Hedley Hollow

Chapter five: Controlled Chaos Prequel

Back at the Hospital


Garrett was siting watching Steven sleep, They had turned on the bed alarm after his earlier attempt of running away. As he watched him sleep he noticed the nurse’s check on him regularly and was surprised when the hospital administrator popped in with a shake for him.


“Garrett, I made this shake to the specification sheet I was provided. If it’s not right please let me know.” Marcus said quietly hoping to not wake Steven up.


“Where? Did you get the information?” Garrett asked a little on the dumbfounded side. He took a quick sip and tasted the banana and strawberry flavors as they rolled over his tongue.


“Received a text message and two emails on how to make it and how often to administer it.” Marcus said with a smile. “Besides, you made sure our patient returned. I wanted to say Thank You.”


Turning and walking out the door Marcus just gave a small wave and hushed any other conversations.


After a few moments Garrett looked at his phone and noticed a few text messages. He smiled reading one from Melnax, “Hope you aren’t mad. I knew you would be needing a boost.”


Followed by one from Tel “Please don’t be mad with Melnax.”


Finally one from Jess. “When you are ready, I will listen. Thank You for helping Steven tonight!”


Garrett smiled once he put his phone back in his pocket. He stopped and looked at the door as Jacob opened it. “Would it be alright if I sat in here for a while?” Jacob asked timidly.


“Of course, he is your son. Come on in and have a seat.” Garrett said with a smile and energy.


Jacob sat down looked over at his son then to Garrett. “I can’t believe; I didn’t see Janet was the problem.” Jacob said the started crying.


“People sometimes miss what is going on because they are too involved in taking care of other issues in their lives.” Garrett said thinking about how clueless most people were about his situation. “Just remember you still have him around and maybe you can mend your relationship after all this calms down.”


Nodding, and drying his tears. “I hope so, I can’t believe he has been through so much and never asked for help.”


“Maybe, he thought if he went to someone else, something bad was going to happen?” Garrett said looking at Steven and wondering if he was awake.


“I wish he would have come to me about this.” Jacob said in a painful hurt tone.

“Enough!” Steven growled as he sat up in the bed. “They said if I went to someone they would kill them!”

Garrett turned to look at Steven, and pressed record on his phone. “What do you mean?”


“Coach said he would kill anyone, I tried to talk to.” Steven said with a raised voice. Soon his blood pressure alarm and heart rate alarm started to sound. “As much as I wanted to stop hurting people I couldn’t if I showed even a hint of caring someone got hurt.” Steven said as he ripped the cuff from his arm.


Garrett had already pressed the nurse button and was hoping someone would come in.


“Honey, who was hurt?” Jacob asked catching the meaning.


Steven turned a shade of red, as his blood pressure seemed to be rising. “The school bully came up to me to tell me how impressed he was of me being a bad ass! The next morning he was hit by a car. I was told if I made any more new friends they would all end up like Matt.” Steven said as he began to hyperventilate.


Suddenly the charge nurse walked in carrying a syringe. “This wont hurt.” She said before jabbing him quickly before he could respond.


They watched as Steven had a shocked expression on his face and went back to sleep.


“He should be out for at least a few hours.” The nurse said while looking around the room. She noticed Jacob looking extremely tired and asked him to go back to his room and get some rest.


“I know you want to watch over him, but you need sleep too.” She said watching Garrett.


“I really don’t need sleep. Any chance there is a computer I can use to do research?” Garrett asked politely.


“We have one for the staff in the lounge, you are more than welcome to use it. I will let the administrator know you’re in there.” the nurse said with a smile.


Back at the Ranch

Wednesday morning


Lance woke up with the pup wanting out.


“You need to potty, give me a moment to get dressed and we’ll go outside.” Lance said as he noticed Trevor was wrapped up in his blanket.


Once he was dressed, him and the pup wondered outside to the porch. “Go potty and stay close?” Lance said watching as the wolf pup ran off the porch and into the fenced in area. He found a spot and finished his business. Then he ran up to Numbers and stood still watching to see if the horse would attack. Numbers looked down at the wolf pup and began sniffing the new arrival. Then slowly walked away from the pup.


Back at the hospital


Garrett had spent almost twenty minutes searching for any sign of Matt. He eventually found reference to the hit and run that left him in critical care. What shocked him was Matt was one of his friends little brothers. Remembering what happened to his friend and family; Garrett called Jess.


Back at the ranch


Jess had managed to wake up a little groggy without a headache. She walked down stairs and started a pot of coffee. Suddenly her phone began to ring. Looking over she didn't recognize the number but figured a call this early must be important. “Hello?”


“Jess, Steven had a moment earlier and gave us the name of someone who was hurt by the coach. Well, maybe it was a coincident but never the less we should probably check. Besides, I know that persons family or did know their family and would like to help.” Garrett said in a rattling ramble.


As Jess listened she began rubbing her temples, knowing they still had a funeral to get ready for and try and make it through without Lance breaking down. “Garrett, pull everything you can together and we will be there shortly.” She stated calmly. “Have you got dress clothes with you?”


“Dress clothes? How dressy do you mean?” Garrett asked hoping she didn't mean extremely formal.


“Polo, slacks, nice boots or dress shoes?” Jess rattled off tiredly.


“Not with me, I wasn't expecting to play dress up!” Garrett said kinda huffy.


“Well, when we get there we will visit for a little bit then go and get everyone ready for the funeral tomorrow.” Jess said knowing this would prove to be fun. “Oh, and you don't need to worry about funding. See you shortly kiddo.”


Before Garrett could fuss she had disconnected the call. Looking around he noticed the printer but then thought to go ask before printing. He got up to go see the administrator but before he could leave the room someone came in.


“Hello, I'm Daniel and I work as video surveillance and networking, the nurse said she gave you permission to use the system. However, I wanted to tell you if you need to print anything you need to use one of these cards.” he said quickly and then proceeded to hand Garrett a card. “Besides, Jess would skin me alive if I didn't take care of someone she knows.”


Garrett spun the card over looking at, “How do I use this?” Garrett asked feeling out of the loop.


“You see the red dot on the computer, just tap it against it when your ready to print.” Daniel said watching as Garrett gently tapped the computer. “See its just simpler this way.”


“How did you know I needed to print something?” Garrett asked quietly.


“Well you did look around the room a few times and look directly at the printer. Plus, I had a phone call from Jess saying you had been gathering some information.” Daniel said with a smile. “Besides, if you had plugged in a flash drive you would have found the drive to be useless.”

“You can wipe flash drives?” Garrett asked softly.


“We value patient information at this hospital. Plus, this prevents people from misusing information or services of the hospital.” Daniel said as he retrieved the print out. Looking down at the papers he made a quick statement. “If I can help out with this, please let me know.”


Garrett looked surprised at first but then realized he worked for Jess. “Jess said she would be here shortly maybe when she arrives you can help us plan this one out.”


“I will help out anyway I can.” Daniel said as he turned and left the room.




Back at the ranch


“Guys, twenty minutes!, Then we will head to the Hospital and check on everyone and collect those who are able to go to get ready for the funeral. We’ll stop and get clothes, haircuts and breakfast.” Jess said into the home intercom.


Trevor rolled over to look at the time, and sighed. “Ugh, it’s only ten am.” although the sigh turned in to a fit of giggles when his eyes opened to the wolf pup. Who instantly gave Trevor kisses to get him moving.


“Trevor, do you think we will have time today to have the vet look at him?” Lance asked while scrolling on his computer.


“Maybe, might want to ask Aunt Jess.” Trevor said gently not sure how Lance was really doing.


Trevor unwrapped from his covers and began getting dressed. When he was about to reach for his work boots the wolf pup, yipped angrily at him and then began dragging over a pair of his new boots. “I think he’s trying to tell you we are going out to look nice and cleaned up.” Lance said with a giggle.


“Well I don’t know if they fit or not anymore.” Trevor said with a huff. “They got these when I first moved in and well, I haven’t worn them because they were the first thing Jess gave me new.” Trevor said as he tried to put them on only to find they were too small. Within moments Trevor was rocking back and forth. Tears began flowing.


“JESS!” Lance hollered as loud as he could before sitting down with Trevor and hugging him. The wolf pup hopped up on Trevor’s lap and began to snuggle in to his lap. A moment or two later, Jess popped in the door stunned.


“Lance, what's going on?”


“The pup was helping him get dressed and he had a meltdown over the boots being to small, because you gave them to him.” Lance said pointing at the footwear.


“Trevor, honey. It’ll be alright. We can get you a new pair that fits.” Jess said with a thought of what was really going on.

“But Jess, This is the first pair you gave me and I was so happy I have never worn them. I was afraid I would ruin them. I know I’m being dumb.” Trevor rattled off.


“Honey, I understand this was the first thing in your life you were given that was new. I figured it out a long time ago.” Jess said as she gently began to rub his back. “But they were a gift of love, to my son. I will always get you what you need, want or desire within reason. That is why I have kids, and a family.” She said looking at Lance to, hoping he understood as well.


“But now they will go to waste.” Trevor said with a tremble of his bottom lip.


“Not really, if you want to keep them as a keep sake you can or if you want to pass them to another member of the family. Just whatever you want to do.” Jess said looking at the size. “Possibly, Lance, Steven, or Jeremy could wear them. But for now let’s get ready we still have to pick up everyone to go shopping so are you good?”


Trevor leaned over in to Jess and nodded his head. Then looked down at the pup dragging over his work boots. “Jess, will we have time today to get him checked?”


“Yes, honey. I have already made the arrangements for him.”


Jess slowly got up and walked to the door. “Today, we are taking the school bus just because of how many people are going.”


“You have a school bus?” Lance asked only to be corrected.


“We have a school bus!” Jess said while checking on the others and pointing to him.


Outside the ranch.


Lester was getting the bus ready for its first trip out in a few weeks. “Well she may not be new but the engine is strong.” he said proudly to himself.


Angel walked over to the bus. “Dad, are you driving or is aunt Jess?”


“Aunt Jess, said she was driving. We have to go to the hospital and visit a few people, then leave from there to get lunch or breakfast, and then haircuts followed by shopping for dress up clothes for tomorrow. So even I am curious how you will classify our clothes today. Although she had said something about going by the park later.” Lester looked at his son afraid of what he would classify the dress code. Looking to the house he seen everyone waiting for the answer.


Angel smiled then took a Deep Breathe. “Attention! Dual apparel requirement advised. Sunday Nice, Clean Primary! Secondary possible relaxation trip. Board shorts, Tee shirts, Sandals and Towel! Repeat Dual apparel requirement advised. NO HOLES!” Angel finished and took another calming breath and spun around shocked to notice everyone from the Ranch was either on the porch or leaned out a window clapping.


“Angel, I would have never thought you could be that loud and commanding, color me impressed.” Lester spoke gently while still rubbing his ears.

“I kinda had a little bit of help.” Angel said while looking over to Mark, who was leaning out of the upper window.


Mark just leaned a little further out the window and blew a kiss to Angel. Then slowly leaned back in the window and closed it.


“I think he is going to prove an interesting boyfriend for you.” Lester said to Angel.


Angel turned to look at his father and quietly asked. “Do you approve of him?”


“Son, as long as he treats you with respect, and never cheats on you, or causes you pain. I will approve of him.” Lester said with a smile, knowing they would be family for the long haul.


“Do you mean it Dad?” Angel asked a little off guard.


“Have I ever lied to you?” Lester asked simply.


What came next shocked Lester and those in range of them. Angel leaned in like he was going to hug his dad but instead he picked him up and slung him on his shoulder. “I love you dad!” was said as he started spinning in happiness.


Before Lester could get sick Mark walked up. “Honey, I know you’re happy but please put your dad down before he gets sick.”


“Oops, Sorry dad! Got excited.” Angel said as he put his dad down.



Once Lester was standing on his own again he noticed Jess walking towards the bus.


“Well Lester are we ready to roll?” Aunt Jess asked with a smile.


“The bus is ready, and my stomach is almost ready for the trip.” Lester said while smiling at Angel letting him know he wasn’t upset.


Jess turned toward the house and let loose the loudest whistle Angel had heard in a long while. “Five minutes till we leave. Make sure you have your clothes for later and a towel. Those needing clothes in general for the trip relax. I have it covered.” Jess announced in a loud confident voice.


After a few minutes everyone was loaded and Jess walked back to the house and checked the settings on the system. The system was showing green lights across the board. Once she verified the settings the system began locking down all gates into the ranch. Walking back out to the bus Jess smiled thinking about how all these people were now either family or adopted in to the family. Taking a moment to count how many where on the bus Jess looked seat to seat. Then sat down and put on her safety belt.

Shifting the bus into gear she reached to the radio and turned on a soft rock station.


Back at the hospital

Garrett was pacing after finding out more about Matt. Before he could leave the room Daniel re-entered the room with the Hospital Administrator and a Nurse. “Garrett, would you please sit down, then tell us what's wrong?” The administrator said with concern written on his face.


“I looked up the information on Matt, but it doesn’t say what hospital he was taken too. Just that he was taken to a local non profit hospital for extended stay.” Garrett said quite flustered.


“Elizabeth would you check the database for us?” The administrator asked while he started checking Garrett’s vitals.


“What is Matt’s last name?” Elizabeth asked as she logged into the system.


“Dillard” Garrett said while giving the admin a dirty look for how tight the blood pressure cuff was.


“Garrett you know your blood pressure is only going to read higher if you don’t relax.” Marcus said before nodding to the nurse, who just walked out of the room.


“Sir, my blood pressure can be higher than yours and I will be just fine.” Garrett said trying to remain calm.


“Sir,” Huffed the Administrator.


“Marcus.” Garrett said remembering what Jess had said. (We treat each other as family. That’s how things are done in the town. To do otherwise is as bad as disrespecting someone being nice.)


Marcus looked at Garrett for a moment then leaned in and barely above a whisper said. “or brother” then showed him the tattoo on his upper left arm.


Garrett looked at the tattoo and inhaled in shock. Then whispered back, “I thought I was the first one.”


Marcus just shook his head and looked to the floor, “I wish, and there are others.”


Marcus looked back to the blood pressure machine and shook his head. “Still above normal for a Z5.”


The nurse walked back in and handed Garrett another shake followed by a neon green pill. “How?” Is all Garrett managed to ask the nurse.


“Young man, If you’re a Z5 then surely their were Z4’s?” Elizabeth said as she walked up and gave him a gentle hug. “If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.”


“Does Jess know?” Garrett asked with concern on his face.


“I’m sure she has wondered on occasion. But no she doesn’t.” Daniel said as Elizabeth went back to the system and entered Matt’s information.


After a few strokes on the keyboard Elizabeth announced, “Found him.”


Garrett turned looking at the screen and was confused by what the screen was showing.

“Lets go visit Matt, he is currently up on the seventh floor. I’m sure he could use a friendly face.” Elizabeth said and then proceeded to the door.


“Elizabeth, can we stop and bring Steven with us?” Garrett asked hopefully.

“If Marcus says we can; then yes.” Elizabeth said while not breaking her pace.


“Go get Steven and his dad.” Marcus said thinking this might be good.


Upstairs Stevens room


Steven looked up as someone knocked three times on the door. “Come”.


Elizabeth, poked her head in and looked around the room. “How would you like to escape the room for a bit?”


“As long as someone tells Dad where I am or even Lance. I don’t want to give them a heart attack.” Steven said as his eyes began to moisten up.


“Already took care of letting everyone know.” Elizabeth said while she began rolling a narrow wheelchair into the room. “Besides, we found someone you might know.”


“Who?” Steven said as he was loaded in to the chair.


“When did you start learning barn owl?” Elizabeth asked and then rolled Steven out of the room.


Upstairs Seventh Floor


Matt was watching TV, and thinking about how much in his life had changed. First his parents had been killed in an accident. Then his brother had died in a military action. Followed by him being hit by a car. It had been almost three months since he had seen someone other than the nursing staff. He was really beginning to wonder what would happen when he was released. Then to his surprise there was a knock on the door.


“Come in”


Slowly the door opened with Elizabeth rolling another person in a wheelchair into the room. “Do I have to share a room now?” he asked as he looked down at the covers and began to break down.


Slowly Elizabeth rolled Steven in, a bit too slowly because when he heard the despair in Matt’s voice he ran from the chair to the bed. “No, we aren’t sharing a room or even a bed. I came here to see you and see if you were alright?”


Matt looked up at the sound of the voice, “Oh god, if your here are they here too?” as he started panicking.


“Matt, STOP!” Steven said while grabbing a hold of his hand. “They aren’t here, just me for now. Lance will be here shortly.” Steven said into Matt’s ear as he held on tight to keep him from running or hurting himself.

Elizabeth on the other hand pressed her panic button. Hopefully someone would be here shortly to give him something to calm him down.


Downstairs Main Desk


Jesse and her entourage had just stopped by the desk when the alert sounded. Jesse immediately looked over to the panel and asked the nurse, “what’s going on?”


Thinking quickly the nurse entered the code on here system. “Elizabeth, Stevens nurse hit her panic button on the seventh floor. Room seven sixteen.”


Jesse turned to Lance, “seven sixteen, lets go! Lester keep everyone here and calm!”


Lester had the rest of the group and told them “find a seat.”


The Seventh Floor Hallway


Garrett, Marcus and Daniel were standing in one of the many tan and white corridors. The smell of disinfectant and freshly washed linen was filling the air. “Brother, do you think Matt could come home with me?” Garrett said while looking at the cartoon character ceiling tiles.


“I can place a call and find out. Physically he is good to go.” Marcus said thinking of how difficult it could get considering everything Matt had experienced. “He’s going to need a stable environment or he may get worse.”


As they stood looking at the various pictures and drawings, Elizabeth’s portable alarm went off. As if on cue they both turned and ran into the room. Once inside Marcus turned around and ran to the nearest nurses station.




Lance followed Jess to the elevator bank but was surprised when Jess told him. “We ain’t got time for those floatin boxes.” as she turned and entered the stairwell at a dash.


The speed in which Jess ran up the stairs shocked Lance, she was taking them two at a time. He honestly thought she was levitating up the stairs due to how easily she was leaving him behind. Looking to his right the sign said fourth floor but he didn’t have time to think much about it as his heart had been trying to create a new mad dash rhythm.


“Lance are you alright?” Jess said from the sixth floor. “If you need to stop and take a breath, I have this.”


“Jess, I’m a little out of practice. I can run cross country all day but me and stairs not so much.” Lance said wondering where Jess got the energy or how she had the stamina to keep going.


Lance continued running up the stairs as Jess went through the seventh floor door. He wasn’t far behind her but he knew deep down he would need to work on his stamina if he was going to keep up with her.

Finally he reached the top of the stairs and exited the door to see the administrator run past him. Followed by the elevator ding announcing someone else had arrived.

Lance then turned to follow the Administrator to find Matt being held by Steven in room seven sixteen. He was confused as to why Steven was holding the school bully as if he was an old friend but then maybe he had changed.


Matt started to calm down after Marcus injected something into his arm. Although it didn’t knock him out. Slowly Matt looked up to see Lance standing by the door. “Please come in and find a seat.” was all Matt said.


Lance was confused by the kindness in his words, but slowly he came on in the room.


After a few moments of tension Steven looked between them. “I know there is bad blood between you both but maybe you can work it out.” Steven said while looking between both of them.


After a full minute Matt began to speak, first he looked at Steven for support then he looked at Jess as if hoping she wasn’t going to maim him. Then to the staff and finally the one person he had been an absolute bastard to for so many years. He didn’t realize he was crying looking at someone who had been tormented by him for so long.


On the other side of the room Lance could feel the pain and fear flowing from this person as if he was standing in the middle of a river bed. Slowly Lance walked over to the bed because he couldn’t believe how frail this bully looked. What broke his heart was seeing how much he was afraid of him.


Matt slowly wiped away the tears and spoke softly. “Lance, I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry I made your life hell so many times. I know I shouldn’t have.” After a moment Matt began to shake as he whispered the last part. “There is no way I can fix everything, so let me die.”


Lance barely heard the last part and sat down beside him on the bed. “I will do no such thing.” slowly he reached his hand out and grabbed Matt’s hand. “We will work through this. I can’t have someone else who was hurt by them to go through this alone.”


Jess slowly backed out of the room followed by Daniel and Marcus. Once in the hall they began to have a quiet conversation.


“Jess, Garrett had a request. He asked if he could adopt Matt. Apparently he knew the family before they befell tragedy.” Marcus said as he leaned against the light blue wall. “I don’t see any problem with his request, but do you think Garrett will be able to raise and guide Matt?”


“Marcus, if your thinking he would be raising him alone, then just know he wouldn’t be alone in this matter.” Jess said while watching the events in the room. “To be honest, Garrett might be moving in to the hollow soon anyways.”


They both turned as the Elevator Chimed and out stepped Robin. “Mom, whats going on? Everyone is beginning to worry downstairs.” Robin asked curious about what was going on.


“Well we just found another victim of the coach, who was also one of Lance’s tormentors.” Jess said gently as she watched as Lance continued sitting the bed talking to Matt. “Although, I’m curious if you and Garrett will be alright raising a teenager?” Jess said with an almost evil smirk.


“Wha…t? Raising a teenager.” Robin sputtered confused. “He has a teenager?”

Daniel just stood looking at Robin trying to figure out if he should feel sorry for him or happy. Slowly as if trying to put the pieces together Robin turned to Marcus as if asking for an explanation.


Before anyone could say anything else Garrett walked in to the hallway. “Why do I get the feeling I can’t leave you three alone to plot?” Garrett said to Jess, Marcus and Daniel. “Did you break Robin?”


“Teenager?” was all Robin could say in his current state of fluster.


“Now I see” Garrett shook his head at Jess. “Honey, I know we haven’t even decided if we are dating or more, but I want to adopt Matt. I knew his family and his older brother saved my life a few years ago. So I feel indebted to the family.” Garrett said as he slowly rubbed the tattoo on his left arm thinking about everything he had endured.


“Garrett later on after the funeral, we need to talk about a few things and we should probably bring Jess into the loop to.” Daniel said while nodding at Jess, who was keeping an eye on Matt and Lance.


“When your ready.” Garrett said while watching Jess who was intently focused on Matt.


Jess slowly turned around to look at them as Robin stood quietly processing information. “Guys, just tell me when your ready. I don’t have to wait for after the funeral. I can take on some more information if it involves my family.” as she reached out and held on to both of there left arms almost exactly over the tattoo’s covered by their shirts.


Robin walked over to Garrett and began wrapping him in a hug. “Honey, if you want us to adopt him. Then we should be together as a family. I know we haven’t been together for very long, but I want to be with you until my very last breath.” Robin said while hugging the stuffings out of his Garrett.


Just then Daniel and Garrett’s phones dinged at the same time. Shortly afterwards Elizabeth walked out to join them. Looking at her phone with a smile. “I’m in.” was all she said as she looked at her phone.


Jess slowly entered the room and announced. “Guys, we are going to find a room to discuss a situation. We will be back shortly. Will y’all be alright for a few minutes?”


“Yes, aunt Jess” was echo’d from all around the room.


“That was creepy” Robin said looking at all the innocent faces staring back at him.


“Lets go to the doctors lounge down the hall.” Daniel said as he tried to ignore the teenager’s in the room being synchronized.


Doctors Lounge


Jess looked around the table looking at the four around her but then noticed several other staff wander in looking at their phones. Soon her phone dinged. Looking she noticed it was from Tel and Melnax. “The mystery is about to unravel. Once they each tell you their part we will change your access in the system. And you will be cleared for all information.”


Slowly Jess noticed there was more than the five of them at the table. Jess noticed as Marcus walked in and closed and locked the door. He then sat at the head of the table.

Garrett looked around the room and slowly lifted his shirt sleeve up on his left arm. Looking around he noticed everyone but Jess and Robin was also rolling their sleeves up. Marcus cleared his throat, “Jess, it’s very odd when all of a series of military ex asset’s work in the same town and for basically the same family.” Marcus said as he showed her his fading Z1 tattoo. “My responsibility in the military was programming a system how to logically determine the correct way to list targets by relevance.”


Nurse Davies then showed her arm and the Z2 tattoo. “I helped the system to learn emotion, empathy, and caring. This allowed the system to understand emotions and enabled it to build relationships with targets. So it could find out secrets and plots.”


Daniels showed his Z3 tattoo. “It’s amazing how much tactics rely on knowing people and understanding what makes them tick. Knowing what is driving a response can help greatly in taking someone out and ending a threat.”


Elizabeth looked down at the table then showed her the Z4 tattoo. “My abilities were knowing medicine combinations whether it was to save a life or end a life. I have always prided myself on knowing as much information as possible to do my jobs. I trained the system how to save with medicines or kill with extreme prejudice using the same medicines”


Garrett looked around at all the remaining faces as he showed her his Z5 tattoo but was surprised when four other people showed the same tattoo. “I was used to teach the system extreme surgical techniques to save lives. I also taught them how to end life just as quickly.”


Marcus spoke up once more. “The thing is Jess, we were also modified by the same system to have more advanced abilities than other people.”


Jess looked down as her phone began ringing. She picked it up and placed it on speaker phone. “Jess, we have all been part of a project. We have all created something which if used wrongly could cause major problems.” Melnax said trying to ensure Jess understood.


“Jess, currently Melnax has the ability to use all of this teaching to do some fantastically great or evil stuff. But he is reluctant to implement this programming because he is afraid of missus.” Tel said with distress in his voice.


“So how do you want to proceeded knowing this information?” Jess asked looking at everyone.


“We would feel better knowing it was only used in good situations or for good.” Melnax stated softly.


“Unfortunately, good is relative to how someone is aligned with the issue.” Jess said causing everyone to look at her. “We probably should limit the action side of things until we can control how this is used. We don’t want the wrong people wielding it like a weapon of doom.”


“Melnax, I have a question from the other night. How many original users and programmers are living in town?” Robin asked slowly thinking about everything.


“Robin, currently I cannot tell you this information. Your clearance level isn’t high enough.” Melnax stated without any hostility.

“Melnax can you bump his clearance level up and answer the question.” Garrett said hoping his admin prime meant what he thought it meant.


“Adjusting security clearance.” Melnax stated. “The answer is; there are currently seventy three former asset’s in the town and twelve programmers.”


“Why is there so many assets here?” Robin asked thinking he understood.


“We swore to protect the program and its core whenever we joined the project.” Marcus stated calmly. “That doesn’t mean we had to stay in the military to protect the core. The core is this town, This family and Tel.”


“So we swore allegiance to this family long before we met this family.” Garrett said as he gently squeezed Robin’s hand.


“Tel, can you set this information as private but also allow us to let the rest of the family know without triggering a protection event?” Robin asked shocking everyone at the table.


“I will set information to immediate family lock down with an exception in case you bring someone in to the loop. This way we don’t go on the offensive without asking you first.”


Jess looked around the room. “Thank you for bringing me into the fold and trusting me with this information. I promise I will not judge anyone for their level of participation with the creation of the system. Because you all have worked diligently toward upholding our beliefs and treatment of others while in this town.”


“Guess we need to get everyone rounded up before they go wild downstairs and down the hall.” Robin said looking around the room and knowing this was a good thing.


“First things first, I vote we let Garrett adopt Matt.” Marcus said knowing they had the power allow it. “Besides he’s been trapped in this hospital for too long.”


“Garrett, before you accept responsibility alone. I want you to know; I want to be with you forever, if you will have me?” Robin said while holding on to his hand. “Which means I want to be part of Matt’s family too.”


“Then the first question is your place or mine?” Garrett asked as he gave Robin a huge hug.


“Would you be upset if I suggested we lived here in town?” Robin said knowing deep in his heart he didn’t want to leave the protection of the hollow.


“Then it’s settled we’ll live here.” Garrett said with a large smile. “We can start our family, and Matt can be protected. We will provide a loving experience for him.”



Downstairs Controlled Chaos


Lester was beginning to believe Jess was practicing dark magic at home, as he watched in fascination as the teens and younger children in the lobby had broke down in to playing a game of duck duck goose

and tag your it combined in the lobby. He watched as the nurses all watched with smiles as they continued as if nothing was wrong. It was at this moment Angel was tagged and he ran up and tapped his dad “Tag your it!” and ran off.


Upstairs doctor’s lounge


Marcus looked down to his phone when a text came in then reached for the remote laying on the table. He motioned for everyone to watch the monitor as an image of downstairs was displayed. Marcus then began laughing as he watched as Angel tagged his dad and ran. “Well that proves he is a good parent.” Marcus said with a chuckle.


“I hope this is not what he thinks, keeping everyone in line looks like?” Jess asked with a smile.


Joyce who was another Z5 noticed something and brought it to Jess’s attention. “Jess, I wouldn’t worry; there are several other Z’s downstairs watching this insanity. If anyone has a problem then they are going to be taken care of immediately.”


“Taken Care Of?” Jess repeated to make sure she understood.


“She means injuries, or if someone attempts to harm someone.” Marcus said after clearing his throat. After a moment he sent several messages to his staff to get various people ready for release or temporary release.


“I Guess its time to go take the horde to shop and get ready for tomorrow.” Jess said still watching the monitor as Lester turned to chase someone and slide sideways to be caught by a nurse and then sent back to chasing his son.


“Remember, Barbara needs to be back before ten pm. Her release is so she can spend time with her son and see how this town operates.” Marcus said with a smile. “She has been very pleasant to have here.”


Jess turned to the sound of the door opening and Matt and Steven were being rolled in to the room. Matt looked at everyone in the room. “Where am I going? Have they decided to send me to the orphanage or what?” he then looked down to his lap.


Garrett got up followed by Robin, they both knelled down beside him. Softly Garrett asked “Why would we send you there? We have all talked about it.” He said as he waived his arm around the room and then pointed to Robin.


Robin continued, “If you would consider it me and Garrett want to adopt you.” Robin stated calmly.


“I understand if you don’t want to have two dads? But it allows you to not go to an orphanage.” Garrett said hoping he would accept.


Matt looked up first to Robin and then looked at Garrett. Then around the room. “Why do you want me?” Matt said with tears forming in his eyes.


“I knew your family. Your older brother saved my life in the military. Would it be right to not save you from the hardship of living in an orphanage with everything you have lost.” Garrett said as images of that day flooded his mind.



Garrett was laying on the ground. He had a gaping hole in his side. Looking around all he could see was his fellow soldiers laying in various positions in the muddy field. The rain had hid the enemy soldiers from being detected or seen. Suddenly, Garrett felt a hand on his back. “He buddy, it looks like you were hit bad. I have only one patch with me and you are one of the few alive.” The young medic said. “The enemy is gone but we can’t waste too much time.”


Slowly Garrett was rolled on to his good side. The medic apologized and then cut his uniform shirt loose. “Can’t have this getting infected.” Then slowly he cleaned the wound noticing the shot had missed his vital organs just barely. “Now since the wound is clean its time to apply this patch. It will hurt. There is just no pleasant way to say it.” He then applied the adhesive agent to the skin around the wound while holding Garrett in place to keep him from moving. “Now if you thought that was painful, all I have to say is I’m sorry.” With that said he applied the patch and watched as the skin began to smoke as the patch and the adhesive melted into the skin forming a tight bond. He watched as Garrett began to thrash. “As much as it burns, remember if you don’t let it set while being still it might not attach properly. So even though it hurts please remain still.” He watched as Garrett slowly stopped moving.


End Flashback


As Garrett returned to the room he noticed he was being hugged by Matt and Robin. “One day when you want we can talk about what happened.” Matt said knowing what happened. His brother had wrote him about the events even though he wasn’t supposed to. “As far as two dad’s. I will try to adapt and not be an ass. I can’t promise I will be the best teenager to adopt. But I will try.” Matt said still hanging on to Garrett.


“Then as far as I am concerned this is settled.” Jess said looking to see if anyone objected. “Now we just need to see if they want to live in my house or their own house.”


“Mam, can we decide that later? I really just want to leave the hospital.” He said then turned to look at Marcus and his nurse. “No offense, it’s not a bad place but I have seen the same room for a while now.” Matt said then noticed the scowl forming.


“Jess, Aunt Jess, Grandma Jess, are all acceptable names. Mam isn’t on the approved list of names for family!” Jess said as the scowl turned to a smile as she watched Matt blush.


“Mom, please don’t scare our son. We just got him.” Robin said as he blushed saying it.


“Well, Marcus its time for me to pack up the traveling circus and go shopping. Do you need anything while we are out?” Jess said knowing Marcus had planned to attend the funeral.


“I’m good Jess, I have already prepared for tomorrow.” Marcus said with a smile.


“Pack up, time to go.” Jess said and watched as the table cleared and on the monitor everyone immediately stopped playing and began loading up.


Matt looked at the screen then asked “how did they hear you?”.

Jess looked at her phone and read the text message. “Message announced to all phones in lobby, Melnax.”





Barbara looked around at the herd of people then watched as everyone began loading up on the bus. “Was this part of a school group?” she asked looking around at the nurse’s


“No, this is part of Jess’s family” one of the nurses said as she started rolling Barbara’s wheelchair toward the bus.


Barbara was surprised to see the bus had a wheelchair lift on the back. What surprised her more was there was a teenager in a wheelchair rolled up beside her. “Wow, this is so cool.” he said shocked seeing the bright yellow bus.


“How do you mean?” Barbara asked gently.


“We are going shopping, to eat and then I’m going home to meet my new family.” he said with excitement dripping from his voice.


“Really, I’m so happy for you.” Barbara said aloud.


“Why don’t you seem happy, you are going with us? I was told this was a family trip.” he asked with confusion.


Shocked Barbara turned to look him in the eyes. “They consider me family? But, they were saying they were going to help find me a job. So me and my son could stay. They never said anything about family.” she said as the tears slowly began to stream down her face.


“No, please no crying.” He said worried. Then he turned looking around trying to find her. “GRANDMA JESS!” he hollered hoping she would come over.


Looking around he noticed everyone had stopped moving and was quite as if letting her find the problem. As he prepared his lungs to holler again. She placed her hand on his shoulder.


“What's wrong?” She said with the biggest smile.


“She just started crying. I don’t know why.” Matt said looking at Barbara.


“He said this was a family trip.” Barbara said as her features seemed stuck in a moment.


Jess squatted down beside her. “Barbara, this is a family trip. You are family, if you want to be? Besides we are getting ready for a funeral tomorrow. My sister died in an accident.” she said as her smile broke for a second. “I would be happy if you wanted to join the family.”


Barbara surprised everyone as she set the brakes on her chair, got up and then brought Jess up in to a big hug. “Yes, I will join the family. But, I’m here for you as a friend. I know I cannot replace her and I will not try to replace her.”

Slowly they all boarded the bus. Jess then counted the people on the bus making sure everyone was on board. Muttering to herself “I still have room for five more.” Then she sat down and started the bus.

As they were preparing to go to the shopping center she asked, “Do you want food first or shop?”


She wasn’t surprised when the unified chorus of “Food!” Rattled the windows of the bus.


Thinking better of it she pulled to a stop and texted a friend asking if she could bring a bus load for a visit.


The message back stated yep come on.



Author Note: This has been a while in the making. But recently things are starting to look up for me. So I am in a state of mind to write. Lets see what happens next.


Lance’s Note: This author seems a little off track. Wonder if Kyle sent him?


Trevor’s Note: How come your picking on him?


Author Note: Hey come on guys what are you doing now?


Jake’s Note: Why don’t you ask Marvin to give him a dunk?


Instantly the author disappears from his keyboard and computer. Within a flash he returns dripping wet and shivering. Looking down he realizes he is holding a baby seal. Then the seal vanishes and a note appears. Opening the note the author begins reading. “Timmy said Thank You for rescuing Xander.

Then places the note on the table, he then grabs a towel and dries his hands. Then presses the save button and uploads the file.