

May it be said

I'm lost to the thoughts in my head.

May it be said

I'm lost to the drifting fog in my head.


May I be free

From the emptiness holding me.

May I be free

From the doubt filling me.


Here you find me

Walking through the lost memories in me.

Here you find me

Looking through dusty pages of what could be.


What could it be

Lost and lonely a heart goes cold.

What could it be

The pain of what could be.


Who really can see

The lost pieces of me.

Who really can see

The lost soul of me.


Can you save me

Not with a book of soured beliefs.

Can you save me

Not with mistrust or a greed ridden heart.


Do you understand me

I live with the constant darkness.

Do you understand me

I live while my body is steeped with darkness.


Will you welcome him

The rider will always be welcome.

Will you welcome him

We shall ride through time and space together forever.





My thoughts always teeter between dark and light. This is my way of expressing it. Please understand I will not give in to the darkness. I tend to work with them both. Always push through the good and the bad. If you ever need someone to talk to then send a message to either me or someone you trust or care about. We are all in this mess called life together. We can either make it one hell of a good thing by reaching out and bringing others in to the fold or we can let things get really mucked up. Lets try for the first one.