories will be offline and inaccessible, however they will not be gone forever! They will be back better than ever. The site will remain up and running during this time. So don't fret or panick everything will be back to normal soon.

Happy reading. 


March 6, 2021: DarkHuntsman
Posted by Brynmor





"Chapter 26"


Project New Dawn and Project New Horizon


"Seven: Basilisks, Birthdays and Cases"


Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy


It's reading time!

February 28, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor


Update Detected!


"Six:Summer Happenings"


Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy


February 26, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor


Update Detected!


"Chapter 34 Pain and Suffering"


Dante, My Inferno


Read on. Enjoy, I will catch up once I get sleep!


February 25, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor



"Five: Family Matters"


Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy

February 23, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor


Myke D

"16 - The Changing"


The Touch - Volume 1: The Void

February 21, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor

laughing Updates laughing


Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy

"Four: Blood is thicker than Water"



February 17, 2021: Wow what a Chapter Name!
Posted by Brynmor

Howdy Everyone!



has again graced us with another chapter from:

Harry Potter and The Black's Family Legacy


But I think this is the longest chapter name I have seen in a while.

"Three: Families are like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one."


PS DarkHuntsman, I am not picking on the name. 

But I am going to go read it as soon as I finish this post. 


Remember, you can always contact the Authors on the Annex, to let them know how you like the story.

Happy Reading!


February 11, 2021: Forgotten Content
Posted by Brynmor

Hey everybody, 

Be sure to check other site links located under the Features Menu.

Especially since we have added a link for Myke D's site!

Have Fun and Enjoy!

February 11, 2021: New Story Detected!
Posted by Brynmor

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Blacks

by DarkHuntsman

"One: Winds of Change"



February 3, 2021: Updates!!!!
Posted by Brynmor

Its Warm Thoughts Wednesday!

Only because mother nature gave us cold weather!


Oops, back on subject;




"Chapter 25"


Project New Dawn and Project New Horizon


Here is a link to the reader notes, if your like me and have to check which version is which.

Reader Notes


Have an Awesome Day and Enjoy!



 PS this story might leave you hanging around for more. So please, either reach out to DarkHuntsman and let them know you like the story and want more. Or if you would like to reach out to the Cliff Hanger Police for assistance you're more than welcome to contact them. 



January 31, 2021: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor

It's that time again!

What time you might ask?




"Chapter 7" from Gifts


"Chapter 16" from Expanding Horizons

Happy Reading!

January 24, 2021: Current Updates for Jan. 2021
Posted by Brynmor

January 2, 2021: 1 Million Total Views for the Annex
Posted by Brynmor

Today the Annex has reached:

One Million Total Views for the stories contained on the site.



To all the Authors for your great content, 

And to our Readers for reading with us at The Annex!

Thank You


January 1, 2021: Chapter Detected !
Posted by Brynmor

Happy New Year




"Chapter Eight: Beware the Dragon" from Life Renewed


As We begin the new year the best thing someone posted on a billboard today says it all. 


First new rule of 2021,

We don't speak of 2020!


However, as this year draws to a close. We must remember even at six feet apart to stick together to make it through.

Let our hearts guide us through everything going on in our world.

Remember to care for others. But don't forget you must take care of yourself as well.

Remember a Mask isn't just for Halloween, but to help keep everyone safe.


December 25, 2020: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor

Happy Holidays!


Jeff P.

"Joey's First Christmas Tree, A Clan Short Christmas & A Trip to Denny's 


Joey's First Christmas Tree, A Clan Short Christmas & A Trip to Denny's


The Story Lover & Jeff P.

"The Night Before Christmas TSL, JP" from The Night Before Christmas 2020 TSL, JP


The Story Lover

"Is Santa Claus Real? TSL" from Is Santa Claus Real? TSL


Myke D.

"A Touched Christmas" from A Touched Christmas ~ MD

"Chapter 5" from The Lost Souls


Zarek Dragon

"Christmas with Charlie ~ 2020" from Christmas with Charlie 2017-2020


Happy Holidays!

Enjoy the latest additions at Brynmor's Annex and check in with our Fort Family Sites for even more stories and updates!

Happy Reading!




December 21, 2020: Christmas 2020 Short Story Event Deadline Update
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Attention Everyone,

Due to my throwing my back out loading Santa's Sleigh, I have moved the Deadline to Wednesday, December 23rd at Midnight PST (Pacific Standard Time). That way my Elven Editing Team and I, will have time to finish their edits and for me to make sure that all the stories get posted on time. Christmas Morning that is.

Have fun writing,

Fred The Elf JPG

December 20, 2020: New Chapter
Posted by Brynmor


"Chapter 31 The Trap" from Dante, My Inferno





December 13, 2020: Mid December Update!
Posted by Brynmor

"Chapter Seven - Brother in Arms" from Life Renewed - Revised by ACFan


"The World Of Gray" from The World Of Gray: Prose by The Story Lover


"Chapter 4" from The Lost Souls by Myke D


Updates get your updates Here at Brynmor's Annex!

Or you can check out the latest updates for the Family Sites Here


November 25, 2020: Chapters Detected
Posted by Brynmor


"Chapter 30 The Hunt Part 2" from Dante, My Inferno

The Story Lover

"Get Off Your A$$ & Do Something!" from Societal Commentaries

Voyagers Authors

"Chapter Thirteen: Escort Service" from Voyagers Book II


"Chapter 12" from Lagniappe

Jeff P.

"Chapter 3" from Commander Kid


November 19, 2020: Chapter Detected !
Posted by Brynmor


This story is something I have been working on in the background for some time.



"First Day Jitters" from Franklin Goes to School

"Chapter 3: Time Moves Forward" from Beginnings 

November 19, 2020: Chapter Detected !
Posted by Brynmor


"Chapter 5: Pull it Together" from Digital Refresh

Happy Reading!

November 18, 2020: Christmas 2020 Short Story Event
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

We have been quarantined here at the North Pole Elf Mask PNG since we are also Social Distancing getting access to our Internet Computer has been daunting, however, I finally succeeded so without further ado here are this year's themes:

What I Want for Christmas, A Dragon Earl Christmas*, A Clan Short Christmas*, Is Santa Claus Real?


The Guidelines are very simple as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 20th at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2020 Christmas Short Story Event.

As always this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred The Elf Avatar JPG

* The Stories A Dragon Earl Christmas & A Clan Short Christmas, would include characters from their individual copyrighted stories and/or universes. Stories written for this event will be considered Non-Canon FanFic, unless the Universe Creators decide otherwise. (Yes, they just may like your work enough to validate it in the actual story universe. It can and has happened before!) Be sure to contact any author before you write their characters into your story, to get their consent. Don't worry, they don't bite...we think.

IMPORTANT: Characters from the following stories are considered Off-Limits by the originating author: Ark, Lost Souls, Out Of The Past, and Joel from Sa'ren is Off-Limits (but you can contact the author about other characters).

November 18, 2020: Chapter Detected !
Posted by Brynmor

Myke D.

"Chapter 3" from The Lost Souls

Read On!

PS this is a very awesome story.

November 15, 2020: Happy Birthday!
Posted by Brynmor

Today we must take a moment and wish the biggest bestest birthday wish ever!


Happy Birthday Akeentia!


Wishing you the Happiest Birthday Ever!


November 15, 2020: New Author Detected
Posted by Brynmor

Attention Annex Readers

The Lost Souls by Myke D has been added to the Annex.



November 15, 2020: Chapter Detected !
Posted by Brynmor


"Chapter 29 The Hunt part 1" from Dante, My Inferno


November 14, 2020: Chapter Detected !
Posted by Brynmor

Hey everyone thought I'd share another chapter with you today.



"Chapter 2: Healing" from Jesse's Story




PS My fingers hurt from all the typing.

November 13, 2020: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor

We have a few updates at the Annex today. 


"Chapter 16" from Fantasy Faire

"Chapter 3" from The Creator's Intent

"Chapter 1" from When I Learned

The Story Lover

"A 3-Way Knockout Punch" from Societal Commentaries

"Get Off Your A$$ & Do Something" from Societal Commentaries


"The Adventure Begins" from Southern Runners


These are the latest updates found. Please check back for more updates. 

PS Enjoy!

 PPS Happy Friday the 13th

October 30, 2020: Updates!
Posted by Brynmor

Updates Detected:


"Chapter 15" from Fantasy Faire

"Chapter 11" from Lagniappe


Jeff P

"Chapter Two" from Commander Kid 


Notations : If you're spending All Hallows Eve (I know Im Early, but some places are going for it tonight.) just waiting for visitation from the local ghouls. Then maybe you should take a minute and catch up on Boudreaux's updates or take a moment and enjoy Jeff P's latest from Commander Kid (VRI). Just remember to be safe tonight if you are getting out and spooking around. Remember to use the buddy system, and watch out for the real creapers. 



*VRI = Very Interesting Read


September 30, 2020: Yikes!
Posted by Brynmor

New Chapter Detected from

Jeff P.


"Chapter One" from Commander Kid by Jeff P




September 29, 2020: Chapter Detected !
Posted by Brynmor

"Chapter Twenty: And the Winner is..." from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon



September 24, 2020: New Chapters
Posted by Brynmor

"New Chapters?"


"Chapter Six" from Life Renewed - Revised by ACFan

"Rain Showers Bring Meadows of Wildflowers." from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover

September 15, 2020: Chapter Detected !
Posted by Brynmor

"Chapter 24" 


Project New Horizon and Project New Dawn




September 7, 2020: Almost There
Posted by Brynmor

Looks like we are just a few days away from 1 Million reads. 

September 7, 2020: Chapters
Posted by Brynmor

New Chapters

"Chapter Nineteen: What it Means to Me to be American" from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon

"Are Fictional Characters Real?" from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover

"Chapter 14" from Fantasy Faire by Boudreaux

"Chapter 23" from Flea Market Sausage by Boudreaux

"Chapter 5" from Gifts by Boudreaux

"Chapter 10" from Lagniappe by Boudreaux

"Chapter 42: It's a nice day for a White Wedding" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan



May 25, 2020: Scheduled Server Maintenance Notice!
Posted by JeffsFort

Between 2am EST and 6am EST on May 26, the wizards who provide our hosting will be casting a new integrity spell on the rack-mounted totem that contains all of our characters. This is done to ensure not too many of them escape or cause too much havoc on our realm. It may be difficult to reach the sites with your computer as they perform this ritual but if you are able to peer into ethereal realms, you shouldn’t have a problem. If not, I'd suggest you use your own wizardry and save a few chapters locally to get you through.

This ritual should take about 30 minutes for most of our sites. Maybe about a DAY for The Story Lover's Home as Dragons are much more difficult to contain and really do like messing with the wizards. <snicker> 

We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, both in lost reading time and should you become overrun with the group who plans out this time of year to escape normally. Our hopes and gratitude go out to the wizards tasked with this responsibility!

May 24, 2020: Checking in.
Posted by Brynmor

Just checking in. 

   This has been a crazy time between working from home, to having a small stroke over the past week. I am fine but it is taking some time to actually get past not being able to clearly say what my mind is thinking or understanding what people are trying to convey. Like everything in life nothing is guarenteed so remember to step out of the comfort zone and meet new people when its safe to, learn to laugh at mistakes and errors, and learn we are together in life.


May 24, 2020: May Updates
Posted by Brynmor

May brings wonderful things. 

Warmer weather

and new


"Chapter Ten: Shakedown D2" from Voyagers Book II by Voyager Authors

"Chapter 2" from The Creator's Intent by Boudreaux

"Chapter 23" from Project New Dawn and Project New Horizon by DarkHuntsman

"Chapter 40 - ... and a step to the right" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan



May 24, 2020: March - April Updates
Posted by Brynmor

I know a little late. 


Latest Chapters


"Chapter 12" From Fantasy Faire and "Chapter 15" from Expanding Horizons

Voyagers Authors

"Chapter 9 Shakedown D1" from Voyagers Book II

The Story Lover

"Why Did You Leave?" from Societal Commentaries


"Chapter 20" from Project New Horizon and Project New Dawn


"Think Safe" from Let's Work Together as One

True Fan

"Chapter Eight: High Desert Rescue" from FCS: Las Vegas


"Chapter 21" from Project New Horizon and Project New Dawn

The Story Lover

"The Dream" from Societal Commentaries


"Chapter 28 Christmas in July" from Dante, My Inferno

Jeff P

"I had a realization..." from Goodby Angel


"Alex's Opgrowth Job sheets" from Project New Dawn and Project New Horizon: Extras

"Chapter 22" Project New Dawn and Project New Horizon

"RAVENSCROFT FARM" from Project New Dawn and Project New Horizon: Extras


So Thats March and April

I just wanted to add, I hope everyone is staying safe. I only want the best for our readers and authors.




March 2, 2020: Voyagers Duty Roster
Posted by Brynmor

Update found!

Voyagers Book II

"Duty Roster ~ SS Endurance" by Voyagers Authors


February 27, 2020: Updates !!!! !!!!
Posted by Brynmor

UPDATE Detected!

The Story Lover

Has graced us with more Societal Commentaries!

"Our Digital & Electronic Prisons" and "The Dearth or Death of Common Courtesy"



February 24, 2020: Updates are here
Posted by Brynmor







"Chapter 27 Going Home" from Dante, My Inferno


Voyagers Authors

"Chapter Eight: Final Preparations" from Voyagers Book II


Enjoy! The adventure continues!



February 13, 2020: just around the corner
Posted by Brynmor

Heads up for everyone who hasn't had a chance to check your calendar!

Tomorrow is Valentines Day!


February 6, 2020: Voyagers Update!
Posted by Brynmor

Chapter Update!


Voyagers Authors

"Chapter Six: Pre-Launch" and "Chapter Seven: Embarking"


Voyagers Book II

by Voyagers Authors



February 4, 2020: Latest Updates
Posted by Brynmor

Silence is neither golden or bliss, no matter what anyone tells you. 


    Everyone, I just want to appologize for the silence. Between the real life events and issues which have appeared I truly appologize. 

    And Now to the updates. 

"Schaffer Home Remodeled Walkthrough Movie" from Miscellaneous Not Catalogued Media by ACFan

"Chapter 38 - Recovery Multiplied" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan

"A Note To Readers By ACFan" from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover

"How to Pi$$ Off A Site Owner Or Author" from Societal Commentaires by The Story Lover

"Chapter 26 The Power of Friends" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes

"Chapter 39 - GUMBO!" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan

"Chapter 39-B Intermission" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan

"Chapter 36" from Dear Diary by Boudreaux

"Monsters Are Real! AKA Listen Closely by Christina Brinsley" from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover

"A Note To Readers and Authors, From TSL" from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover. 


Alright everyone, I gots to go and head back to work. Read on and have fun.


December 28, 2019: Latest Chapters
Posted by Brynmor

Latest Chapters!

"Chapter 14" from Expanding Horizons by Boudreaux

"Chapter 8" from Lagniappe by Boudreaux

"Chapter Nineteen" from Project New Dawn by DarkHuntsman

"Chapter 19" from Project New Horizon by DarkHuntsman

"Chapter 25 Coming Together" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes

"Goodbye Angel" from Goodbye Angel by Jeff P.

"Christmas With Tyler ~ TF" from Christmas With Tyler ~ TF by True Fan

"Christmas with Charlie ~2019" from Christmas with Charlie 2017-2019 by Zarek Dragon

"The Charge of the Tribble Brigade ~ Ilu" from The Charge of the Tribble Brigade ~ Ilu by Iluvantir

"All I Want For Christmas ~ JP" from All I Want For Christmas ~ JP by Jeff P.

"All I Want For Christmas Is ~ TSL" from All I Want For Christmas Is ~ TSL by The Story Lover



December 22, 2019: Christmas Short Story Event Submissions Due Tonight
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

Don't forget your submissions are due tonight. 

And don't worry if you don't receive an acknowledgement right away there is a bad cold bug sweeping through the North Pole, but have no fear we will get all of the submissions posted on Chrismas Day.  (Since we may be sleeping and not watching our inbox ((hint, hint) your late entries juts might get posted.) Unfortunately, due to our bad cold, we won't be able to edit any of the submissions.

The Themes for this year's Christmas Short Story Event are as follows:  All I Want For Christmas Is, What Christmas Means To Me, and My Favourite Denny's® Christmas.

The Guidelines are very simple as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 22nd at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2019 Christmas Short Story Event.
  7. If you need suggestions just email ACFan

As always this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred Avatar JPG

December 15, 2019: Christmas Short Story Event Submissions Due In Eight Days
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Carolers Small PNG

Dear Readers and Authors,

This is just a friendly reminder that the Christmas Short Stoy Event Submissions are due by Midnight December 22nd PST.  So get the keyboards working and write your Christmas Short Story Masterpiece. ACFan is trying to find time to write bout what he calls a Grand Slam Pizza?

In case you forgot this year's themes are: All I Want For Christmas, What Christmas Means to Me, and My Favourite Christmas at Denny's®.  And yes you can combine the themes into a single story, just make it longer than 500 words give or take a gazillion.

Have fun writing, and don't forget this event is open to everyone, so spread the word!

Here is the email address to submit your stories to with the subject, your story title with your initials appended.

Happy writing,

Fred Avatar PNG

December 4, 2019: 2019 Christmas Short Story Event ~ A Treasury of Christmas Stories ~ Official Announcement
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

The Themes for this year's Christmas Short Story Event are as follows:  All I Want For Christmas Is, What Christmas Means To Me, and My Favourite Denny's® Christmas.

The Guidelines are very simple as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 22nd at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2019 Christmas Short Story Event.
  7. If you need suggestions just email ACFan

As always this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred Avatar JPG

November 28, 2019: A Brother For Thanksgiving Short Stories & More Now Live!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

Thanks to all of you that submitted your Short Stories including a  first time F.R.E.D. submitter Talo Segura.

We have submissions from Crazy Cajun, Talo Segura, ACFan, Art  West, Ilúvantír, Paul Shroder, JeffsFort, Zarek Dragon, True Fan, Jonah Timoty Campbell-Forte & Timmy Short, and  Neal Richards & 'Goos'. Those were the authors that stayed within the guidelines, well sorta.

With a little bit of electronic trickery, we also have 'Welsh' versions of ACFan and Ilúvantír's stories. We can't guarantee the accuracy of those versions.

It seems that Mr. TSL decided that it wasn't Thanksgiving without a, Denny's® Story so he submitted one. However, it isn't included in this year's Fall 2019 Short Story Universe as it doesn't fit the guidelines by a country mile.

Before I forget this is ACFan's first solo Event Submission and it is one that you won't easily forget.

Happy Reading and Happy Thanksgiving,

Fred Avatar JPG

Folks what Fred forgot to mention was that this was the second-largest event in Fort Family History! Thanks to everyone that submitted a Short Story.

All of the submissions and a lot more are available at F.R.E.D. so don't forget to visit him. ;)

Happy reading,


November 28, 2019: Back to local notifications
Posted by Brynmor




"Chapter 24 Class and the Cat" from Dante, My Inferno 



"Chapter 18 " from Project New Horizon 

"Project New Dawn Chapter Eighteen" from Project New Dawn


The Story Lover

"The Power of Words" from Societal Commentaries




November 28, 2019: Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Brynmor

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving! 

Fred DeElve and The Story Lover have been extremely busy over @ F.R.E.D. they have posted all of the Thanksgiving Story Event Submissions for your reading pleasure. 

Just remember to send the authors comments about their stories. When you comment its like adding fuel to the fire of their creative writing and entice them to write more for your reading pleasure. 




November 11, 2019: Updates !!!! !!!!
Posted by Brynmor

Good Day!

Boudreaux has updates!

"Chapter 7" from Lagniappe

"Chapter 12" from Finding My Way Home: Book 3 - Home Life


November 10, 2019: A Brother For Thanksgiving Update & More
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

There are only sixteen days left to get your Fall Short Story Event submission written. All submissions are due by Midnight PST on November 25th. The theme is A Brother for Thanksgiving. So get busy writing.

Now for the 'More':

This year's Christmas Short Story Event has Three Themes, yes you read that right Three Themes! The themes are as follows: All I Want For Christmas Is, What Christmas Means to Me, and My Favourite Denny's® Christmas. 

The Guidelines are very simple as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Sunday, December 22,d at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2019 Christmas Short Story Event.
  7. If you need suggestions just email ACFan

Happy Writing,

Fred Avatar JPG

November 6, 2019: November Update!
Posted by Brynmor

Hello Everybody, 

It seems someone has added a new poem to the site. 

Ding, Ding, Ding, You are correct if you guessed "The Story Lover"!!!!

"Prophecy of the Dragon Lords" from Dragon Earl: Prophecy of the Dragon Lords ~ A Poem by The Story Lover



October 20, 2019: Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

It's Alive!


"I Let the Light In, and I Am Glad!" from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover

Enjoy this weekend!


October 12, 2019: 2019 Fall Short Story Event ~ A Brother For Thanksgiving ~ Update and Oops
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

First the Oops, it seems that I inadvertently left off an important piece of information in the guidelines for this event, so here it is: All submissions should be titled A Brother For Thanksgiving XX with the Xs being the author's initials.  For example, my story would have the filename of A Brother For Thanksgiving FTE,for Fred the Elf. Yes, I know my initials have three letters, but I didn't want to use three Xs for obvious reasons.

Now on to the update,  so far we have three entries and they are all completely different, and I do mean completely different, in fact, one of the authors followed the instructions, 'be as crazy with your ideas as you want' to the extreme. It is a fanciful piece of twisted imagination, so fanciful in fact that I hope we don't get any more like it. ;)

Some of you may never eat Pizza again after reading this story.Winking Image PNG

Readers don't forget that this event is open to you as well if you have ever wanted to write a story this is your chance. In fact, several of our Fort Family Authors got their start as authors in one of these events. So give it a try, you just might be amazed by the results.

Happy writing,

Fred the Elf

Fred The Elf Avatar JPG

October 11, 2019: I seem to be falling behind.
Posted by Brynmor

"Chapter Two: New Friends" from Dragon Earl: Horus and Tana - A Prequel by The Story Lover

"Chapter Eighteen: On Trial" from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon

"Chapter 23 The Meeting" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes 

"Chapter 11" from Finding My Way Home: Book 3 - Home Life by Boudreaux

"Chapter 13" from Expanding Horizons by Boudreaux



October 5, 2019: 2019 Fall Short Story Event ~ A Brother For Thanksgiving
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

I am proud to announce that we have a theme for the 2019 Fall Shor Story Event ~ A Brother For Thanksgiving.

The setup: On the day before Thanksgiving, while I was in the kitchen preparing my son Patrick's after-school snack, Patrick came home and another kid with him. Instead of saying his usual 'Hi Daddy, I'm home', his greeting nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Hi Daddy, this is my new Brother, Ben!"

  1. The same guidelines apply the Short Story should be between 500 and 15,000 words, be as crazy with your ideas as you want. The main thing is to have fun writing the story. 
  2. This event is open to any reader or author that wants to enter, Non-Fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  3. Submissions are due by Monday, November 25th, all submissions will be posted on Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28th.
    1. By Midnight PDT ~ Both  of Goofy's hands are pointing straight up, for you 24-hour people 0:00 Give or take 5,000 seconds
  4. All submissions should be sent to 2019 Fall Short Story Event.
  5. The title of the story should be A Brother For Thanksgiving. with the Author's Initials appended to it.

Happy writing,

Fred Avatar JPG

September 6, 2019: The DarkHuntsman has struck again!
Posted by Brynmor

Hey there it looks like the DarkHuntsman has snuck in during the week and added a chapter for two stories!

Project New Dawn / Project New Horizon - "Chapter 17" 

It's alive! 


August 31, 2019: Month End Update
Posted by Brynmor

Hello all, I know its been a while. 

Here are the Updates!


"Chapter 37 - Meltdown" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan

"Chapter Sixteen" from Project New Dawn by DarkHuntsman

"Chapter 16" from Project New Horizon by DarkHuntsman

"Chapter Seventeen: Going Home" from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon

"Chapter 21 Changes" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes

"Chapter Forty A: Home for the Holidays" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

"Chapter Forty B: Home for the Holidays" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

"Chapter 11" from Fantasy Faire by Boudreaux

"Chapter 6" from Lagniappe by Boudreaux

"Chapter 22 A Home Cooked Meal" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes


August 11, 2019: Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

"Chapter 5" from Lagniappe by Boudreaux

"Chapter 37 - Meltdown" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan

"Chapter Sixteen" from Project New Dawn by DarkHuntsman

"Chapter 16" from Project New Horizon by DarkHuntsman

"Chapter Seventeen: Going Home" from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon


July 15, 2019: Beginning the week off right! Chapter Updates
Posted by Brynmor

Chapter Update Detected

"Chapter 9" from Twist Of Time by Boudreaux

"Chapter 35" from Dear Diary by Boudreaux


July 8, 2019: Voyagers Update!
Posted by Brynmor

Update Detected!


"Chapter Thirty-Nine: Earthbound" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

"Voyagers Universe: Earth  History" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors


July 6, 2019: Update!!!!
Posted by Brynmor

Update Detected

"Chapter 5" from Life Renewed - Revised by ACFan



July 4, 2019: Happy 4th to everyone celebrating in the states!
Posted by Brynmor

Chapter Detected

"Chapter 20 Checkmate, For Now" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes


June 27, 2019: Pre Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

Update Detected!


"Chapter Sixteen" from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon



June 23, 2019: Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

Story Update Detected

"Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Hawking" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors


Site Update:

Thank you to all of our readers and authors because of you, our site has hit 501,816 reads this weekend. 



June 15, 2019: Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

Weekend Update

Story Update

"Chapter 19 Enter The Evil Queen" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes



Everyone have a great weekend and remember to keep sending positive energy to Truefan. 

June 9, 2019: Sunday Update
Posted by Brynmor

Sunday Updates

"Those You've Met" from Aezareth by Zarek Dragon

"Chapter Seven: Life Goes On" from FCS: Las Vegas by True Fan

"Project New Dawn Chapter 15" from Project New Dawn by DarkHuntsman


June 6, 2019: Story Updates
Posted by Brynmor

As we slide closer to the weekend here are the updates:

"Chapter 18 Healing" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes

"Chapter Fifteen: Sebastian" from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon

"Words To Live By" from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover

"Pride Day ~ Good Bad or Indifferent? ~ Revised" from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover

"Chapter Thirty-Seven: Chasing Stray Cats" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors


May 27, 2019: Spring Short Story Event ~ A Story Mashup ~ Is Now Live!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

We have three fantastic stories from the Spring Short Story Event ~ A Story Mashup; available now for your reading pleasure.

We have The Lost Dragon Down Under Memories, by The Story Lover.

Next, we have A Penny On The Dragon, by Jeff P.

And finally, by Zarek A. Dragon, we have Another Voyager.

Dragon, Dragon, and Dragon; coincidence, maybe, or maybe not?

Happy reading,

May 27, 2019: Boudreaux Updates
Posted by Brynmor

Happy Memorial Day

For those readers in the US


As the day begins, Boudreaux hits us up with four updates:

"Chapter 22" from Flea Market Sausage

"Chapter 12" from Expanding Horizons

"Chapter 10" From Fantasy Faire

"Chapter 4" from Gifts


Have a great day everyone




May 25, 2019: Lets Kick the weekend off right!
Posted by Brynmor

Friday Story Updates

"Interlude: The Way of Draconis" from Dragon Earl: Book Two ~  Their New Life by The Story Lover

" Chapter 17 The Ambush" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes

Take a seat, sit back and enjoy the read!


May 24, 2019: Official Deadlines Approaching For The Spring Short Story Events
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Attention Readers and Authors,

The Official Deadline for the Spring Short Story Mashup Event is Midnight Pacific Daylight Time, (Both of Mickey's hand are pointing straight up) So don't forget to get your submissions in.

The Official Deadline for our Second Spring Short Story Event ~ Pride Day ~ Good Bad Or Indifferent is now Midnight PDT Memorial Day May 27, 2019. Yup, you have an extra three hours to pen your masterpiece(s)

Our Production Team is ready and waiting, so send those submissions in to Subject the appropriate Spring Short Story Event.

Happy writing,


May 21, 2019: Update! Ahoy!
Posted by Brynmor

Updates for May 21st 2019

"Chapter Thirty -Five: Overreaction" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

"Chapter 36 - The Bear Arises" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan


Remember please email your authors to let them know how much your enjoying their stories. 



May 15, 2019: Happy Wednesday!
Posted by Brynmor

 Happy Wednesday Everybody!

     As the weekend moves closer, we celebrate Wednesday for bringing us that much closer! 

           Thank You Wednesday!


Now for the Real Update!


"Chapter 10 " from Finding My Way Home: Book 3 - Home Life

By Boudreaux

Have fun reading everyone!

Keep the Tissues near by for this chapter!


May 14, 2019: Chapters are here!
Posted by Brynmor

Chapter Detected!

BillyYes - Dante, My Inferno - "Chapter 16 Riding to the Rescue"

Enjoy reading!


Remember to email our author about their stories. Feed back is always welcome. 


May 12, 2019: Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

Sunday May 12th 2019

Happy Mothers Day!

Current updates are:

"Duty Roster ~ Those on Earth" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors




May 3, 2019: Our Second Spring Short Story Event ~ Pride Day - Good, Bad, or Indifferent
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Posted by Fred DeElve

Pride Day - Good, Bad, or Indifferent:

Do you celebrate it? Should it be Celebrated? Why or Why Not? How Do you Celebrate it? We are looking for insightful words about something that has a lot of people talking about it.

All entries should be in by Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2019, at 9:00 PM PDT (give or take a day or three.)

Entries should be between 500 to 15,000 words give or take.

Send your submission to Spring Short Story Pride Event.

Stories will be posted on June 1, 2019, the start of Pride Month.

Happy Writing,

May 1, 2019: Spring Short Story Event Reminder
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Fred asked me to post this reminder:

Posted by Fred DeElve

What is it? Well, you take two different stories by two different authors (The Fine Print - They can be the same author if you want.), put them together and run with it. As always, you must have permission from the authors involved to use their story and characters. For Example - Sentenced to Haven, Dragons Across Space, The Operant Unconscious Memories, Another Priorities, or you can create your own title. However, you do need to give attribution to the authors whose stories you are combining. Have fun go wild and crazy. Did I say have fun yet? Yeah, do that!

I will post stories Monday, May 27, 2019, on Memorial Day.

  1. All entries should be in by Friday, May 24, 2019, at 9:00 PM PDT (give or take a day or three.)
  2. Entries should be between 500 to 15,000 words give or take.
  3. Send all submissions to Spring Short Story Event.

Happy Writing,

Fred De Elf JPG

April 24, 2019: Still more Pre Wednesday Updates! Sheesh
Posted by Brynmor

Voyagers Authors Update



  1. "Aliens Encountered" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors 
  2. "Duty Roster~ SS Sooloo" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

Stand by for more updates!


April 23, 2019: Tuesday Pre-Humpday(Wednesday) Update
Posted by Brynmor

Pre Wednesday Update

"Chapter 15 Meeting the Parents II" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes

"Words To Live By" from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover

Remember to send a email to our authors,

Letting them know how much you like

Their Story's. Encorage them to 

write more or let them know

How much you appreciate


Have a Great Day!



April 20, 2019: Saturday Update
Posted by Brynmor

   It's that time again, time for another weekend update. Who should start the weekend update off? Thats easy, The Story Lover has kicked off the update for this weekend. 

"Who Will Answer?" from Societal Commentaries by The Story Lover

"Chapter 9" from Fantasy Faire by Boudreaux

"Chapter Thirty-Four: Returned" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

"The Families Aboard" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors.


April 17, 2019: Wednesday Morning Post
Posted by Brynmor


April 17th


Updates for the week. 

"Chapter One" from The Music in the Painting by Juju

"Duty Roster ~ SS Sooloo" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

"Chapter 14 Oh So Serious" from Dante, My Inferno by BillyYes



April 9, 2019: Monday Night Update
Posted by Brynmor

Monday Night

Nothing like Monday Night Updates

"Chapter Thirty-Three: Communications" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

"Chapter Fifteen" from Project New Horizon by DarkHuntsman

"Glossary" from Voyagers by Voyager Authors


Time to take a break from real life.

Sit back and relax



Read these delightful updates. 




April 7, 2019: Weekend Update!
Posted by Brynmor

Time for another weekend update!

This weekend brings us more to read from BillyYes and Juju.

BillyYes - Dante, My Inferno - "Chapter 13 Did I Say Yes"

BillyYes - Dante, My Inferno - "Chapter 14 Oh So Serious"

Juju - The Music in the Painting - "Chapter Twenty"

Juju - The Music in the Painting - "Chapter Twenty-one"


Have fun.



April 2, 2019: Spring Short Story Event ~ A Story Mashup:
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Posted by Fred DeElve

What is it? Well, you take two different stories by two different authors (The Fine Print - They can be the same author if you want.), put them together and run with it. As always, you must have permission from the authors involved to use their story and characters. For Example - Sentenced to Haven, Dragons Across Space, The Operant Unconscious Memories, Another Priorities, or you can create your own title. However, you do need to give attribution to the authors whose stories you are combining. Have fun go wild and crazy. Did I say have fun yet? Yeah, do that!

I will post stories Monday, May 27, 2019, on Memorial Day.

  1. All entries should be in by Friday, May 24, 2019, at 9:00 PM PDT (give or take a day or three.)
  2. Entries should be between 500 to 15,000 words give or take.
  3. Send all submissions to Spring Short Story Event.

Happy Writing,

Fred De Elf JPG

April 1, 2019: 400K Views
Posted by Brynmor


I want to give all my Readers and Authors a big Thank You. 

All this in less than 19 months since the update of the site in 2017. 

Thank You


March 31, 2019: Fort Family Announcement
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi Family!

As one of our favorite holidays is right on top of us, I'm afraid our plans for it have been unavoidably put off. We got an announcement from our hosting service that there will be some much-needed maintenance being performed on the machines that we rely on for hosting. Which means we can expect intermittent outages throughout the day. Now at first, we thought "Hmmm... Maybe THIS was intended as an April Fool's joke..." before we considered how serious our hosting service takes their job. So, even though all year long we have been planning something a bit out there to make up for missing past April Fool's opportunities, we regretfully need to let it go this year. For those of us who think THIS is an April Fool's joke, we have trained you well but, this year that training will not serve you as well as it should. <giggle>

I also want to remind you all that tomorrow, our hosted author "Garrett D.M." ships out to boot camp with the United States Army. I hope you all were able to send him off with good wishes and I personally can't wait to hear some of the stories he comes home with. Those of you who would like to send him a quick message to wish him luck, you can reach him at his listed email: I'm sure he would appreciate knowing that we are all with him in spirit.

Til the next update,
- Jeff P. -


March 28, 2019: Step by step!
Posted by Brynmor



The Music in the Painting

Chapter Nineteen



March 28, 2019: Wednesday Posts
Posted by Brynmor


Today at Brynmor's Annex

The Story Lover send's his warmest regards and some words read:

Societal Commentaries - "Death Came Knocking At My Door: I Sent Him Packing!"

The Woodpecker and I - "The Woodpecker and I"


Warmest Hugs


March 25, 2019: And Later Sunday
Posted by Brynmor


Part II

ACFan - Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them

"Ship Register: FCS Atlantic Fleet"

Billy Yes - Dante, My Inferno

"Chapter 11 The Die is Cast" and "Chapter 12 The Storm"


Hmm, I wonder is this it?

Happy Weekend!


March 24, 2019: Sunday Update
Posted by Brynmor

S u n d a y



Billy Yes - Dante, My Inferno

"Chapter 9: The Wicked Witch" and "Chapter 10: The Calm Before the Storm"

ACFan - Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them

"Chapter 35: Anchors Aweigh"


Wow, this has been a busy weekend!


March 23, 2019: Saturday Update
Posted by Brynmor



"Chapter Thirty-Two: Reflections" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

Have fun and enjoy the adventure!


March 22, 2019: Pre-Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

Happy Friday Morning!

It's almost here!

What's that you ask?

The Weekend !!!!

Oh wait, lets see what updates we have!


Billy Yes - Dante, My Inferno

Chatper 7 "The Surprise"

Chapter 8 "Class and Conversation"

Juju - The Music in the Painting

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen


Thank You

Billy Yes and Juju

For starting this weekend off !




PS Congrats to ACFan and AC's CornerCafe!

Over 3 Million Chapter Reads in 22 Months!!

Everybody get your read on!

March 9, 2019: Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

Weekend Update

"Space Fleet Regulations" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

"Chapter 34: A Family Is Born" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan

"Chapter Thirty-One: Megrez" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors


Happy Reading!


March 5, 2019: Updates, get your updates!
Posted by Brynmor

February 25, 2019: Voyager's Update Available!
Posted by Brynmor

"Chapter Thirty: Destinations Unknown"


by Voyagers Authors


The adventure continue's

at Brynmor's Annex


February 23, 2019: Chapter Update!
Posted by Brynmor

Chapter Update!!!

"Chapter Fourteen: Rescued" from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance

By Zarek Dragon


Happy Reading, 

from Brynmor's Annex.


Remember to write your authors so they know you liked their story!



February 16, 2019: New Chapter Detected!
Posted by Brynmor

The Story Lover

Strikes Again!

" Abandoned At Dennys: A Love Story " from Abandoned At Dennys


Happy Reading!


February 12, 2019: Repair's Complete!
Posted by Brynmor

Project New Dawn and Project New Horizon: Extras

I would like to extend a Huge, Thank You  to 

The Story Lover 

Repairing the broken wiring in the Annex!

February 12, 2019: Stand Up and Cheer! A New Chapter is Here!
Posted by Brynmor

New Chapter Detected!

"Chapter Twenty-Nine: Celebrations" from Voyagers by Voyager Authors

Celebrate, Celebrations and remember to let the Author know your enjoying their work.


Thanks for Reading with us.


February 9, 2019: Shields Up! Shots Fired by The Story Lover
Posted by Brynmor

Read Alert!

The Story Lover H.A.S. fired chapters at the Annex!

Hearts Across Space

"Cover Page"

"Errata VI: The Alexander Class Dreadnought"

"Chapter Eleven - Activation What, Who?"


Please remember to email our authors and share how you liked the story!


February 9, 2019: Read Alert!
Posted by Brynmor

Good Morning

We have a Read Alert!

Juju - The Music in the Painting

"Chapters Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen"


Let's all Go grab either  a cup of Coffee or a Snack, while we Read Juju's latest offerings.


February 3, 2019: Yellow Alert!
Posted by Brynmor

Brynmor's Annex would like to Welcome our newest Author:



Everyone, I would like to ask you extend a warm welcome to Darkhuntsman the newest member of the Annex Family! He is bringing us two of his stories "Project New Horizon" and "Project New Dawn". These stories cover the same story plotline yet show how things can be different by changing the relationships of the characters. 

PS, the following stories had been updated prior to this major story addition:

"Chapter 4" from Lagniappe by Boudreaux - Feb 1st 2019

"Chapter 8" from Fantasy Faire by Boudreaux - January 31st 2019

"Chapter 3" from Gifts by Boudreaux - January 31st 2019

I hope everyone gives Darkhuntsman a proper welcome here at Brynmor's Annex. 

Welcome to the Annex, Darkhuntsman!


February 2, 2019: Triple Play Detected!
Posted by Brynmor

Chapters Detected!


Has brought us three Chapters Today

Lagniappe - "Chapter 4"

Fantasy Faire - "Chapter 8"

Gifts - "Chapter 3"


Happy Reading!


January 25, 2019: Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019 ~ Cupid Won't Give Up! Update
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers and Authors,

This year's Valentine's Day Short Story Event is titled ~ Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019 ~ Cupid Won't Give Up! 

The event starts now and runs through January 31, 2018, for unedited stories and February 7th for edited stories. I will post all stories on Valentine's Day February 14th.

Please send all your submissions (yes multiple submissions are allowed) to  Elfmail <> with the subject of Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019.

If you need an idea of what this event is about check out this really cute Short Video In A Heartbeat it just may spark your muse.

 Happy Reading,

January 23, 2019: Updates! Chapter Updates!
Posted by Brynmor

Updates, Get your chapter updates!


"Cast of Characters" from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon

"Chapter Thirteen: A Sad Goodbye" from Still Another Chance ~ Book Four of Another Chance by Zarek Dragon

"Chapter 7 - A Summer Dream" from Life's Revised Expectations by Kuragari129

"We Don't Need A Wall, But We Do Need:" from Societal Commentaries by the Story Lover

"Chapter Eight" from The Music in the Painting by Juju

"Chapter Nine" from The Music in the Painting by Juju

"Chapter 32: Pancakes and problems" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan

"Chapter 33: Congratulations, it's twins!" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them by ACFan

"Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Attack" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors


Looky at the list above! More chapters to read and adventures to explore!

Brynmor, the missing adventurer!

Brynmor, the work aholic!


January 9, 2019: Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019 ~ Cupid Won't Give Up! Our Valentine's Day Short Story Event For 2019
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers and Authors,

This year's Valentine's Day Short Story Event is titled ~ Cupid's Arrows ~ 2019 ~ Cupid Won't Give Up! 

The event starts now and runs through January 31, 2018, for unedited stories and February 7th for edited stories. I will post all stories on Valentine's Day February 14th.
The Rules:

  1. The short stories must be between 500 words and 15,000 words

  2. The Short Story should be about how Cupid Won't Give Up, as he keeps shooting arrows at someone in the closet.

  3. Many of us have been in this position. Suddenly, your heart reaches out for the one person who you simply can’t risk telling how you feel. When your heart betrays you, can you build up the courage to follow it or do you continue to fight?

  4. This event is open to all readers and authors.

  5. Authors must authorize the Fort Family of Sites, by written permission to host their stories.

So put on your writing caps and get writing, more details to follow.

Happy Reading,


January 8, 2019: New Chapters
Posted by Brynmor

Story Updates

Voyagers Authors - "Chapter Twenty-Seven: Draconia" from Voyagers

Juju - "Chapter Seven" From The Music in the Painting

Voyagers Authors - "Galactipedia" from Voyagers




January 4, 2019: Mid Week Update
Posted by Brynmor

Howdy Everyone!

Updates are as follows:

Jan 1st

William King - "A Short Story..." from Homosexual

Jan 2nd

ACFan - "Chapter 31: I Wanna Know What Love Is" from Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them


Hmm, what a Title... 

oh, have fun reading!


Let's all have fun this year!


January 1, 2019: Happy New Year!
Posted by Brynmor

Happy New Year!!! 

Welcome to 2019!!! 


Thank You!

Readers for allowing us to entertain you.

Authors for allowing us to enjoy your journey's

Editors for helping us to convey things we write to make sense.


Let's all have fun this New Year!



December 30, 2018: Chapter Updates
Posted by Brynmor

We have numerous chapter updates to list off!

Juju - "Chapters Three, Four and Five" from The Music in the Paintings

Voyagers Authors - "Chapter Twenty-Six: Rogue Star ~ Part Two" from Voyagers

Zarek Dragon -"Chapter Twelve: The Camping Trip is Over" from Still Another Chance

Zarek Dragon -"Christmas with Charlie ~ 2018" from Christmas with Charlie

True Fan -"Chapter Twenty-Five: The Trip Is Over" from Priorities - Book Two

Juju -"Chapter Six" from The Music in the Paintings

Lets not forget...

The Story Lover

"Chapter Thirteen B: The Long, Long Awaited Coronation Scene Part Two" from Dragon Earl

I just have to say Two Chapters in one month does not get you off the hook for the long,

long, longer, and even longer still wait on Chapter Thirteen A+B. 

Just giving you a little nudge, so you will remind me of the same!


P.S., I want to Thank Everyone from the Readers to the Writers and all the behind the scene Editors for helping bring the Annex back to life this year. 

Thank You



December 25, 2018: The Christmas Short Story Event Plus One Is Now Live!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

All Nineteen Twenty of this year's Christmas Short Story Event Submissions are now live here on The Fort Readers Event District!

Santa & I owe our author NCNesturfer our most abject and humblest of apologies, I made his story invisible while I checked on some special formatting and in my rush to get all of the chapters posted, I forgot to switch the status to Publish, before I clicked the Save Button.

So please enjoy this latest addition to our Christmas Short Story Event.  This has been our most successful event yet, thank you, authors!

All of these stories will be appearing on their author's Home Site as soon as we get a slight crosslinking issue resolved.

Enjoy all of these amazing stories that the authors have worked hard creating for you, please take a few moments to say thank you by sending them an email.

Happy Reading,


December 25, 2018: The Christmas Short Story Event Is Now Live!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

All Nineteen of this year's Christmas Short Story Event Submissions are now live here on The Fort Readers Event District!

All of these stories will be appearing on their author's Home Site as soon as we get a slight crosslinking issue resolved.

Enjoy all of these amazing stories that the authors have worked hard creating for you, please take a few moments to say thank you by sending them an email.

Happy Reading,

P.S. Thanks to TSL for twisting so many authors arms to get their Short Stories.


December 24, 2018: Sorry for the wait!
Posted by Brynmor

We have chapter updates!

Chapter Twenty-Five: "Rogue Star ~ Part One" from Voyagers by Voyagers Authors

And after a Long



Even Longer Still

"Chapter Thirteen A: The Long, Long Awaited Coronation Scene Part One" from Drogon Earl by The Story Lover.


Don't fret The Annex has changed it name to Brynmor's Annex

We still have the same great content!

The only difference is the



Thanks for Reading


December 16, 2018: Christmas Short Story Event Submission Reminder
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

Next Saturday is the 'official' submission deadline, all of your wonderful Christmas Short Stories 'should' be submitted by Midnight that night.

*** News Flash ***

My nice assistant 'Goos' says that he will fly any late entries directly to my inbox here at the North Pole so if you are close to finishing or even just getting started he will make sure that I get your submission in time to post.

*** End News Flash***

The theme for this years Christmas Short Event is A True Spirit of Christmas, What The Christmas Experience Truly Should Be.  The guidelines are simple all Short Stories should fit the theme or at least be in the neighbourhood. All stories must meet the standard Submissions Guidelines located HERE. The word count should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take three or four (um...thousand? < giggle >). If in doubt Fred takes 'Cinmon Crumbles' as bribes.  Don't forget to give the Fort Family of Sites permission to host your Short Story, also make sure that your Author name & Copyright Date is in your Short Story as well.

All submissions should be submitted by Midnite PST, December 22, 2018, All submissions will be posted on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2018. Send your submissions to Christmas Short Story Event Submissions. Give or take an hour or so.

Happy Writing,

P.S. Thanks to TSL for twisting so many authors arms to get their Short Stories.


December 10, 2018: Server Update
Posted by Brynmor

The sites Server update is complete! Authors may resume posting on the site. 




December 3, 2018: Updates for the week
Posted by Brynmor

Hey there everyone the story updates are as follows,

ACFan - Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them - Chapter 30: Family and Friends.

Boudreaux - Fantasy Faire - Chapter 6

Boudreaux - The Creator's Intent - Chapter 1

Also, Please remember Authors we will be having Server Maintenance Wednesday and Thursday. Please hold off posting till late Friday to be sure everything goes smoothly with the Sever Maintence. We will announce when the maintenance has completed.  

Readers, During the maintenance your ability to read stories should not be affected. 

We once again thank you for your patience and support. 


Happy Reading!

December 3, 2018: Heads up to the Fort Family readers, guests, and authors
Posted by AC

Once again, we will be doing upgrades to our services! (I know, this is becoming a bad habit!) Our server host has offered us an upgrade that is too good to pass up, so on Wednesday, December 5th the sites are going to be undergoing maintenance.

>>   From a reader and guest standpoint, you shouldn't see any problems - there is no anticipated downtime for the sites themselves. There is a slim possibility that you might see a glitch as the DNS servers update, but overall you shouldn't have any impact.

>> Authors, all we ask is that you hold off any posting on Wednesday and Thursday for sure - Friday should be safe, especially later in the day, but if you want to play it safe wait until late in the day Friday.

From all of us in the Fort Family and CSU Productions, I want to thank you for your support and patience as we work to give you the best service possible for your donation dollar.



November 25, 2018: The Christmas Short Story Event Official Announcement
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

The theme for this years Christmas Short Event is A True Spirit of Christmas, What The Christmas Experience Truly Should Be.  The guidelines are simple all Short Stories should fit the theme or at least be in the neighbourhood. All stories must meet the standard Submissions Guidelines located HERE. The word count should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take three or four (um...thousand? < giggle >). If in doubt Fred takes 'Cinmon Crumbles' as bribes.  Don't forget to give the Fort Family of Sites permission to host your Short Story, also make sure that your Author name & Copyright Date is in your Short Story as well.

All submissions should be submitted by Midnite PST, December 22, 2018, All submissions will be posted on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2018. Send your submissions to Christmas Short Story Event Submissions.

Happy Writing,



November 24, 2018: Nov 24th Updates and Welcomes
Posted by Brynmor

Hello everyone, 

I'd like to welcome BillyYes and Juju to The Annex in the Featured Author Section.

So Please, Check out their work and drop them a line.

Updates include:

Juju - That Thanksgiving - "That Thanksgiving"

Kuragari129 - My Life Started After High School - "Chapter 26 - Last Leg of the Race - Sound of your Heart"

Kuragari - Once in a Lifetime - "Chapter 8 - A Get Away"



November 22, 2018: A Thanksgiving Surprise Is Here!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

All of the Fall Short Story Event ~ A Thanksgiving Surprise Stories ~ Are now live and available for your reading pleasure.

To read all of the stories please visit the Fort Readers Event District AKA F.R.E.D.

For those of you that don't celebrate Thanksgiving, you still will find some great reading. To our Canadian readers sorry we are a month and change late for you.

Please let all of our authors know that you have read their stories. This is NCNetsurfer's second Short Story Event and Juju's First, thanks for being part of the event!

Happy Reading,



November 21, 2018: READ Alert!
Posted by Brynmor

Updates for the week. 

Voyager Authors - Voyagers - "Chapter Twenty-Four: Relations + The Crew's Lounge ~ Laughter in Space"

PS, Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Have fun! Enjoy time with friends and family!



November 19, 2018: A Thanksgiving Surprise Submissions Are Now Closed, Maybe
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

Saturday, November 17, 2018, Midnight PST, has come and passed and all eight submissions have been added to the processing queue and will be posted on the morning of Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018

If you haven't quite finished writing your story, however, you are close please submit it as soon as possible, please include a bribe of 'Cinmon Crumbles'.

Happy Reading,



November 13, 2018: Less Than A Week Left To Submit Your Thanksgiving Surprise & A Christmas Announcement
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

There is less than a week left to get your submission for the Fall Short Story Event Submission submitted. Next Saturday at Midnight PST.

The theme for this years Christmas Short Event is A True Spirit of Christmas, What The Christmas Experience Truly Should Be.  The guidelines are simple all Short Stories should fit the theme or at least be in the neighbourhood. All stories must meet the standard Submissions Guidelines located HERE. The word count should be between 500 and 15,000 words give or take three or four (um...thousand? < giggle >). If in doubt Fred takes 'Cinmon Crumbles' as bribes.  Don't forget to give the Fort Family of Sites permission to host your Short Story, also make sure that your Author name & Copyright Date is in your Short Story as well.

Happy Reading,



November 11, 2018: Updates? Hmm!
Posted by Brynmor

Good Morning,

So just this morning we broke the 300K mark on chapter reads for the site and to be honest, I know the site had alot more due to it's age. However, Fourteen Months ago this site had a Retrofit and our numbers were reset. So I just wanted to say, Thank You to all of our Authors and Readers for everything.

Now on to the Updates:

Voyagers Authors - Voyagers - "Duty Roster - SS Endurance"

Boudreaux - Dear Diary - "Chapter 34"


November 7, 2018: Coming soon... the sequel to I'll Kiss You in the Rain
Posted by William King



When you 'come out' it's not always over in one go, sometimes it's more complicated. When you've found the person you love you don't want to be apart, sometimes it's not that easy. Alex and Matty must confront the obstacles thrown in front of them and deal with an episode from the past that they thought was all over, but which comes back with disastrous consequences.

Time May Change Me - the sequel to I'll Kiss You in the Rain - coming soon!!!

William King.

November 3, 2018: Boudreaux has shared the following stories!
Posted by Brynmor

One Last Update for the Night!

Boudreaux has shared the following stories with us. 



Photos in the Mall

Driving His Grandma

The Creators Intent

and Tiny Timmy (Deaths Day Off Short Story)


If you haven't read these great stories then now is the time.


November 3, 2018: Rested Fingers - Time for more Story/Chapter updates.
Posted by Brynmor

Welcome back! Here I go again. Hope no one decides to sneak a post in.


Oct. 23rd

ACFan - Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them - "Chapter 27: Please rewind before returning"

The Story Lover - From a Tiny Acorn To A Mighty Oak, The Story Of Clan Short Universe - "From a Tiny Acorn To A Mighty Oak, The Story Of Clan Short Universe"

The Story Lover - The Gathering, A Story Of Clan Short - "The Gathering, A Story Of Clan Short"

Oct. 28th

ACFan - Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them - "Chapter 28: Past to Present"

ACFan - Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them - "Chapter 29: Eternity Rewound"

Voyagers Authors - Voyagers - "Chapter Twenty-Three: Last Days on New Earth"

Oct. 30th

Willam King - Book One: I'll Kiss You in the Rain - "Chapter 18 - Questions and Answers"

Oct. 31st

Boudreaux - Finding My Way Home: Book 3 - "Chapter 8+9"

Boudreaux - Twists of Time - "Chapter 8"

Boudreaux - Dear Diary - "Chapter 34"

Willam King - Book One: I'll Kiss You in the Rain - "Chapter 19 - Jake and Us"

The Story Lover - Frangol's Flight: A Dragon Earl Universe Short Story - "Frangol's Flight"

Nov 1st

William King - London Bridge is Down - "A Short Story..."


Happy Reading



November 3, 2018: Chapter Update, WOW Holy Cow!
Posted by Brynmor

Hello All and Welcome to the Annex!

Lets see, It looks like some one has bum rushed the site! Look at all these Chapter and Story Updates!

Im listing them by Day!

Oct. 21st

Willam King - Book One: I'll Kiss You in the Rain - "Chapter 16 + 17"

Oct. 22nd aka Memories Anniversary

Multimapper - Myself... In Shattered Reflection 1: New Blood - "Chapter 6"

Boudreaux - Dear Diary - "Chapter 33"

Voyager Authors - Voyagers - "Galactipedia"

ACFan - Memories Part 3: And A Child Shall Lead Them - "Chapter 23: Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Cookies..."

Revised by ACFan - Life Renewed - "Chapters One - Four"

True Fan - FCS: Las Vegas - "Chapter Six: Surprise"

Sorry there are alot of updates giving my poor fingers a rest.




October 31, 2018: Just In Time For Halloween!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

Just in time for Halloween all of the Death's Day Off Short Story Event submissions have now been posted. So visit F.R.E.D. and read them all.

Don't forget to say thank you to our awesome authors by dropping them a short email.

Happy Reading,

Fred Avatar

October 29, 2018: A Thanksgiving Surprise, Update and More!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

We now have seven confirmed submissions for this years Fall Short Story Event, A Thanksgiving Surprise, keep those submissions rolling in. Send your Submissions to A Thanksgiving Surprise.

Thanks to all of you that have sent in your submissions, especially the new authors.

We have also resumed posting the submissions for the Death's Day Off Short Story Event from years past.

Don't forget all of our Short Story Events are open to readers as well as authors to contribute.

We will be announcing the Christmas Event shortly.

Happy Reading,



October 20, 2018: Updates Detected!
Posted by Brynmor

Howdy All, 

I know it's been a while since I have listed all the updated stories.

80+ hrs a week is difficult to balance, but it will be over soon!

Let's See:

MultiMapper - Myself... In Shattered Reflection 1: New Blood - "Chapter 3" - September 24th

Voyagers Authors - Voyagers - "Chapter Twenty-One: The Rescue" - September 25th

William King - Book One: I'll Kiss You in the Rain - "Chapter 15: A Secret Revealed" - September 27th

C.J. Gibb - A Way Out: Book One - "Chapter Thirteen: Father and Son" - September 29th

Kuragari129 - Life's Revised Expectations - "Chapter 6 - Coming Out" - October 5th

Kuragari129 - My Life Started After High School - "Chapter 25 - In With the New - There's Nothing Holding Me Back" - October 5th

William King - Neon - "Chapter Eight - Transduction" - October 5th

William King - Neon - "Chapter Nine - Disambiguation" - October 6th

Multimapper - Myself... In Shattered Reflection 1: New Blood - "Chapter 4" - October 11th

C.J. Gibb - A Way Out: Book One - "Chapter Fourteen: Moving On" - October 14th

Zarek Dragon - The Submariner - "Crew Manifest" - October 15th

Multimapper - Myself... In Shattered Reflection 1: New Blood - "Chapter Five" - October 15th

Voyagers Authors - Voyagers - "Chapter Twenty-Two: On Trial" - October 16th

Wandering Chickens, what a list! So hopefully soon we will return to regular posting schedules on the News Feed!

Sorry for the Delay!

Time to read! 


October 9, 2018: Update & Reminder: 2018 Fall Short Story Event ~ A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers & Authors,

We have received our first entry and it was perfect, it hit the nail right on the head for the theme. So the rest of you get out your keyboards, pen, and or pencils and get writing.

The 2018 Fort Family of Sites Fall Short Story Event's theme is: A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise! ~ You and your family (who do not know you're gay) decide this year to go out for their Thanksgiving Feast. Mid-way through the meal, someone stops by your table. You are horrified to find out it was a guy you just started dating, who doesn't know you're not out to your family...

As usual, this event is open to all readers and authors of the Fort Family Sites, however, if anyone knows of an author from another site that would like to enter this even just ask them to click on the following link Story Submissions. My staff and I would love to see lots of new authors entering this year.

The rules/guidelines are as follows: Must be theme related should be a minimum of 500 words and no longer than 15,000 words. These are not carved in stone, so please submit away. Submissions are due no later than Midnight PDT on November 17, 2018. All submissions will be posted on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018. Please include the theme title: A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise! in the title of your story. In case you forgot the email address for submissions is A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise!

Some pretty amazing stories have come out of the Short Story Events and some wonderful New Authors as well. My Staff and I will be busy posting the previous Fall Short Story Events over the next few weeks. 2007 has been completed and 2008 will be posted shortly.

Happy writing,

Fred The Elf








September 30, 2018: Notice to our Faithful Readers
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to send out a quick notice to let you all know that as a part of our attempt to keep our hosted sites on fast, reliable, and up to date servers, we will be migrating our sites to brand new equipment with up to date software, including an upgraded operating system. We anticipate no operational downtime for our visitors but where we are physically moving, there may be a very short time where DNS servers may be pointing to the old server even after the new servers are brought online.

If you were planning to do a marathon reading session, go right ahead as the only change that may be noticeable would be sites responding slightly faster than usual. By Thursday if you hear nothing from us then it will be back to business as usual for us behind the scenes and you will see progress return to normal.

We will advise if this schedule changes as the request to greenlight the move is being placed tonight.

Here's to as many reliable years on newer equipment.

-Jeff P-
On behalf of DSS Hosting, CSU Productions

September 24, 2018: Weekend Update or is it End of Weekend Update?
Posted by Brynmor

Hello All, 

The following stories have updates, so let's get started.

Boudreaux - Expanding Horizons - "Chapter 11"

C.J. Gibb - A Way Out - "Chapter Twelve - Saturday Dinner"

Multimapper - Parvenu: Book Three - Otherland - "Chapter 14 + 15"

Enjoy the Read and Write the Authors!



September 16, 2018: September 16th Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

Today we have a few updates to mention:

Kuragari129 gave us more of "Life of Phoenix":

Chapter 18 "A Dangerous Game"

Chapter 19 "The Way We Are"

Chapter 20 "Love At It's Finenest"


Multimapper brings us more of his Co - Hosted stories:

Otherland - Parvenu : Book Three - "Chapter 13"

Southseid - BrynnHollow : Book 6 - "Chapter 7"


The Glorious and Honorable Story Lover brings us another wonderful respectable insight from Societal Commentaries :

"You Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover ~ So Don't Judge A Person By Their Skin!"



September 15, 2018: 2018 Fall Short Story Event ~ A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers & Authors,

The 2018 Fort Family of Sites Fall Short Story Event's theme is: A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise! ~ You and your family (who do not know you're gay) decide this year to go out for their Thanksgiving Feast. Mid-way through the meal, someone stops by your table. You are horrified to find out it was a guy you just started dating, who doesn't know you're not out to your family...

As usual, this event is open to all readers and authors of the Fort Family Sites, however, if anyone knows of an author from another site that would like to enter this even just ask them to click on the following link Story Submissions. My staff and I would love to see lots of new authors entering this year.

The rules/guidelines are as follows: Must be theme related should be a minimum of 500 words and no longer than 15,000 words. These are not carved in stone, so please submit away. Submissions are due no later than Midnight PDT on November 17, 2018. All submissions will be posted on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018. Please include the theme title: A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise! in the title of your story. In case you forgot the email address for submissions is A Thanksgiving Dinner Surprise!

Some pretty amazing stories have come out of the Short Story Events and some wonderful New Authors as well. My Staff and I will be busy posting the previous Fall Short Story Events over the next few weeks.

Happy writing,

Fred The Elf









September 11, 2018: New Chapters by C.J. Gibb!
Posted by Brynmor

Chapter Alert!

Wait maybe it should be Chapters Alert!

Chapters 10 + 11 of "A Way Out" by C.J. Gibb have been added!

Have fun reading!


P.S. The Annex has updated Boudreaux's story "Twist's of Time" to show it in the CSU Universe.

September 8, 2018: The Annex Week in Review!
Posted by Brynmor

Week in Review for the Annex.

Life's Revised Expectations - "Chapter 5 - A Break Down" - Kuragari129

Voyagers - "Chapter Twenty: The Search" - Voyagers Authors

Life of Phoenix - "Chapter 16 - The Aftermath" - Kuragari129

Life of Phoenix - "Chapter 17 - Outed" - Kuragari129

Hope everyone is well!

Brynmor (The nearly free)


September 1, 2018: The Midsomer Short Story Event Submissions Are Live!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

The Midsomer Shory Event with the theme of A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object has arrived and the submissions are now live. The Authors and their stories will be listed in alphabetical order, that is except for the very first story, and you will see why that is.

We have a New Author today with his first entry, so please welcome NCNetsurfer and his story about a well-polished object,  A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object: A Pet Rock.

Art West has brought us two stories, one with a British feel and one with a twist in the name,  first, we have A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object: Being Close, and second A Day In The Life Of Matt.

Beldro Mercier brings us a bit of fantasy with, A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object: Through the Looking Glass.

DouglasDD has decided to tickle your fancy with his story, A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object: Keying In.

The Story Lover also has brought us two entries, his first is a whimsical look into the wild and woolly world of punctuation surprisingly enough titled, A Day In The Life Of Ugo The Umlaut, followed by a foray into the bountiful word of a nature travelogue with, A Day In The Life Of 'Cap'.

Don't forget to thank the authors for the hard work by dropping them a short email, and please extend a warm welcome to our Newest Author NCNetsurfer.

Happy reading,

Fred The Elf










August 29, 2018: Co Hosted Author Update!
Posted by Brynmor

Hello Everyone, 

Today looks like Multimapper's Parvenu - Book Three - Otherland has received updates. 

Chapters 10, 11, and 12 are now live on the Annex.

Read on! 


The Mixed up Minion of the Internet.

August 21, 2018: Triple Shot Detected!
Posted by Brynmor

Triple shot detected,

Kuragari129 - Life of Phoenix - Chapters "13 Acceptance, 14 Prom, 15 Nix and Max"

Enjoy! Read on!


August 19, 2018: Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

This weekend we have more from Kuragari129 and William King.

Kuragari129 - My Life Started After High School - Chapter 24 "Out With the Old - Just Found Heaven"

William King - Book One - I'll Kiss You in the Rain - Chapter 13 "Jonathan and Jake"

William King - Book One - I'll Kiss You in the Rain - Chapter 14 "Matty"

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 



August 11, 2018: Yes! There Be UPDATES HERE!
Posted by Brynmor

Hello All, 

I appear to be running late on updates!

Parvenu - "Chapter 9" - Multimapper (Co Hosted Story)

Another Chance - Book Three - "Cast of Characters" - Zarek Dragon

I'll Kiss You in the Rain - "Chapter 10 - Semi-Final Day" - William King

I'll Kiss You in the Rain - "Chapter 11 - In The Park" - William King

I'll Kiss You in the Rain - "Chapter 12 - Brandon" - William King

Life of Phoenix - "Chapter 11 - Preperations" - Kuragari129

Life of Phoenix - "Chapter 12 - Nix's Plan" - Kuragari129

Please remember to share warm thoughts with our authors.



August 9, 2018: Midsomer Short Story Event Update & Corrections
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Authors & Readers,

There is a little over two weeks left for you to get your entries written and submitted. The last day for submissions to be received is Saturday, August 25, 2018, not the 23rd! Posting will begin on Friday, August 31st giving you a four-day reading weekend. At least for the yanks.

Submissions are due by Midnight on the 25th PDT or UTC -7.

Submissions should be between 500 and 15,000 words more or less and the theme is  A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object, we have quite a few submissions already and there is always room for more. This event is open to all Fort Family Site Authors and Readers, you don't have to be an established author to submit an entry. There are quite a few Fort Family Authors that got their start with a Short Story Event. If you need your submission edited just let us know and we will see that your submission gets edited. First-time submitters, please give the Fort Family Sites permission to host your story. As always all submissions remain the property of the submitting author. Always include the appropriate Copyright © Info with all Submissions.

Happy writing,

Fred The Elf

P.S. We will be posting submissions through September 3, 2018, but don't tell anyone.




August 7, 2018: Broken Links From True's Fandom
Posted by The Story Lover :-)


Dear Readers,

Due to a database crash, True's Fandom is down for repairs, due to that fact some stories that are linked from that site will show as blank chapters We will let you know as soon as the site has been repaired and is fully functional. 

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we have taken steps to ensure that this doesn't happen again.

Take care,




August 2, 2018: Midsomer Short Story Event
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

Our latest Short Story Event is called A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object.

The rules are the usual Minimum 500 Words, Maximum 15,000 Words. 

End Submission Date August 23, 2018.

Posting Date August 29, 2018, for the Labour Day Weekend for the Yanks.

All submissions should be sent to elfmail at with A Day In The Life Of An Inanimate Object as the subject. Substitute the @ sign for at and remove the spaces.

Happy writing,









August 1, 2018: New Chapters Posted
Posted by Brynmor

The chapter updates are as follows:


William King - Neon - Chapter 7 "Dysautonomia"

Kuragari129 - Life of Phoenix - Chapter 8 "Lakota's Crush"

Kuragari129 - Life of Phoenix - Chapter 9 "Max's Terror"

Kuragari129 - Life of Phoenix - Chapters 10 "Lakota's Courage"




July 25, 2018: New Chapter Alert!!!
Posted by Brynmor

New Chapters Detected!!!!

Hi All, 

Kuragari129 - Life of Phoenix - Chapters 6 and 7

Read On!


July 22, 2018: Chapter Alert!
Posted by Brynmor

This Week at the Annex:

Kuragari129 - Life of Phoenix - Chapters 3, 4 and 5

William King - I'll Kiss You in the Rain - Chapter 9

Everyone have an awesome weekend!

July 15, 2018: Chapter Alert!
Posted by Brynmor

Surprise! I know the weekend is Almost Up.

Beginnings - Chapter 2: Pain and Loss - Brynmor

PS, I want to thank our Chief Editor for all the Hard Work!

Thanks for everything you do to keep our sites running!


July 15, 2018: Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

This weekend brings us two chapters of:

Kuragari129 - Life of Phoenix

Please everyone have a read and reach out to Kuragari129 and express how you are enjoying the story!



July 12, 2018: A Week in Review!
Posted by Brynmor

Good Afternoon Everyone, 

This week brought us the following updates:

Boudreaux - Dear Diary - "Chapter 32"

To Paraphrase what I have heard about Chapter 32 "Humdinger Ahead, readers beware"

Reference Images - Book 4 Another Chance: Still Another Chance - Zarek Dragon

The lastest chapter in Naruto's Revenge:

"Chapter 8: Gaara" - Naruto's Revenge - Silver Wolf

Please, take a moment and reach out to our authors and let them know exactly what their story means to you!



July 8, 2018: Weekend Update
Posted by Brynmor

Hmm, lets see. 

William King - Book One - I'll Kiss You in the Rain - "Chapter 8 - Answers"

Boudreaux - Dear Diary - "Chapter 32"

Oh, and of course Happy Weekend!

Read On! 


July 7, 2018: Updates Be Here!!!!
Posted by Brynmor

Kuragari129 - Once in a Lifetime - Chapter 7: A Promise is a Promise

The Story Lover - Societal Commentaries - What Is A Name?

And of course we have all of the Event Entries available here at F.R.E.D.

F.R.E.D. is a site, and Fred is the Elf in charge of the site. 


July 4, 2018: The Summer Short Story Event Submissions Are Here!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

Happy Fourth of July to the Yanks.

In the Summer Short Story Parody Event, we have Major Family Parody by The Story Lover, and Sir Garret and Lincoln by True Fan.

For the Summer Short Story Fill In The Blank Event, we have TSL's Fill In The Blank by The Story Lover,  Brynmor - Fill In The Blanks by Brynmor, and Fill In The Blanks Family Secret by Art West.

Don't Forget to let the authors know what you think of their hard work.

Happy reading,








July 3, 2018: New Chapter Alert!!!
Posted by Brynmor


Looks like we have a new chapter from:

William King - Neon - "Chapter 6 Apoptosis"

Happy Reading! 


P.S. The Story Event Stories should be up on July 4th on the Fort Readers Event District or F.R.E.D.  


July 2, 2018: July Update!
Posted by Brynmor

Hmm, just two day's till the Summer Short Stories Event will be posted! 

Also, We have a few updates.


Multimapper - Parvenu: Book Three- Otherland - Chapter 8

Silverwolf - Naruto's Revenge - Chapter 7


Have a Great Day!


July 1, 2018: Summer Short Story Events Deadline Near
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Don't forget that the deadline for submitting your short stories for the Summer Short Story Event is tonight at MIDNITE Pacific Daylight Time for you East Coaster that would be Three AM EDT.

So get your stories written and your requests for Fill In The Blanks in NOW.

All submissions and requests should be mailed to Summer Short Story Parody Event, or Summer Short Story Fill In The Blank Event

All Stories will be posted on July 4, 2018, not July 1 as previously stated!

Happy writing,


P.S. As usual the deadline isn't carved in stone, however, stories will be posted on the morning of July 4th, 2018


June 30, 2018: Late Post
Posted by Brynmor

Hey ya'll I am running a bit late.

C.J. Gibb - A Way Out - Chapter 8

Sorry for the late news post.

Have a great day!



June 24, 2018: Chapter Alert!
Posted by Brynmor

Weekend chapter alert

William King - I’ll Kiss You in the Rain: Book One - Chapter 7 First Time

Enjoy, And please remember to Email our Authors with your feedback!



June 17, 2018: Life Detected! We have new Chapters
Posted by Brynmor

Latest Additions:

A Way Out - C.J. Gibb - Chapters 6 + 7

I'll Kiss You in the Rain - William King - Chapter 5 + 6

Hope everyone is doing well today! 

Happy Father's Day!


June 16, 2018: Summer Short Story Events Update #2
Posted by The Story Lover :-)


The deadline for the Summer Short Story Event is getting closer June 30th is only fourteen days away. 

So get your stories written and your requests for Fill In The Blanks in soon.

All submissions and requests should be mailed to Summer Short Story Parody Event, or Summer Short Story Fill In The Blank Event

All Stories will be posted on July 4, 2018, not July 1 as previously stated!

Happy writing,



June 12, 2018: Parvenu Book 3 Update Today!
Posted by Brynmor

Looks like one of our Co-Hosted stories just had an update released.

Parvenu Book 3 - Otherland by Multimapper has just had Chapters 3 - 7 updated

Check it out


June 9, 2018: Recent Annex Updates
Posted by Brynmor

Recent Updates at the Annex,


William King - "Flash fiction - short story" from The Perfect Pitch

William King - "Chapter 4 - Deception" from Book One - I'll Kiss You in the Rain

Let the reading begin! On your mark, get set, GO!

Remember, Please let the authors know how much your enjoying their work.



June 3, 2018: Happy Anniversary for the Family in Finding my Way Home.
Posted by Brynmor

Hey Everyone, 

Boudreaux has added a new chapter of Finding My Way Home: Book 3 Home Life, which is celebrating its eighteenth year since the first chapter was posted on another site. Also Boudreaux is celebrating fourty years writing and entertaining readers. 

Everyone please reach out to Boudreaux (Email). Lets Celebrate! Read On!


June 3, 2018: Naruto gets even... MWAAAAAH!
Posted by Silver Wolf

Naruto's Revenge has a new chapter today. Enjoy.

May 31, 2018: Attention Attention Activity Detected! New Chapter Found!
Posted by Brynmor

Hello everyone, 

We have new chapters at the Annex today.

William King has added Chapter 3 - Revelations from Book One - I'll Kiss you in the Rain.

Stannie has added Chapter 15 - I Like Being Matt from The Others.

I was just hoping there would be new chapters before the month of June hit. 



May 27, 2018: New Co - Hosted Story!
Posted by Brynmor

Hey Everyone!

DouglasDD has allowed us to post The Real Unreal Dragon on the Annex!

Please Enjoy and Remember to Email or Message DouglasDD on our Discord Chat Channel, Because we all love to hear from our Readers!

Wow, I was afraid we were about to go a weekend without an update. 


May 22, 2018: New Chapter Alert
Posted by Brynmor

Updates are here!

Brynmor - Digital Refresh - Chapter 4

Silver Wolf - Naruto's revenge - Chapter 4

Kuragari129 - Life's Revised Expectations - Chapter 4

Kuragari129 - My Life Started After High School - Chapters 21 - 23

It seems this weekend is the weekend of chapter 4. Read on and have fun.



May 17, 2018: Chapter Updates for Thursday
Posted by Brynmor

Updates Available

William King - Refugee - Chapters 28 - 31!

Brynmor - Digital Refresh - Chapter 4

Can't wait to see who posts a chapter next!

PS Authors need email! Please send them an email. 



May 16, 2018: Twists of Time
Posted by Brynmor

Update !!!!

Boudreaux - Chapter 7  - Twists of Time

I know we are getting ready for the weekend! I know more chapters are going to sneak up on the site!

Bring it on!


May 14, 2018: CSV-DSM Part 2
Posted by Brynmor

Wow, ACFan is getting into the posting party. 

CSV-DSM Part 2. Chapter 8 "Brothers" is now live on the Annex.

PS, time to read!



May 13, 2018: MultiMapper Update
Posted by Brynmor

Good morning, 

Today we are updating our co-hosted stories to include Parvenu on the Annex.

Parvenu - Book 1 - Chapter 1

Parvenu - Book 2 - Chapter 1

Parvenu - Book 3 - Chapters 1 + 2



May 13, 2018: Weekend Review
Posted by Brynmor


Looks like I am running a little behind.

Boudreaux - Fantasy Faire - Chapter 5

Kuragari129 - Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapter 25 + Epilogue

Kuragari129 - My Life Started After High School - Chapters 18, 19, and 20

William King - Refugee - Chapter 26 + 27

William King - I'll Kiss You in the Rain - Chapter 2

Read more chapters. 


May 10, 2018: New Chapter Alert
Posted by Brynmor

Howdy Guys, 

Southern Runners is now live on the Annex. 

Enjoy reading and have a great night!


May 9, 2018: New Story on the Annex
Posted by Brynmor

Hello Everyone, 

There is a new story live on the Annex, Book One of Absolute Beginners.

I'll Kiss You in the Rain - Chapter 1 (An Unknown Country) - William King



Also we have updates to William King's Refugee Chapters 24 and 25.

Also we have  MultiMapper - Book 2: All My Loves - Chapter 1 (Part of the Brynnhollow Universe)


Updates, updates, updates!


May 7, 2018: Late Additions for the Weekend or Early Additions for Monday Morning
Posted by Brynmor

Hello don't Panick,

We are currently Co-Hosting MultiMappers BrynnHollow Stories. 

So you will see a multitude of MultiMappers work appearing all at once.


Also, William King has snuck in another chapter of Refugee - Chapter 23 ( No Comets Seen )


Side note, I enjoy new chapters. So keep posting and Keep Reading! Dont forget to email your authors to let them know you like their stories!!!!



May 6, 2018: Weekend Review
Posted by Brynmor

At the Annex this weekend we have new chapters for the following stories. 

Kuragari129 - My Life Started After High School - Chapters 15, 16, and 17

Kuragari129 - Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapters 23 and 24

William King - Refugee - Chapter 20, 21 and 22

Silver Wolf - Naruto's Revenge - Chapter 3

Even though the weekend is almost over, the journey isnt over.


May 6, 2018:
Posted by Silver Wolf

Naruto's Revenge has  new chapter. Learn  WHO Naruto really is, and the extent of the betrayal.

May 3, 2018: Chapter Alert!
Posted by Brynmor

Tonight, we have a Chapter update and a Poem.

William King - Refugee - Chapter Nineteen (Piraeus)

True Fan - Where are You?

I have read this poem and it has a meaning and it also carries an important message. Maybe, this message will speak to each of our readers, their friends, their family and their family's friends. Today I say a silent prayer for Trevor and his Family. May all our Prayers be heard.


May 2, 2018: What? Where did these Chapters come from?
Posted by Brynmor

So, hrmm. I must have fallen asleep again. 

Stannie - The Others - Chapter 14 (Talking to Sam)

Nick Brady - Carhops - Chapters 9 +10 (Football is King + Nothing Lasts Forever) 

William King - Refugee - Chapter Eighteen (Lost)

So, the moral of the story is: If I make a news post more will be posted. 



April 30, 2018: F.R.E.D. - Fort Readers Event District
Posted by Brynmor

Have you ever wondered what was the current Fort Readers Event? From now on under features on the Annex is a tab for F.R.E.D. If you check this link it will tell you the current event.

So Check F.R.E.D. and join in on the fun!


April 30, 2018: Another Weekend Gone!
Posted by Brynmor

So we concluded this weekend with several stories getting new chapters.

Kuragari   -    My Life Started After High School - Chapters 12, 13, and 14

Kuragari   -    Little Life of Nolan Parks                     - Chapters 21 + 22

Stannie      -    The Others                                                   - Chapter 14

Just because this weekend has left us, don't let your spirits get you down!

I say just look forward to surprises brought to us next weekend.



April 29, 2018: The Weekend is rolling to a stop!
Posted by Brynmor

Just because it is the end of the weekend or close to it, Don't let these stories go unread!

Nick Brady              -             Carhops               -  Chapters 7 + 8

William King         -              Refugee              -    Chapter 16 + 17

William King         -   Les Jardins de la Mendoubia   -   Short Story

Hope you had an awesome weekend! Have Fun!



April 26, 2018: New Chapter Alert
Posted by Brynmor

Congrats everybody we have made it over the hump of wednesday, Which means Weekend here we come! 

Lets start into the new weekend with a new Chapter from Nick Brady.  Chapter 6 (Night Fishing) of Carhops!!!!




April 25, 2018: New Chapter Alert
Posted by Brynmor

Today marks the beginning of the story Beginnings. 

Brynmor - Beginnings - Chapter 1 : Command Level Error

Happy Reading Yall



April 25, 2018: FMS New Chapter Alert
Posted by Brynmor

Can't turn my back for a moment around here with the number of new chapters popping up. 

Boudreaux - Flea Market Sausage - Chapter 21

Also we are now Co Hosting another great story by MultiMapper - Shadeside Parts 1 - 5 are live also for your reading experience.

Reading is an adventure. Choose your adventure and have fun!




April 24, 2018: What? Where did these Chapters come from?
Posted by Brynmor

New Chapters Found!

Please, help find them a home in your digital book shelves. 


William King - Refugee - Chapters 13, 14, and 15

Nick Brady .- Carhops - Chapter 5

Stannie - The Others - Chapter 13


Guys, please take a small moment of your time after reading and let our authors know how much you like their story!


April 23, 2018: Two New Short Story Events
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Folks we are excited to announce our latest Short Story Events! Yes, you read that right I said Events, plural.

The First Event is the Parody Event, you can parody any published story on any of the Fort Family Sites. The standard rules apply, with one additional MANDATORY Rule, you must have written permission from the author whose story you want to parody and that permission must be submitted along with your Short Story. No Permission, No Story!

The Second Event is the Fill In The Blanks Event. You will get the opening paragraph and a middle paragraph and you fill in the rest. The opening paragraph will revolve around the first day as a Senior in High School or a Freshman in College. The middle Paragraph revolves around a party that the main character went to and the morning after when he/she wakes up in their bed in someone else's clothes. The rest of the story is up to you, I will supply the paragraphs to any author that wants to enter this event.

Both Events will end at Midnight PDT on June 30, 2018. All entries will be posted on July 1, 2018, here on F.R.E.D.
The short stories must be between 500 words and 15,000 words,
This event is open to all readers and authors.
Authors must authorize the Fort Family of Sites, by written permission to host their stories.

All submissions and requests should be mailed to Summer Short Story Parody Event, or Summer Short Story Fill In The Blank Event

Happy writing,



April 22, 2018: New Chapters Alert
Posted by Brynmor

Wow what an update I have for you today?

William King - Refugee - Chapters 10, 11, 12

Nick Brady - Carhops - Chapters 3 + 4

C.J. Gibb - A Way Out - Chapter 4 + 5

Kuragari129 - My Life Started After High School - Chapters 9, 10 , 11

Kuragari129 - Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapters 19 + 20

Silver Wolf - Naruto's Revenge - Chapter 2

Total New Chapters      Total Days    

13                          3

Keep it up Guys!

Read On!



April 22, 2018:
Posted by Silver Wolf

Beware! Chapter 2 of Naruto's Revenge is up... Meet the big bad fox... an invite from a big bad wolf! MMMMMWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAA!

April 19, 2018: Last minute chapter alert
Posted by Brynmor

Chapter Alert


William King - Neon - Chapter 5


Read on my friends.


April 18, 2018: New Chapters Found
Posted by Brynmor

Before I announce the current chapter additions, I need to say something. 

I am dealing with some personal issues behind the scenes. Unfortunately those things have cause me some issues some small, some large. I will not be running away from the site. However, I might be a little slow to respond. 

Ah, now to the better things. 



Nick Brady - Goats & Bugs - Chapter 19 + 20

Stannie - The Others - Chapter 11 + 12

Nick Brady - Carhops - Chapters 1 + 2

Six chapters before we hit the weekend.  Wonder where the weekend will take us?

Other news: King Verse has been removed from The Annex. There is no need to hide from the elephant in the room. Please understand it has been a hard and trying time for all involved. 


April 17, 2018: Under Temporary Management
Posted by The Story Lover :-)


I will be temporarily managing The Annex while Brynmor is away, don't worry things will keep on running. Hopefully, things will work out and he will be back real soon.

Take care,


April 17, 2018: Away Notice
Posted by Brynmor

Hey Guys, 

Some things have come up in my life. I am going to be stepping away for a while. 


PS, be well my friends. 

April 15, 2018: Chapter! Alert! Chapter! Alert!
Posted by Brynmor

We have a Chapter Alert!

Stannie - The Others - Chapter 10 

Thank You! Time to read!



April 15, 2018: The weekend is almost at the glass half full point!
Posted by Brynmor

Doesn't matter if you think the glass is half full or half empty about the weekend. Because we have more chapters!

William King - Refugee - Chapters 8 + 9

Kuragari129 - Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapters 18 + 18.5? 

Kuragari129 - My Life Started After High School - Chapters 6, 7, and 8.

Wow, Y'all are amazing! Keep up the good work! 

Hope everyone is having an Awesome Weekend!

Brynmor - May Peace and Happiness fill all the empty spots in you lives!

April 14, 2018: Friday the 13th is almost over.
Posted by Brynmor

So Friday the 13th is almost gone. 

Here are the latest and greatest additions to The Annex

Nick Brady - Goats & Bugs - Chapter 17 + 18 

Stannie - The Others - Chapter 9 

Happy Reading

Remember to write our authors.

They love hearing from yall readers.


April 12, 2018: What? Where did these Chapters come from?
Posted by Brynmor

Lets see whose done what the last couple of days.

Stannie - The Others - Chapter 7

Nick Brady - Goats & Bugs - Chapter 16

Stannie - The Others - Chapter 8

Kurt M King - The Life of Colt King - Chapter 7

There is nothing like a reading adventure to take away the stress of the real world. So Pick a story and have an adventure today. 

Brynmor - Nutter of the Annex.


PS has anyone seen my Peanut Butter?

April 11, 2018: Wow, I leave for a trip come back and CHAPTERS!
Posted by Brynmor

So wow, look at all the chapters there are soo many!

Lets See I'm Listing Authors:

CJ Gibb - A Way Out  - Story was added to site, three Chapters are up.

Kuragari129 - Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapters 16 + 17

Kuragari129 - My Life Started After High School - Chapters 2 - 5

Nick Brady - Goats & Bugs - Chapters 14 + 15

Stannie - The Others - Chapter 6

Wow, Twelve Chapters! Awesome! 

Read on! 


April 10, 2018: Story Alert
Posted by Brynmor

C.J. Gibb brought us The Safest Place and The Accident for tonight last minute addition. 

Just so you know it isnt fun trying to post things from the back seat of a moving vehicle with an insaine driver. 

Everyone have a nice night. 


April 9, 2018: New Content and Authors
Posted by Brynmor

I am Delighted to announce we have Two New Authors at The Annex!

Every welcome Nick Brady and Stannie! 



William King has brought us new chapters.


Silver Wolf  brought us more from the fanfic world of Naruto

So lets read to our hearts content. 


write email's thanking our authors for their wonderful work.


April 7, 2018: Chapter Alert!
Posted by Brynmor

This very early Saturday morning William King has started breakfast with Chapter 6 Out of the Frying Pan of Refugee. 

Grab some breakfast a drink and enjoy.


April 4, 2018: Its Chapter Time!
Posted by Brynmor

Hmm, lets see. Ah yes.

Kuragari129 - Little Life of Nolan Parks - Two of a Kind My Life Would Suck Without You &The Other New Kid All Fired Up

Kuragari129 Brought us the Epilogue to My Life Started at the End of The World. And Chapter 6 of Once in a Lifetime.

Kurt M King Brought Chapter 6 of The Life of Colt King. 

William King Brought us Chapter 5 of Refugee

Hmm, Oops Almost forgot...

Kuragari129 has brought a new story in to the mix, My Life Started After High School - Chapter 1 - From Ends to Beginings - September!

So it seems April 3rd was a busy day. Remember Keep Checking back (Not your back! The Annex). No I didn't put any post it notes there.

Have fun! Brynmor!


April 1, 2018: New Site Alert! A New Fort Family Site is ALIVE! READ ALERT!
Posted by Brynmor

Howdy Readers, 

The Fort Family of Sites has a new site: True's Fandom. Please, check it out. The webmaster for the site is collecting an assortment of authors. Some of those authors are exclusive to his site. Comicality, Nick Brady, and Flamming Matt are just a few of those unique authors.

So now is the time i wish you a safe journey as you visit the new site and a safe return.


PS the new webmaster for Truesfandom is True! Just incase you couldn't guess!


April 1, 2018: New Chapter Alert
Posted by Brynmor

We have a last minute addition to the weekend reading list. 

Zarek Dragon - Aezareth - Chapter One : Heading Out

Hope everyone is having an awesome Easter. 

Also to day is April Fools day. 


March 31, 2018: New Chapters - READ Alert!!!!
Posted by Brynmor

William King has brought us chapters 13 - 15 and Epilogue of Rompecabezas.

 Hope everyone is doing well this weekend. 


March 30, 2018: New Chapter Alert
Posted by Brynmor

Happy Weekend!


William King brings us Rompecabezas Chapters 11&12, and Refugee Chapter 4



March 30, 2018: Our Hearts and Well Wishes
Posted by Brynmor

I would like to take a moment today to express my sympathy for Zarek Dragon.

His Mother Passed away March 29th 2018 at 2:30 AM.

Zarek, remember let us know if you need anything.




March 29, 2018: A Posting we will go!
Posted by Brynmor

Oh My Goodness! Do you see what I see? More Chapters!!!!


Zarek Dragon - "Death in the Family" from Still Another Chance

Kurt M King - The Life of Colt King - Chapter 5

William King - "Chapter 10 - The Initiation" - Rompecabezas



P.S. Keep checking back often for more stories.


March 28, 2018: Wow, Sheesh! Chapters are Here!
Posted by Brynmor

The newest update to the Annex.


Rompecabezas Chapter 7 & 8 by William King!


Read on readers!



March 28, 2018: Posting Days
Posted by Brynmor

Hello everyone, 

Looks like we need to have predefined posting days. What do you think?

Kuragari129 Brings us: 

My Life Started at The End of The World - Chapters 28 - 30

Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapters 12 & 13

PS, Just kiding about the posting days. Happy Reading!


March 27, 2018: Looks like this week is off to a great start!
Posted by Brynmor

This week we have:


Dear Diary Chapter 31 from Boudreaux

Rompecabezas Chapters 5 & 6 from William King

Keep checking back for more stories!


March 25, 2018: Another Weekend Gone
Posted by Brynmor

This weekend is still burning, but only a few embers remain. Just place another log on the fire and find a nice lantern, pull up a chair and enjoy this weekends additions to the Annex. 

Kuragari129 - My Life Started at The End of The World - Chapters 25,26, and 27.

Kuragari129 - Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapters 11 + 11.5

The Story Lover - The Tales of Kyle Esparar - A Poem, and Chapters 1 and 2.

Read On! Enjoy Don't Let The Light Die!


March 23, 2018: Happy Friday! Or Happy Late Night Friday for some!
Posted by Brynmor

This week has brought us an interesting line up of chapters from our authors.

The Story Lover 

William King

Silver Wolf

C.J. Gibb

Thank you for your additions to our site. And incase no one has told you lately. 

Thank you for keeping the flickering flame of imagination alive by allowing us to read your work. 




March 22, 2018: New Story - Naruto's Revenge
Posted by Silver Wolf

Hey readers,

I am glad to announce the appearance of the introduction to a new story, Naruto's Revenge. It is a new take on that fascinating world. Comments are welcomed. It now resides at the Annex as well as Wolf's nest.


Silver Wolf   ,,, and yes, my coat is sparkling white! I need to refresh my picture, it was taken in the late summer, after the first snow fall.


March 20, 2018: Thank You to The Story Lover!
Posted by Brynmor

I want to send a word of Thanks out to The Story Lover for posting "A Letter From a Gay Son's Mother". It is truely a shame what people do to each other. 

My hope is someone learns from this letter, a freind, a family member or even a passerby. All that really should matter in this mixed up world is love, caring and understanding.




March 19, 2018: New Author Detected!
Posted by Brynmor


We have a new Author on the Annex!

William King has joined our site in the Featured Authors in Universes. 



March 16, 2018: All Aboard for Reading Land!
Posted by Brynmor

All Aboard!

So here are the latest updates:

"Cast of Characters" - Another Chance - Book Two - Zarek

"Chapter Nineteen: The Message" - Voyagers - Voyagers Authors

"The Ones You Left Behind - Poem" - Societal Commentaries - The Story Lover

"Dear Mommy & Daddy" - Societal Commentaries - The Story Lover

"Why?" - Societal Commentaries - The Story Lover

"Tell Me Why" - Societal Commentaries - The Story Lover

"The Rights of a Child" - Societal Commentaries - The Story Lover

Wow, TSL you've been busy! Remember to reach out to the authors and let them know if you enjoy their stories. 



March 11, 2018: Recent developments at the Annex
Posted by Brynmor

Recent updates at the Annex!

Kuragari129 brings us more chapters for Little Life of Nolan Parks and My Life Started at the End of The World.

Boudreaux brings chapter 4 of Fantasy Faire to the table for a weekend read. 

Keep Checking back for the latest updates. 


March 10, 2018: True Fan is at it again!
Posted by Brynmor

So it is Friday night or Saturday morning depending on your location, with that said. True Fan is Kick Starting the weekend with more chapters.


Chapter's 6 & 7 of Priorities Book I (Revised)

Chapter 5 FCS: Las Vegas

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend and please remember to let our authors know what a great job, they are doing!



March 8, 2018: Looks like the weekend is almost here!
Posted by Brynmor

Hello Everyone,

   It seems to be the start of an excellent weekend. Hope everyone is having a super excellent day or night depending where you are located. So it Appears we have a few updates. 

Zarek Dragon has added a Reference Image for Book Two of Another Chance.

True Fan has posted Chapters 3 - 5 of Priorities Book 1 (Revised).

    So lets check out the new content and see how long it takes for more chapters to go up. Everyone have an excellent weekend.



March 5, 2018: In the wee hours of the morning
Posted by Brynmor

Good morning everyone, 

Just popped in to check for last minute story posts. 

And surprise, surprise there be chapters here!


Kurt M King - New Life of Xander King - Chapters 16 - 18 

Kuragari129 - Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapters 9 - 9.5 

Kuragari129 - My Life Started at The End of The World 20 - 22

This concludes the 3 AM Update. Enjoy your read and have a great night.



March 4, 2018: The Weekend maybe over. But, the reading adventure isn't!
Posted by Brynmor

It's the end of the weekend and we have two new chapters.

Kurt M King brings us "The New Life of Xander King" - Chapters 14 and 15 

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend. 




March 2, 2018: March is here and so are New Chapters
Posted by Brynmor

New Chapter Alert!


It seems, Kuragari129 wants to celebrate the new month with Five new chapters.

Chapters : "17 - 19" of My Life Started at the End of The World.

Chapters: "7 & 8" of Little Life of Nolan Parks


Readers Please remember to send a note to the Authors letting them know how much your enjoying the story's.  Also Remember you can join our FFS Asylum Discord chat all accounts are free and it only takes a few minutes to set up. 


February 27, 2018: Chapter (S) Four and 4!
Posted by Brynmor

Today we have a read Alert for:

True Fan - FCS: Las Vegas - Chapter Four 

Kurt M King - The Life of Colt King - Chapter 4

Nothing Like # 4, Four, or IV!



February 26, 2018: A Week in Review
Posted by Brynmor

Annex Week in Review:

True Fan - Priorities Book 1 (Revised) - Chapters 1 + 2

Kuragari129 - Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapters 3 thru 6

Kuragari129 - My Life Started at the End of The World - Chapters 14 - 16

Kurt M King - The Talented Matt King - Chapters 3 - 7

Just come on in sit back and relax and read to your hearts content.


February 17, 2018: The Second Ask The Author Interview Has Been Scheduled
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,


Beldro the Magnificent will be giving the second scheduled Ask The Author Interview on the FFS Asylum Discord Channel. This interview will be hosted by The Story Lover with the assistance of the other FFS Admins.

The first interview with True Fan went really well, so get your questions ready for Beldro The Magnificant next Saturday, February 24, 2018, at 18:00 EST, 15:00 PST, or 23:00 UTC. 3:00 PM, 6:00 PM and 11:00 PM UTC.

To participate just click on the following link ~ FFS Asylum Discord Discord Accounts are free and only take a few minutes to set up.

We are looking forward to seeing lots of readers and authors next Saturday, so come and join the fun.


February 14, 2018: February 14, 2018: The Cupid's Arrows Short Stories Have Flown In
Posted by Brynmor

Dear Readers,

 We have an incredulous collection of Cupid missing with his arrows they range from the Romantic to the I Can't believe you wrote that. They are all a lot of fun to read. They have arrived in alphabetical order:

  • It Came From Denny's: From Coffee With Love by Akeentia ~ Yes folks he is back writing!
  • Stupid Cupid 's Bent Arrows by Art West
  • Was It Cupid or Was It Morphine? by Boudreaux
  • Cupid Lets One Rip by Brynmor
  • Cupid Steps In by Jeff's Fort aka Jeff P.
  • Don't Screw With My Family by Maxieplus
  • Cupid's Arrows ~ 2018 by Silver Wolf
  • The Twisted Princess or is it Prince? by The Story Lover
  • Cupid Missed by True Fan
  • Cupid's Arrows ~ 2018 by Zarek Dragon

Thanks to all of the wonderful authors for their entries, please don't forget to write to the authors and let them know that you read their stories.

Fred The Elf

To see all these great stories. Please Click here to Check out Fred  



February 13, 2018: Read Alert at the Annex
Posted by Brynmor

So it seams someone wanted the last word on the Posting War.

Kurt has uploaded Three Chapters of his New Story : The Life of Colt King and has also gave us Two Chapters of Taleneted Matt King.

Plus Chapter 12 + 13 of The New Life of Xander King. 

So Seven Chapters. 

P.S. Be on the lookout for more chapters coming soon on the Annex!



February 10, 2018: Posting War Begins
Posted by Brynmor

Looks like we have a Posting War for the Weekend!

So C.J. Gibb has given us two stories today and True Fan gave us two chapters of FCS. 

So lets see what else post's this weekend. 

(Insert Evil Laugh here!)



February 10, 2018: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! There be new Chapters Here!!!!
Posted by Brynmor

Two Chapters up for FCS: Las Vegas!

It looks like we have an author doing a double post today! Read Alert! Read Alert!

I know most of you think it should be Red Alert! But, I don't need people having panick attacks when reading my post's!

No, we aren't going to Marky trying to revive yall!


February 8, 2018: Cupid's Arrows Update
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Although the 'Carved in Stone Official Deadline' has passed Fred the Elf is still accepting entries of the Cupid's Arrows ~ 2018 Short Story Event. He has graciously extended the deadline until 11:59 PM PST February 12, 2018. Please submit all entries to Fred The Elf.

For more information, please checkout F.R.E.D.

TSL for Fred the Elf

February 8, 2018: Updates for Feb 7th at the Annex
Posted by Brynmor

Annex Updates

"Chapter 6"  from My Way Home: Book 3 - Home Life by Boudreaux 

"Prologue: Abducted" from FCS: Las Vegas by True Fan

Keep on Reading and remember to reach out and let the Authors know how much you like their work.



February 7, 2018: Where is the Override?
Posted by Brynmor

We have a new CSU Author in our Midst. True Fan has gone where very few authors have gone before and live to tell about it! Have a look at "Prologue:Abducted" from FCS:Las vegas by True Fan.  His insanity fits our insanity. Cheers True Fan - a Toast to you.


Welcome to the Family, True Fan!


February 4, 2018: A Posting we will go!
Posted by Brynmor

Hello everyone, 

We are only four days into this month and we have New Chapters, Stories and Authors. 

 Boudreaux and Kuragari129 are new to our site.

 Boudreaux has several stories posted this month to our site.

Kuragari129 has a total of 10 new chapters split between 2 stories.

Kurt has 3 new chapters just this month. 

So Im just as currious as my readers, Who will be next?



February 3, 2018: Everyone please welcome Boudreaux!
Posted by Brynmor

Boudreaux is here!

The stories of Boudreaux have now been added to the Annex! 



February 3, 2018: New Chapters - READ Alert!!!!
Posted by Brynmor

Hello All!

We have three new chapters from Kurt!


February 2, 2018: Attention! We have a New Author!
Posted by Brynmor

New Author Detected!

Kuragari129 has posted not just one; but Five Chapters of the story Once in a Lifetime! 

So please join me in Welcoming Kuragari129 to the Annex. While taking a moment to sit down and read these chapters. 



January 30, 2018: New Chapter Alert
Posted by Brynmor

Read Alert!

Attention, there is a new chapter up for the New Life of Xander King! 

This Read Alert has been brought to you by Brynmor!


January 28, 2018: Belated Announcement ~ Cupid's Arrows Event Now Live
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Folks if you want something done right or just even done at all ya just got to do it yourself wink So without further ado here is the overdue announcement:


This year's Valentines Day Themed Event is titled Cupid's Arrows. The event starts now and runs through January 31, 2018, for unedited stories and February 7th for edited stories. All stories will be posted on Valentine's Day February 14th.
The Rules:

  1. The short stories must be between 500 words and 15,000 words

  2. The Short Story should concern Cupid's Arrows missing and hitting the wrong person.

  3. Someone setting the cap for someone and ending up with someone completely opposite or different. 

  4. This event is open to all readers and authors.
  5. Authors must authorize the Fort Family of Sites, by written permission to host their stories.

I hope that we have as many entries for Cupid's Arrows as we did for the Christmas Extravaganza. All stories will be available on F.R.E.D. and then on their hosted site.

We really want to see lots of entries by our readers, an entry will automatically get you added to the Good List.

Please submit all stories to the following address ~ elfmail at Substitute the 'at' with the @ symbol and delete the spaces. 

Let's see if we can snow cupid under with stories, 

The Story Lover for Fred DeElve

P.S. if you finish your story after the deadline but before Valentine's Day please submit it. Just don't tell anyone.

January 26, 2018: Lets Go Camping!
Posted by Brynmor

Time to go Camping at the Annex!

Looks like its time to go camping! Authors, Zarek Dragon and True Fan have brought us some new chapters! So let's pack up and go camping. 

Don't forget to bring a snack!


January 20, 2018: Chapter 7 New Life of Xander King
Posted by Brynmor

Hello Readers, are you looking for something new to read on this Friday night? If so, then check it out Kurt M King has brought us a new chapter of New Life of Xander King! 

Enjoy your reading adventure!


January 14, 2018: New Author C.J. Gibb
Posted by Brynmor

Dear Readers, I would like you to join me in welcoming our Newest Addition to the Annex. 


January 13, 2018: New Chapters!
Posted by Brynmor

Sneaky Authors!

Look at this I look away and turn back and three more chapters are up! Voyagers Authors, Jeff P and Multimapper just snuck in and posted more to read. 



January 11, 2018: New Chapters are here!!!
Posted by Brynmor

We have new chapters this week! 

Zarek Dragon has brought us Chapter 10: Surprises from the Submariner.

Silver Wolf has added Chapter 12 of A Little devil at Hogwarts!

Remember let our authors know how you like the story and the editors how much you appreciate their hard work.





January 1, 2018: Happy New Years!
Posted by Brynmor

Today starts a New Year! That said, Please let your Authors know how much their Readers are enjoying the stories this really help to light a fire in their hearts to post chapters.

Hmm, last sentence seem's to run on. Also remember to reach out and thank our editors who work tirelessly to keep our stories making sense. 

Everyone go out have a wonderfull day and enjoy a new beginning to this year.



January 1, 2018: Sentenced to Life - Chapter 18
Posted by Brynmor

Sentenced to Life Chapter 18


Hey guy's its almost the New Year and Jeff P. has decided to give us one last chapter for Sentenced to Life. Happy New Year!! Go read the last chapter for the 2017 Season of stories. 

This Chapter is called Loose Ends for the End of 2107!!!!



December 25, 2017: Merry Christmas 2017
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Buon Natale, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzaa, Holy Ramadan, Frohe Weihnachten! , Christmas Alegre! , Joyeux Noel!,God Jul! , Glaedelig Jul! , Nadolig Llawen, Gledelig Jul, Nollaig Shona Duit, Mele Kalikimaka

Thanks to Santa Akeentia and his helpful Elves Jeff's Fort, ACFan and The Story Lover we have a wonderful Christmas Present for all of you and we are proud to present F.R.E.D. , what you may ask is F.R.E.D. Funny Thing F.R.E.D. is a what and a who, F.R.E.D. is The Fort Family of Sites revived and totally new Events Site AKA Fort Readers Event District that just happens to be run by Fred, Fred The Elf AKA  "Fred DeElve" who is a character that has been on our forum for quite some time. What brought this and the software upgrades to happen at the same time? Well, it seems that I realized that after recovering and all of the previous Christmas Events from the Fort Family Forum back to life last year I had started a huge snowball rolling and it kept getting bigger and bigger. When I decided to revive The Christmas Short Story Event I realized that we had a big problem in order to do the event right and continue with new events we needed a new Events Site so with the help of the forenamed crew F.R.E.D was born. Problem solved right? Unfortunately No, you see for F.R.E.D. to work correctly with all of the other Fort Family Sites all of those sites needed to be running the same software so Santa Akeentia toiled for hours and hours Saturday giving all of the sites an early Christmas Present brand spanking new top of the line software. While there are a few cosmetic upgrades there a lot of new fun toys for the Admins and Authors to play with. There are lots and lots of presents under Fred's tree so go checkout F.R.E.D.

I want to say thank you to all of the authors that wrote stories for the Christmas Extravaganza 2017 it was an awesome success and in absotively posilutely no order they are: Geron Kees, Maxieplus, Jeff P., Brynmor, Zarek Dragon, Art West, Timmy Short,  Jonah Timoty Campbell-Forte, Felix P., DouglasDD, Boudreaux, and The Story Lover, it seems that 'Goos' took the year off. They are some very good stories for all of you to read, don't forget to thank the authors for their hard work.

Wishing all of you a Safe, Healthy and very Happy Holiday Season,


December 23, 2017: Yay! Success!
Posted by Silver Wolf

YAY! YAY! YAY! SUCCESS! I finally was able to get the damn browser to update after going from Leopard to Snow Leopard, and, MIRACLE! I was able to post the two missing chapters of A Little Devil at Hogwarts. Only missing is chapter 12, which should come on December 31 or whereabouts. So, for those who have been patiently waiting on me, HERE THEY ARE! :) Now, if someone knows how to partition my hard drive so I can install Mountain Lion in an alternate partition rather than overwrite Snow Leopard, thus allowing for a dual boot, contact me via my email... It's not lack of space, I still have 450 GB or so free, but everywhere I read it's 'back up before partitioning', Nice thought,,, when you have a place to back up to.

December 23, 2017: Upcoming Site Maintenance
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Sometime Saturday morning December 23rd all Fort Family Sites will be going down for some important maintenance.  We will have all sites back up and be running better than before as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience,

TSL for The Fort Family Admins and Webmasters

December 22, 2017: A Christmas Extravaganza 2017 Postponed
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

I must regretfully announce that I must reluctantly postpone this year's Christmas Extravaganza until Saturday Evening December 23rd. The cold/flu bug that I have been dealing with is relentless and won't let up. However, one way or another the stories will be posted Saturday Evening. I apologize for the delay.

F.Y.I the last day for submissions for the Christmas Short Story Event is still Midnight PST Friday, December 22nd.

Discord user please don't forget to vote to remove the character limits Suggest Character Limit Change on Discord We need your vote so please vote.

Enjoy your reading, 

TSL, 'Goos',  the Three J's, S'ean, A'lexii, and the Imps

December 20, 2017: Attention Readers and Discord users!!!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Your authors need your help. As many people are aware, a certain chat service that specialized in advanced conference features has finally been overworked to the point of actually being unusable for our team. Since 2004, The Fort Family Authors Group, and all contributing authors to the "Clan Short Universe" series have heavily relied on this chat client and recent developments have made work behind the scenes difficult and even impossible in some cases. This means work being released can be severely delayed in some cases, which is already something that we try to avoid whenever possible.

In researching possible replacements, "Discord" is an absolute front-runner, with one glaring exception. There is a character limit placed on all servers that make it difficult to work with larger bodies of text. (That's a huge issue actually.) So, why am I posting this tonight? We need your help.

The feature change is possible but, the way Discord prioritizes its growth is through a request and upvote system. (Actually, a really cool process.) So we need to ask for your help. If you are a Discord user, please click the link below and upvote this topic. If you aren't a user, check out the chat client, it was designed with gamers in mind but is awesome for collaborating, congregating or even just hanging out. Maybe create a login and when you do, maybe give this feature an upvote...maybe < GRIN >

Suggest Character Limit Change on Discord

Thank you for your help,

Posted by TSL for Jeff

December 20, 2017: We have a New Author!!!!
Posted by Brynmor

Kurt M King has decided to Join Us. So everyone please join us in welcoming Kurt to the Family!


Which means we have a new story! Hey TSL, I think I've had to much Caffeine tonight!

December 18, 2017: Update notice on Memories part III
Posted by Silver Wolf

A quick note: chapters 24 and 25 of Memories part III: And a Child Shall Lead Them... have been posted, even if the publicity dating December 15 seems stuck on chapter 23. Do have a look if you missed them. Jeff, I hope this post will meet your approval. Silver Wolf.





December 3, 2017: Christmas Extravaganza 2017
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Attention everyone,
I am proud to announce the Fort Family of Sites 2017 Christmas Short Story Event. While this event is mostly for our hosted authors any author may enter. Non-hosted authors need to check out the following link ~ Hosting and Story Submissions for submission guidelines. This event is called The 2017 Christmas Extravaganza. The rules are short and sweet, The Short Story must be:

1. Written this year
2. Be between 500 and 15,000 words (Not etched in stone)
3. Have Christmas and 2017 in the title, somewhere anywhere. (My Story ~ Christmas 2017 for example)
4. Edited entries due by December 22, 2017
5. Unedited entries due by December 18, 2017
6. No Guarantee that late entries will be posted. (Don't tell anyone, but we have posted stories right up to 11:59 PM PST.)
7. Submit all entries to'at' - Subject= Christmas Story 2017 replace the 'at' with @
8. Give permission for the Fort Family of Sites to host and or co-host your story. Copyright remains with the author!

Authors that are hosted on other Fort Family Sites will have their story hosted on their host site and co-hosted on The Story Lover's Christmas Extravaganza Page. The 2017 in the story title will show the year the story joined the page.

Let's have an awesome event with lots and lots of stories. We have one story already and another possible one in the wings.

Take care,


November 24, 2017: What would Thanksgiving be without...
Posted by JeffsFort

...a whole bunch of turkeys???

Okay, that has nothing to do with this announcement but, it made me laugh ;P Tonight I finished up the tail end of the migration of the rest of Silver Wolf's work to The Annex. Book 4 of "Cave Lupas", Books 1 and 2 of "Galactica" (The continuation of Cave Lupus) and a new poem entitled "Fallen Comrades" are now live for your reading enjoyment tonight. As promised, I got all of Silver Wolf's work moved into his new home. Now I leave it all in the very capable hands of our new webmaster Brynmor and Silver Wolf himself. Welcome aboard guys and thanks for being a part of such an important site revival. It's awesome seeing work go into The Annex again! Here's to many more updates to come!


November 23, 2017: Howdy and Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by Brynmor

Dear Readers,


I must first off say Howdy. Second Happy Thanksgiving for those celebrating today. Third, don't worry The Story Lover and Jeffsfort didn't twist my arm out of place, it just hurts a little.


- Brynmor -

November 21, 2017: Oh... Almost forgot!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear readers,

There is one last thing that we almost overlooked tonight. Now that Brynmor has his own site, it just makes sense to bring his work over as well.

So, the last project we will independently perform will be to launch one last new story and author! For those of you who have not been to the Corner Cafe, You really need to check out "Digital Refresh" by: Brynmor! In all honesty, this story fits in really well at The Annex as does it's author as your new webmaster. (Seriously, the badgering begins here and now!)

- The Story Lover ~ JeffsFort -

November 21, 2017: New Webmaster ~ Welcome to Brynmor
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

We are very happy to announce that our own hosted author Brynmor, has agreed to assume the duties of Interim Webmaster to "The Annex" effective immediately. He has kindly accepted the job (read: was picked on until he relented. :P) and will ensure that our Fort Family Flagship keeps running and growing. We will still be around in the background and will assist when necessary. Brynmor will continue holding the keys until a permanent webmaster is determined (If we ever let him off the hook ;) or he decides to continue to take our ribbing and stay on permanently as we revive a site that has been frozen in time in the absence of our former webmaster "Boy From Aus". Of course, we do miss "Boi From Aus" terribly and wish him the best in everything he chooses to do in the future. We absolutely intend to maintain a home for his work for as long as we have a presence on the web and should he ever return as an active author, hope to see his stories continue.

So please welcome Brynmor to the team and keep in mind that all mail sent to will now be going to a live webmaster (as opposed to everyone thinking the "other guy" was watching it).

Thanks, Brynmor now we can fully concentrate on completing updates to, and prepare for upgrading another one of the family sites. (More surprises on the horizon!)

Good Luck and Best Wishes Brynmor,

- The Story Lover ~ JeffsFort -

November 20, 2017: Idle hands and stuff
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd take a second to let you all know that I just imported some new work by "Silver Wolf" tonight. (I was supposed to be writing but, it was one of those nights O.o .) "Harry Potter - Hellion" and it's sequel "A little Devil at Hogwarts" are now live on The Annex. This series won the "2015 NanoWriMo Award" and should be a real treat for those of you who love alternate stories in the realm of Harry Potter. So, be sure to let Silver Wolf know what you think.

Happy Reading!

Until the next update - *HUGZ*

November 6, 2017: a new poem at The Annex
Posted by Silver Wolf

With the help of Jeff, I posted a new poem at the Annex: I am a Macadam Flower, dedicated to the memory of all those young child prostitute that end up dead in our big cities. It is in French, but there is an underlying English translation, for those who do not read the language.

Silver Wolf





November 2, 2017: Poetry/Plays Section
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

True Fan and The Story Lover have also added to the Poetry/Plays section along with Silver Wolf so check it out you might just be surprised at what you find. You might even find yourself liking poetry.



October 29, 2017: Posted on the Forums...
Posted by Silver Wolf

Heh, Jeff added one of my poems to the poetry stock found at The Annex. It's in French, but an English translation is included if you click on the text, for those whom do not know the language. As always, translations are 'best concept fit', not word for word, so it does not sound as fluid as it does in French, and for that, I am sorry. It is quite old, being one of my first published work, dating from the GWG (Gay Writers Guild) days. In short (!) it describes the feelings of a parent that has lost a child to foul play. Do read and comment.

October 26, 2017: Book 3 of the Prophesy is up!!!
Posted by Silver Wolf

Jeff's been busy while I was in my den fighting the fleas. He posted book 3 of The Prophesy, The Hammer of Atlantis. Thanks a lot, Jeff. 

October 22, 2017: CSU Fifteenth Anniversary Posting Extravaganza!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Dear Readers,

Back on October 22, 2002, The very first chapter of a story that would soon become the foundation of what the Fort Family now know as "The Clan Short Universe" (CSU). ACFan Unknowingly launched one of the largest amateur collaborative works on the web which in time, would involve multiple authors and birth many alternate realities, fan fiction and a slew of original content created by fans and official authors alike.

Return to current time: October 22, 2017

It is now fifteen years later, and my dream that wouldn't stop until I wrote it down is stronger than ever. Between multiple authors and readers contributing their own dreams, and my own additions to the fabric of the universe, what started as a small story has become a major project that has had an effect on multiple lives.

As I write this, I am in conversation with quite a few of the core authors who were instrumental in turning a single story into a Universe.  In no particular order, the following authors are responsible for giving me the support and advice that made my story into the CSU: Darryl (aka Sleeping Beauty), Akeentia, TSL, JeffP, and MultiMapper. As other authors have come and gone, those four have always been responsible for creating the foundation that it was all built on. With the relatively recent addition of TheEggman to the team, this core group is responsible for even more quality in the stories.

Unfortunately, we did lose one author from our group; Dave of D&B is sorely missed, and to this day we are still trying to ensure that we do the characters he created justice. Other authors have moved on to other projects or have had changes to their daily lives that preclude having writing time, but the core group is together once more and supporting each other as our characters move forward.

Most of all, thank you to the readers, some of which have been reading since the very first post. Your feedback and ideas have been greatly appreciated, and at times have pushed us towards finishing something that was stalled.

It has been an amazing fifteen years, and I'm looking forward to the next five years of story progression! Thank you to each and every one of you! 


Jeff's Fort has brought us  Sentenced to Life Chapter 17E: Memories in celebration of the Fifteenth Anniversary of the CSU.

ACFan brings us Chapter Twenty Five of  Memories Part Three: And a Child Shall Lead Them.

The Story Lover joins the parade with his Short Story  Sometimes Bad Stuff Gotta happen . . . ©

Enjoy your reading,


October 17, 2017: Zarek Dragon and True Fan's Stories are up-to-date
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

All of Zarek Dragon's as well of True Fan's stories have now been transferred and will update here as they are updated.

Enjoy your reading,


October 13, 2017: Ok, ok, I'm all red in the face (hidden by tons of white hair, thank God!)
Posted by Silver Wolf

OK, I've been asked to put on some publicity for my stories that are now on The Annex. Let me see: Jeff has been busy (REAL BUSY!!!) putting my stories on the site. There is a collection of short stories (Silver Wolf's Forest Lore) that will expand as I find other ideas; there is a Play, an a collection of poems in English and French; a medium-short story that could be labelled fan-fiction; and my first ever BIGGIE, Cave Lupus, the first of a continuing saga, whose other books will get posted as Jeff finds some free time. A HUGE HOORAY for all the hard work Jeff does for me.

Quite a few more short stories and poems are waiting to be added by Jeff, as he explores what I've made available already. I have a lot more in the pipeline than what has been posted publicly yet, so, START READING if you do not want to feel overwhelmed! :)

As always, comments are welcomed.

Silver Wolf


October 8, 2017: Silver Wolf's Stories and more Authors!
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

Silver Wolf's Stories have begun being posted here including a feature unique to The Annex; Silver Wolf's Forest Lore a collection of intertwined Short Stories. More of Silver Wolf's Stories will be posted in the near future.

The Annex is proud to welcome its newest authors in alphabetical order; DouglassDD, True Fan, Zarek Dragon, and the Voyagers Authors. Some of their stories are live now and there are a lot more to come.

Enjoy your reading and don't forget to let the authors know what you think of their stories,


September 30, 2017: Welcome to Our New Author Silver Wolf
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

The Annex is proud to announce that Silver Wolf has joined the site as an Author. He will be posting his stories in the very near future. So don't forget when you read his stories to drop him a line to let him know that you are reading them.  I am sure that he wouldn't mind if you told him how great they were. wink

Welcome Christian to The Annex, The Oldest Fort Family Site!

September 19, 2017: Thanks for the help Jeff
Posted by The Story Lover :-)

I would like to say thank you very much to Jeff's Fort for stepping in and finishing the transfer of files and adding the new content. I was a little swamped with the job of still completing my own sites upgrade. Now that he has done all of the hard work I can kick back and relax! wink Akeentia our masterful programmer has done another wonderful job creating a faster and easier to use site. All I had to was give him a few suggestions and he created this masterpiece.

You may have noticed a name change during the upgrade we reverted the site to its original name.

I will be keeping the site updated and making sure that auto-updates happen. Thanks again Jeff and Akeentia.

TSL Webmaster

September 18, 2017: Our oldest family site...
Posted by JeffsFort

...becomes our newest upgraded site!

Hi everyone and welcome to the totally upgraded and completely redesigned "Annex: Down Under"! As I'm sure most of you have noticed, our family of sites has taken on a newer, streamlined, mobile friendly, easier to search, able to leap tall buildings... Well, you get it. Thanks to the hard work of "The Story Lover" and our designer and technical genius "Akeentia" we can now announce that one more site has finally been brought up to "Code".

Not to worry though, all of the content that you come to read is still here. As a matter of fact, the largest upgrade that you will notice is that our sites communicate with each other. Now if a story is updated on sister site and is co-hosted here, the update happens instantly. No more falling behind. Over the next few days, there may be some minor tweaking but, take a look around and you may even find some content that wasn't there on the old site.

Have fun!

Until the next update - *HUGZ*