Harry Potter - Hellion!

Chapter 27 - Meeting Pafoo... err... Padfoot


Harry snapped his finger and Draco was lifted off the ground and his body began to follow Harry to the back door of the manor. Another snap of the fingers and the double doors opened, letting the three in. As they reached the entrance hallway, they were met by Narcissa.

"What is wrong with Draco?" asked a worried Narcissa.

Harry gave her the Hogwarts letter, and she scanned the heading. Her training at maintaining a straight face in the worst of circumstances came into play, but her blink at the ‘Prince of Magic’ did not escape Harry’s attuned sense of observation, fine as it was because of the need to survive in the wild.

"You seem surprised?" he asked innocently.

"Err... Yes and no. I know who you are, but it is the ‘Prince of Magic’ title given here that shocks me. That title is reserved to High Elves of the Royal Line. That line is supposed to be gone."

"Must not be as gone as some thought, then. I did not ask for it."

"We will have to ask Lord Black; the man is a treasure trove of ancient history."

Just then, a boy looked over the rail guard of the second floor and recognized Harry. He began jumping up and down on the overhanging balcony yelling "He is back! He is back!" at the full power of his lungs. The other children came out of their rooms, wondering who was back, and peeked over the balustrade only to join the boy in their yelling, that reached such a level, even the dead to the world family portraits stirred and mumbled about the noise. A couple of badly affixed candle holders crashed, extinguishing the candles in the process, a magical safety measure that came in handy that day. The kids began coming down the stairs like a herd of hippogriffs and stormed the grand entrance hall, charging for Harry. As the charge came forth, Draco woke up, only to faint in fright at the advancing army!

"Get Draco in the kitchen while I handle this, Dobby!" said Harry.

A couple of snaps of the fingers had Draco and Dobby safely in the kitchen. Harry braced himself for the impending assault, only to find himself lifted off his feet and carried around the room to the song of ‘He is a Jolly Good Fellow!’. That lasted a good twenty minutes before the kids consented to let Harry back on his feet. Soon Harry was pushed on a seat and found himself facing a forest of children on their knees, bowing to the floor. He looked at Narcissa, trying to understand what was happening. She too was at a loss.

"Hey, I am also glad to see you guys, but would you mind sitting down? You do have nice butts, but I do not think this position will let us exchange information effectively!"

Narcissa snickered. The boy was as to the point as ever.

The children slowly sat on the carpet, in a tight semi-circle the first row barely an inch off Harry’s feet. Once everyone was sat, younger in front of the older or taller, leaning on each other, Harry looked around. Spotting a face he remembered the name of, he asked:

"Timmy? Would you mind explaining? I though I left you at the care of Tom of the Leaky Cauldron?"

"He did care for us the best he could. But he was alone, and well, the lady of the house offered to take us off his hands. I do not think he was too pleased, but he had to admit he could not do the work. So we were transported here by muggle means. Muggle busses are more comfortable than the Knight Bus, let me tell you. Then we had a trip by ..."

"Helicopter...," said a twelve-year old mundane-born wizard by the name of Robby.

"Ya, what he said, helicopter, from a park to the side of the road that passes in front of here, and then we were taken through the wards to this place, given bedrooms, a chance to wash up, and a good lunch? You know, the midday food we never enjoyed at that hell-hole. Everyone enjoyed the helicopter ride! It was nice to see the ground below, the people as tiny ants, and the nice parks and rivers. The muggles were so nice, too! We have been enjoying the stay here. I just hope it never ends. It is like I died and went to Haven. Tom from the Leaky Cauldron sends us food by magic every meal, he says its the least he can do, since you paid for it already. It should be on the dining room table shortly."

"That is nice. I’m glad you are happy here."

Just then, Draco made his way out of the kitchen through the dining room, surprised the food was there but no one was pigging on it yet. He made his way to the entrance hall, were he heard noises coming from. He gently opened the double-door and walked in, to see his friend on a chair with all the other kids sitting on the wool carpet at his feet as his friend listened carefully to stories told by those on the floor. He did look like a prince listening to his court, without even trying. It came naturally, as if he had done it all his life. Compassion flowed freely from the Prince of Magic to his subjects, a golden glow covering the assembly, much to the amazement of Draco. He made his way amongst the children and took a place on the floor, soaking in the comfort of Harry’s magic, the comfort he had known all those years each time he had met the Prince of Magic for those single-day visits. Dobby sat beside Draco, also soaking the good feeling. Gradually, all the house-elves that minded the manor joined the kids, sitting on the floor with wide, adoring eyes. Their master was home.

Off, in London, Sirius made his way to the Camelot Throne Room where the Round Table awaited for its illustrious members to take seat. As he walked in the room, accompanied by Frank, his wife, their son, Grandma Longbottom, and Remus Lupin, he saw that the seat reserved for Harry was glowing brightly. The Queen, whom had walked in behind them, looked at Sirius questioningly.

"I have no idea, your Majesty. Some major status change, I would think. Frank, get the Scrolls of Peerage from the secretary desk, please."

Frank quickly obliged and pulled out the scrolls. Unrolling the one with the mark of the House of Pendragon, he noticed no change; he then took out the one for Ambrosius. At the bottom, as expected, he found the name of Harry. But there was a change: the first line had changed from Hight Forest Elf to Prince of Magic, to be followed by High Elf (Forest, River, Mountain, Sea), Master of the Cycle of Life (Rebirth, Life, Death, Eternity), Master of the elements (Water, Air, Fire, pending Earth), Master of the Guardians (All Dragons)... it took several feet of scroll to list the entire list of shapes Harry had mastered, magical at the top of that list, followed by mundane life forms. Then came at the bottom of all that unending list, the inheritances, starting with Merlin Ambrosius’, the family covered 90% of the magical world, if not more, at Frank’s rough estimate.

"I wonder how the Goblins are taking this?" said Remus.

"Badly, I think, as 99% of their business is under the control of a single customer they have never met. If Harry moves all his gold into a single place, it might create a gravitational anomaly!" Alice replied. "And what is this reference to Atlantis? It sank!"

"It sank below the waves, but the orichalque dome probably survived, so Atlantis itself is not destroyed, only hidden below the waves. That was the first, most massive of these magical hidings, but the island of Mu followed suit, and, according to some scholars, so did the island where Camelot was built, but I have some doubts about that. Your Majesty, I need to go to Hogwarts this morning. If all is as expected, the Book of Souls should give me the last known address of my godson."

"Do so post-haste. That empty seat has more weight than the rest of the House of Lords combined."

Frank, Remus, and Sirius ported from Buckingham Palace to Hogwarts’ gates, just as Hagrid was opening them for the day.

"How do ya do? And what brings ya in these nick of the woods?" asked the half-giant.

"I have to go see Minerva," said Sirius. "We are in a rush, so excuse us for not being too social this morning, Hagrid."

"That is Okay. I have to run to the Three Broomsticks to pick me-self a pint or two."

"That early in the morning, Hagrid? You tank up at first light now?"

"Me been feeling lonely... I hate summer. No kids to keep me busy. Only good thing is is it is one month to their return."

"I understand, I better move. Something tells me I must be going."

"See ya later, and seriously, do come visit once in a while."

"I will. Bye."

The group of mages quickly made their way to the Gargoyle, who looked down at him with an attitude that reminded Sirius of Lucius Malfoy eyeing a muggle.

"Open up, you potential dust, before I materialize a jack-hammer and tickle you with it!"

Remembering the demonstration by the muggle, the gargoyle jumped out of the way, not asking for any password. The mages quickly climbed the spiral staircase and entered Minerva’s office after a token knock. Minerva looked up, taken aback by the brusk behavior of Lord Black.

"Lord Black?", she asked, icily.

"I need to check on the Book of Souls, Minerva. It might be the last chance this year for me to get a grip on my godson."


"It is his birthday today."

"Oh! I will get the book."

Minerva quickly released the magical lock, took the book out, and lay it on the floor at the arch’s apex. The golden glow that had last attracted their attention was still there, and the mages quickly found Harry’s entry. There, for all to see, was Harry’s ‘delivery’ address: Malfoy Manor, backyard swing.

"My godson slept on a swing???" thundered Sirius.

Minerva waved her wand, and the previous sleeping arrangements appeared: Malfoy Manor, under the pine tree visible from the Ice Dragon; then, as Minerva waved her wand once more, it was replaced with Forest of Dean, sycamore, at the river’s bend.

"Do you want more?"

"No. I have seen enough! Let us go, I got a godson to pick up!"

"Sirius, be careful. He does not know you, and coming in like a train in Hogsmeade will not be productive. He can get frightened and crush you to smithereens in a blink!" said Minerva.

Sirius was not listening, as he ran toward the wards, ignoring anyone or anything in his way.

"No one told him we could use the floo?" asked Remus.

"And deprive him of the cooling breeze?" replied Alice. "We will be there before he even reaches the wards to port out. He is lucky he does not land in the lake, under the ice!"

"Given his temper, he would melt an iceberg. It might be a good thing for him, anyway," said Frank. "Minerva?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

After getting the authorization from Narcissa, Frank, Alice, Neville, Augusta and Remus made use of the headmistress’ fireplace to floo to Malfoy Manor.

She was waiting for them at the floo point, on the west wing, overlooking the empty pool.

"Hello Narcissa," said Alice, "Quick warning, Sirius is on his way, he just found out his godson is here. He is in a temper worth an volcano."

"I know just where to have him dropped! I have been wanting to vaporize some of the watershed used by the Abraxans for the past four years. It is a collection of ponds that would benefit being drained and then dredged of its thick layer of mud until we again reached the bedrock it is supposed to be settled on. Six hundred years of neglect and the lake have suffered advanced eutrophication because of their original shallowness."

"Big words!" said Frank.

"Muggle words, to be exact. I learned that they have looked at things we never bothered with. Lake and pond evolution is one of those. I paid a visit to the village library and found the librarian there could give lessons to the one in Hogwarts. They have this catalog that is a series of numbers and letters sorted by subject. I just asked her about anything that was related to lakes aging, and there it was, in a grade school book, no less!"

"Let us rush things. What do you plan?"

"Oh yes. First, a six inch layer of ice!" A quick wave of her wand froze the lake to the specified thickness, disgorging a lot of heat in the process, heat that dissipated in the high atmosphere by creating an updraft. Then Narcissa changed the apparation point to under the ice covered lake. Nothing was visible from the window, but Alice had seen Narcissa’s smirk.

"My cousin will be met by a very cold reception! And I will finally be even for the number of times I woke up with ice cubes in my bed sheets! No questions, wait an see! To prankster, prankster and a half!"

A minute, two minutes, three minutes passed.

"I wonder what is holding him back!"

"He probably is still running toward Hogsmeade, too enraged to realize he could port right after crossing the gates," Remus said.

Just then, the lake’s surface exploded as the water vapor finally broke the ice. Ice blocks flew everywhere, flying away so fast the friction with the air was sufficient to finish the melting process. Shortly, a supersonic boom almost broke the manor’s windows, followed by a wave of muddy water that covered everything with slime, except, maybe not so miraculously, Draco’ Dragon and the surface of the pond it was located in.

"Volcanic temper was an understatement!" said Narcissa. "Now, that mutt has to get out of there. And it will not be easy. Or maybe... Look at the water running away from the mutt! He is still so hot the mud solidifies underfoot. I was hoping he would have to crawl out."

"Remind me never to piss you off," said Alice, as she saw Sirius, covered in mud, climb out of one sinkhole, only to fall in another as he tried to reach the depression’s shore.

"If the flea bag changed to his dog form, he would be able to at least swim in the mud," said Remus, smirking.

Finally, Sirius reached the solid ground, and collapsed on his belly, having totally expanded his rage and his magical energy.

"I think it is safe to go near him now, Narcissa. We might need to run, because I think I see Draco’s unmistakable silver mane leading a group of children toward where Sirius is. Knowing him, Sirius is going to be in serious trouble."

"You think? Beside him is none other than Sirius’ obsession, the Potter boy, the one with the black hair whipping his bums."

"Where is Neville?" asked Augusta, looking around.

A door slamming closed and Neville appearing under the window at a run answered that burning question.

As the adults watched in growing awe, Sirius was doused in icy water, that seemed to form an ice coffin around his body, only to crack at each breath.

"That is Harry’s work. He did that dragon of ice for Draco, and it still stands ten years later. He has helped us with irrigation, water management, and filtering. The pond I diverted Black into was one of the last work he had planned to deal with. It would definitely have been a better work than what Sirius did, a lot less muddy. I have seen him extract water from a pond that was so clear and clean the fish seemed to shine during the transfer from the dirty hole to their new habitat. And he did a good job in installing a sewer with water plants to filter the crap."

"Maybe we should go rescue Sirius. I am sure he is beginning to feel cold!" said Alice.

The adults walked down the stairs, and exited to the back yard only to hear a voice yell: "I do not give a crap if you are serious, I am serious! Who do you think you are to muddle up my friend’s back yard, almost destroy his nice home, and come barging in the back yard when you know quite well the portal is in the alley in the front?" Another gush of icy water flushed the Black Lord, who sputtered in shock.

"Please stop! Please! I will be good! But please stop! I am freezing."

"Better frozen than cooked! I can do that too, you know! Some bone-faced bastards found out it was not very pleasant to boil from the inside out!" said the same voice.

"That is Harry’s voice. And I did hear about the cooked dead-eaters. But we never were able to prove it was his doing," said Frank.

"And what will you do to clean your mess?"

"I will clean it! I will clean it!"

"Without magic?"

"Anything! With my toothbrush! But stop!"

Harry looked at a smirking Draco. "Toothbrush? They do not use magic to stay clean, or chew on some hard stuff, like bark, sand or rocks, like I do?"

"They have so little control on their magic, it is pathetic," said Draco, whose smile threatened to split his face in two.

"Do you know who that guy is?"

Draco looked at Sirius, scratching his chin. Sirius looked at the boy’s face and began shivering anew.

"Draco, you know me! I am sorry for all the pranks I pulled on you, Shawn and Neville. Come on, be a fair sport!"

Neville and Draco looked at each other.

"Prove it!" said Neville, in a voice that sent another wave of cold down Sirius’ back.

"Prove what? And how?"

"That you are Sirius, err, serious?" said Neville.

After shivering some more, Sirius changed into Padfoot.

Immediately, Harry recognized the dog he had a memory of. "Pafoo? Pafoo!", as he ran to hug the neck of his dream dog. The cold water dripped on Harry’s body, but Harry ignored it, his eyes wet with tears as he kept repeating "Pafoo!" over and over.

Just then, an icy voice was heard from the edge of the pond, as a thin, very emaciated man crawled out of the pond turned mud hole.

"Well, well! What a nice family reunion! Just in time for me to reap the rewards of my sufferings! Avada Kavadra!"