Hey all, This is Roland. This next section was something that was very difficult for me to write, and very difficult for the editor to edit. It deals with what the slave clones that caused Logan's break down went through before they were rescued, and what had to be done to bring them back, at least some of them.
I feel that this section is extremely important due to the fact that it really explains why Logan had the break down. This section is disturbing, there is no denying that. Those that can handle it, I strongly recommend that you read it. Those that can not, understand that I will be making strong efforts to make sure things make sense even if you have not read this section.
This is Eggman, the editor of this chapter and the Slave scene that Roland is warning you about. Yes, my chapter 7 was difficult for me to write, however I could re-read and edit it without my stomach flipping. In this case, I only edited and returned it to Roland, after I had swallowed half a bottle of yucky Pepto-Bismal. This not a light warning - be prepared to be very disheartened while you read this section!
Please click the link below to read the missing section, or, click the next button to move to the next chapter.
Logan sighed heavily as he waited for the others to join him in the conference room. So far the only ones there were Adam, Janet and Joe. He had owed it to them to discuss what he needed to discuss with them first, before bringing the others in. None of them were happy about it, but Logan would not be swayed.
Adam hadn't said a word to Logan during the entire conversation, but they were most definitely communicating. Adam wasn't at all pleased, he didn't like the way things were going to be done, yet he knew deep down that Logan truly felt he needed to do this, and while he may not like it, he would never tell Logan that he could not do something, nor would he not support him.
"Logan," Daileass's voice rang out in the room, "Doctor Ronald Teeper and his son Aaron are ready."
"Thanks, Dal." Logan replied as he stood up, causing the other three in the room to do so as well. A moment later, two figures appeared in the room. The older one, a man in his mid- to late-thirties. He was obviously of Native American decent, which was accented by the hawk print dress shirt, and many beaded necklaces he wore.
The boy with Dr. Teeper was very obviously not his biological son. The boy was 13 or 14, with dirty blond to brown hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin, and a plastering of freckles across his face, and over his lower, exposed arms. The thing that Logan focused on however was the very ornate pendant that hung around the boys neck. The chain appeared to be solid gold, and intricately weaved. Hanging from the golden chain was a very stylized dragon depiction, with a person kneeling before it.
Logan moved around the table with an outstretched hand. "Hi, I'm Logan Hayes." The man shook Logan's hand, then Logan introduced the rest as they came over to shake the man's hand as well. "This is my mother and Father, Janet Hayes, and Joe Casey. And this is my life partner General Adam Casey."
Ron shook all their hands then introduced his son. "This is Aaron." He then looked down to the boy. "Shake their hands, Aaron."
Once Ron told him what to do, the boy, Aaron reached his hand out and shook all of theirs with a "Nice to meet you", for each.
Just as Aaron was finishing up with Adam, the doors to the room opened and in walked Jory, Chang, Khan, Will, Jack and Dave. After another round of introductions, they all sat down and waited expectantly for Logan to begin. Something that none of them commented about, but all noticed was, when Dr. Teeper sat down in the chair that had been offered and pointed to the ground near his legs. Aaron immediately sat down on the floor next to the Doctor's left leg.
Finally after several long moments of silence, Logan finally sighed heavily, stood up and started to pace. When he began to talk, it wasn't really to any one person. He was simply staring straight ahead as he spoke.
"First off, let me explain why Dr Ronald Teeper and his son are here. We have to do something about the Slave Clones, and these are the people that are going to help me do it. Before I go any further, let me explain that I contacted Dr. Teeper ten minutes ago, and told him that we have an emergency happening with Slave children that were on the cusp on a total shut down. He agreed to be transported immediately, so he doesn’t know any of the details. With that in mind, I wanna take a few moments to give him the details he needs."
At this point Logan stopped and looked at Dr. Teeper, and started talking, this time however, his voice had a strength and steadiness that no one missed. "Yesterday morning, my brother Chang was investigating the home of Premier Bartnev, and found ten boys all age eight, who had been being used as submissive slave toys. Please understand, these are not normal boys. These boys were genetically engineered to Bartnev's specifications. They were clones off of myself, Adam, Jory, Chang, and Will. However, unlike us, they're only real genetic enhancements were in the field of endurance and healing. As far as we have been able to figure out, they endurance is about 10 times that of a normal human, as well as the fact that they heal at a factor of nine times that of a normal human."
"They are also telepathically linked to one another, which is something that we have found that all the genetically altered people from the Genesis project are at least somewhat telepathic. From some of the memories that I have been able to gleam off of them, Bartnev exploited the enhancements as much as he could." Logan then walked back to his place at the table, picked up a folder that was there, opened it up, and took several large photographs out of it, then handed them to Dr. Teeper. "These are pictures that were taken of the rooms in which they were kept. As you can see there are many 'devices' that Bartnev used on the boys."
As Dr. Teeper took the pictures he briefly looked down at Aaron and smiled. Janet couldn't help herself, she glanced under the table and saw the boy was sitting there cuddled up to the man's leg smiling happily.
Taking the offered pictures, Ron glanced at them while slowly shaking his head. Flipping through them he raised an eyebrow just slightly before shrugging. He knew the others would take it the wrong way, but this was pretty mild compared to some of the other cases he had been called in.
"You know, if the bastard wasn't dead already, I’d find his ass and let Juan do what ever the fuck he wanted." Adam said in disgust.
"Why kill him?" Ron smirked. "It’s really too bad he was killed. I think he would benefit from spending time in one of my friend’s accommodations, his dungeon. Learning just how exactly uncreative he really was." Placing the pictures on the table he chuckled softly at the rage filtering behind some of their eyes before getting serious. Leaning forward he snapped the pictures around so those across from him saw the scenes in all their glory, "I’m sure all of you are properly horrified." Placing another of the pictures next to the first he continued, "What we are seeing here is nothing more than the attempts to create a dungeon by someone who does not know what the hell they are doing." Placing the final pictures down on the table he shrugged as he sat back, "So far everything I’ve seen, while it is horrible to you, is pure and simple vanilla to me."
"You mean it gets worse?!" Jory asked with a hint of shock.
Snorting, Dr. Ron nodded, "Those do not even come close to what a true dominant that has gone insane is capable of. None of those are missing body parts or have any of their insides hanging on their outsides."
Joe, having been silent up to this point, had to speak up. "So you think you'll be able to help the boys?" He knew he had to change the topic, since he wasn't the only that was slightly green around the gills.
"Aaron here," Ron placed a hand and caressed the hair of the submissive he had brought with him. "Aaron was rescued from a dominant who had gone bad. This dominant had the habit of inviting visiting masters from around the world to his farm and killing them so he could steal their slaves. He then did things to them that would make all of you puke so hard you would pass out." Feeling Aaron rub his cheek against his leg he smiled and turned to face the man who changed the subject, "But to answer your question, yes they can be helped."
Holding up a hand to stop any celebrating that could start he looked each of them in the eye, "The real question is…Are you going to hand them over to me to be reprogrammed or are you going to attempt to do it yourself badly?"
All eyes fell on Logan. Finally he looked Ron right in the eyes and spoke with a burning desire. "I will do it! They are my responsibility... I brought you here to guide me and make sure I don't fuck it up."
"Right now those boys have had one constant in their lives," Ron told them. "They have been raised to expect certain things…to have these things done a certain way. By changing their routine, their expectations, and their world view, you will most likely come close to having them break; to shut down permanently and will themselves to die. Staring at Logan to measure his intent and his resolve, Ran warned, "Make one mistake in the beginning and you will be the cause of all of them committing suicide. You will know they died because of something you were not capable of giving them."
"I will do what it takes; they are my responsibility, I allowed them to become what they are, and I WILL be the one to bring them back." Logan said with a fierce determination that many of them had never seen or heard before.
"So you think you are strong enough to carry through," Ron ignored the others as they took in the body language Logan was displaying, looking for a reason to deny his request and send over one of his more experienced people. "So you can handle what you are going to have to do to make those boys yours?"
"What do you mean?" Adam asked not liking what he was hearing.
"You are going to have to take them," Ron told him forcefully. "And by take them I mean you will go into the room they are kept in and cut the collars off them…"
"We removed those barbaric things as soon as we could." Janet spat out.
"You ignorant fool," Ron hissed at the woman as he practically growled out his anger over her incompetence. Ignoring her sputtering, he rounded on Logan, "This changes things. You are going to have to go into that room, line them up and if someone in their infinite wisdom clothed them you are going to order them to strip. Then you will go to each and every one of them and exam them as if they are livestock you don’t want to buy. After that you will forcefully kiss each one before arousing them with your hand before turning them around and plunging your manhood inside them. What the shysters that call themselves shrink refers to as rape."
Almost everyone started trying to protest at once. During the moments that all of them were protesting, Logan and Ron had their eyes locked until Logan, with out breaking eye contact, spoke in a loud commanding voice. "EVERYONE BE QUIET! Let Dr. Ron continue." When they fell silent, Logan nodded to Dr. Teeper to continue.
Seeing almost everyone in the room mouthing ‘rape’ with shock on their faces that was rapidly turning to anger Dr. Ron waved a hand to get their attention. "I said could be taken as rape by those that have no idea what they are dealing with. While both acts, the one I have said had to happen and actual rape are about domination, the similarities end there."
"Rapists dominate their unwilling victims, Dominates do so to their willing submissive’s," Ron kept track of those who were having trouble with his words in case they would turn violent. "A rapist is all about taking from the victim, a Dominate on the other hand will make sure the submissive is not only taken care of, but has all their needs met. Most of you have no idea what is involved in this culture and I can see that you are having trouble making sense of what I am saying, and unless you are willing to immerse yourself into the culture I’m afraid it will remain alien to you."
"In a healthy dominant and submissive relationship there is a level of trust that surpasses those of what the culture refers to as 'vanilla relationships'." Feeling Aaron nod his head against his leg at what he just said, he made a note to reward him once they had returned to the island. "A submissive by their very nature NEEDS to be in a relationship that controls most of their lives to be happy and productive." Ron tapped the pictures in front of him. As all eyes looked down in reflex, he told them, "What you have here is not a healthy relationship. What has happened to these ten clones is in no way shape or form something a proper Dominant would condone or allow to happen. It would break the trust between the two, and that type of monster is where a few friends and I have come up with a way to properly punish and chastise them. In this case, unfortunately the man is dead and beyond our reach."
Looking up at the ceiling, Ron twisted his lips as he tried to get back on track. "They need to be dominated in the only way their world view will allow. Their old master is dead, and instead of claiming them, you in your good intentions set them adrift; left them to flounder, all the while knowing they are being punished; that they are now disposable, not wanted," Ron sighed as all eyes turned to him. "You are not dealing with normal abused kids here. These boys, from what I have been told, and what is written in these reports, were brought up to be submissive slaves. Their will to survive and to flourish lies in reinforcing the behavior you want them to emulate, slowly mind you, by rewards that involve sex. You have to use sex as the reward for becoming more independent. Mind blowing sex, for taking steps to do for themselves, without being told to do so. No sex, other than a quick hand job, for things you have to repeatedly tell them to do."
Doctor Ron paused as he made sure Logan understood what he was saying. It didn't matter if anyone else did at this point. Now getting back to what you will do, after you have claimed them, but before you slide out of them, you will slap a slave collar around their neck," Ron stared at Logan who looked wide eyed, but determined. "A slave collar with your symbol on it that declares to them and the world that they belong to you. Do you still think you have what it takes?"
Logan did not verbally respond, he simply nodded.
Standing up, Ron reached down and touched Aaron’s head and pulled the lad close when he got to his feet, "The only thing left that we have to decide on and have registered is your symbol. In the beginning it will be linked to mine, in case someone in the community questions you on what gives you the right to use it. After that you will watch as I claim Aaron, like I did after we rescued him. Then and only then will you be allowed to go into that room and claim those clones. I hope for their sakes you do have what it takes."
Without another word, Ron and Aaron left room. Logan made sure that Daileass knew to lead them to a room they could use for their needs. He then took a deep breath, and looked around the room at his family. Before he spoke a word, he walked around and hugged each and every one of them, When he got to Adam, he hugged his lover close and hard, letting all of his feeling pour into the one person who he was closer to then anyone else.
When he broke that hug, he turned and looked at everyone again, before speaking. "Okay, now I get to tell all of you what's going to happen, and what each and every one of you will do when we get back. I have already been in contact with one of the Mikyvis, and he was more then willing to help take us to a place where time will not be an issue. I don't know how long it will take to bring them to a point where they will be functional, but we'll take how ever long it takes to do what needs be done. Don't get your hopes up, there will be some of them that cannot function with out some form of master/slave relationship. My hope is to minimize the amount of that they need, but I really don't know how this will turn out. When we get back, you will all need to help reinforce, and reward their positive behavior. For you guys that will not include sex, however, a good word, saying things like that will go a long way for them. However, you MUST not react when you hear some of them calling me master, or looking towards me for orders."
Logan sighed and sat down for a moment. "You all know that I do not want to do this, but it's something that I must, and something that I know I can do. In a way I am sure I will derive some pleasure out of it. But every single one of us, with the exception of mom and dad are telepathic. If you dare, reach into their minds, and have a look around. General Adams and his band of assholes programed these kids to be slaves. We can't deny that bedrock fact. If things do not happen in a very specific way, we may as well take them all outside and put them down like rabid animals... it would be more humane that way.
If ANY part of this goes wrong, those boys minds will shut down and we'll be dealing with vegetables. Keep that in mind when you cringe about what's going to have to happen. General Adams was finally able to create what he wanted in all of you... in all of us... slaves. However, Bartnev was an idiot, not interested in anything other then hurting people. In a very sick way, Bartnev is the ONLY reason these boys have a chance to be saved." Logan stood up and started to walk from the room. When he got to the door, he turned around and looked once again at his family. "I do invite any of you that want to, to watch what is about to happen, but I recommend that none of you do." With that he turned and walked from the room.
Silence reigned for several moments before they all got a small surprise. Juan's voice entered all of their minds, even more surprising was the tone he was using to talk. This wasn't the fun loving kid who played at being a psychopath, this was Juan completely dead serious. 'None of us like what has happened to these kids, and we like even less what Logan is going to have to do to save them, but deep down we all KNOW that Logan is the only one of us that could handle doing what needs be done. We're all big bad soldiers, we can kill with the best of them, and then some. But none of us have it within ourselves to dominate someone the way that will be needed here. Logan is the only one that CAN do it. But keep in mind what it's gonna do to him to do it.'
They all heard Juan sigh and then speak in a voice where they could hear the pain he was going through. 'Out of all of us, I was the closest to being where these boys are at. Thankfully for them, Bartnev was not very.... creative. However, there is something that I have learned, not only from Dr. Phil, but also from some others. There IS such a thing as a healthy and proper Master/Slave relationship. One that is based on complete trust. Trust that the master will not take the slave past a point that the slave can handle, trust that the master will not abuse the power that the slave has given him. In some people there is the NEED to be dominated, and trust me it IS a NEED. We may not like it, we may not understand it, but that does not mean that it isn't there. Every single one of us are willing to trust Logan with our lives. We need to trust that he will do everything in his power to help these boys. And remember one more thing. Logan can do things that a true submissive personality could only even hope for. They want to be controlled body, spirit, and MIND. Logan is the only one that I know of that could completely dominate someone elses mind in a way that would not destroy them. He literally is a slaves wet dream come true. Keep all of that in mind.'
Juan's voice faded from their minds and they all sat there stunned and thinking about what their youngest brother had said. Not really wanting to accept that every thing he said was spot on, but not being able to argue it either. Finally, after several long moments, Adam stood up with a muttered curse.
"Where are you going?" Janet asked softly.
"Logan is my lover, my life partner. We've committed to each other, and I will be damned if he has to do this alone." Adam and Janet locked eyes for a few brief moments, before Janet nodded. Adam turned on his heal and hurried out the room.
As the door shut, Chang uttered to no one in particular. "Talga Vassternich... Deserve Victory." To him it was more a prayer of good luck for Adam and Logan.
When Logan entered the room where Doctor Ron and Aaron were waiting, he got his first taste of what is to come. In the middle of the room, Dr. Ron and Aaron were engaged in a very serious french kiss. When they split apart, Aaron sighed heavily, and Dr. Ron softly spoke to the boy. "You did very well in there. I am very pleased with you." To say that Aaron was glowing from the praise would have been a major understatement.
When Dr. Ron acknowledged that Logan was in the room, Logan immediately started to speak. "First off, Thank you again for coming so quickly." When Dr. Ron simply nodded, Logan continued. "I know you are hesitant to take this case on, especially under the circumstances, but I can assure you that I will do what ever it takes to make this work. What we went over in the conference room was more for the others then for you. Now that we have all of that out of the way, any information you may need or want is yours. However, there is one major detail that needs to be shown." Logan closed his mouth, and the next words they heard came directly into their minds.
'I am sure you are familiar with the terms telepathy and empathy. I have strong control over both of those gifts as well as a lot more.'
Narrowing his eyes, Ron considered the information from several different angles before slowly nodding his head. "This can, and I mean can work to your advantage. But are you strong enough to keep your mind separated from the slaves as his emotions and needs become an avalanche that rumbles in release?"
Logan considered for a moment before responding. "What I am about to tell you I would ask that you keep completely to yourselves." After getting a nod of approval from Dr. Ron, he continued. He didn't worry about Aaron because he would do as he was told. "You have heard about the Clan, and some about The UNIT. What is not known to almost anyone outside of the Clan is that each and every clan member is linked mentally to everyone else. Some of the links are stronger then others. Some only allow the person to know, deep down inside that they are loved, and not alone, while some are in a part of the link that actually allows them to 'talk' to others. Then there is another aspect of the link, that literally has it's members linked so tightly that they could know every thought that another has, etcetereas. I am the one that created it, linked the people together and maintains that link through several thousand different people."
Never braking eye contact with Dr. Ron, he continued. "If I wanted to, I could take every bit of knowledge out of your head, see and hear everything that you have ever done, even if you can't remember it, and, if I felt the need to, completely dominate your mind. However, what I do not have is the experience that you do. The intuition on how to handle these things. I have read every book that you have ever written in the last two hours, but knowledge, while it can be a very powerful tool, does not make up for experience. But back to your original question. Yes, I am strong enough to handle their emotions."
After a simple nod from Dr. Ron, Logan sighed softly and asked his next question. "Okay, now, what information would you like? Anything that we have is available for you."
Ron thought for a moment, "Start at the beginning, how you found them, what condition they were in, their medical exam results," shrugging he let his hand wander down Aaron’s back knowing he would be slightly uncomfortable with hearing something so similar to what he was rescued from.
Logan nodded, then looked up to the ceiling. "Daileass, could you please bring up the video of the rescue. Start it from the moment we arrived please."
Instead of answering, Daileass simply turned on the computer monitor and once Dr. Ron, Logan, and Aaron had moved to where they could see the screen clearly, the video started playing, starting at the moment that Adam, Logan and the rest appeared inside of Bartnev's house.
A few moments after it started Adam walked into the room, saw what was going on, and stayed quiet. He moved to stand beside Logan and watched with the rest. Dr. Ron was frowning heavily shortly into the recording, and the frown got deeper and deeper as it went.
When the video ended with the Slaves teleporting out with Janet, Dr. Ron turned on the two boys "What the hell are you trying to pull here," Ron hissed out in anger. Seeing Logan start to sputter he did not give him a chance to answer. "You called me here so I could walk you through claiming the slaves you rescued, telling me they were in danger of shutting down." Stepping forward his whole body screaming in rage he threw his whole arm so it was pointing towards Adam, "Tell me why you want to claim slaves that think they belong to him!!!"
"WHAT?!" Adam exclaimed, "Why the hell would they think they belong to me?!"
"Rewind video and play back from the point where the slaves were being examined by the female," Ron backed off slightly. If they truly did not pick up on the fact the slaves thought they were being claimed by Adam, then it could cause a lot of problems.
As they watched it again, realization began to dawn on Adam and his shoulders slumped. Logan moved over and put his arm around Adam. "I know you don't like it, but you wouldn't have been able to understand it if I had tried to tell you."
Logan then looked over at Ron. "While I have no doubt in my mind that Adam could do what is needed, I don't think we have the time to get Adam ready for that, unless we try and drug the boys. I know from your books how damaging that can be. Is there a way for them to imprint on me instead of Adam with out hurting them even more?"
"There might be a way," Ron pulled a chair out and sat down, pulling Aaron into his lap as he did so. "If what I am hearing is correct, Adam was mistakenly identified as their new master, but has yet to actually claim them."
Adam nodded vigorously. "There is no way in hell I would claim them!"
"For this to work," Ron stared at Logan and Adam for a moment trying to determine their dynamics. "Adam is going to have to announce to them right before you claim them that he is not able to take them because you will not allow it." Looking at Adam he said, "Which means you will not only have to act but BE a submissive in the bedroom during the whole time you have all the slaves."
Adam blushed furiously, and Logan couldn't help but smile. "I already am."
He raised his eyes and looked directly into Ron's eyes. "I didn't blush because I am ashamed of the fact, but because it's not something I feel the rest of the UNIT could handle knowing. Logan figured out real quick that I had a need. I always have to be the dominant one, the commander, the one every looks to for orders. But there are times I NEED to let that go. There are times where I want, and NEED someone else to take control of me. I can't stand the thought of slavery, but there is nothing wrong with allowing someone that you trust completely, someone that you KNOW will never take you past your limits, to have control over you."
Ron smiled, "That will make things easier on the one hand. The slaves will have an example to look up to as they learn to trust again." Letting his gaze land on Adam, "you will be the example that the both of you will subtly be steering the slaves towards."
"Now we need to discuss one last thing before you are ready," Ron pulled Aaron's chain out so they could see the pendant hanging on it. "This is my symbol. All submissives wear the symbol of their dominate, mine as you see is of a dragon, with the slave kneeling in front of him." Seeing the confused looks, he tapped the pendant before letting it fall, "To the slave and to the rest of the world, this symbol declares the one wearing it to be mine. No other dominate, well, no true dominate will mess with the slave without your permission while this is being worn. And because you are new to the culture, your symbol will be linked under my own so no one questions that it is valid."
Logan smiled knowingly. "Ever since I read your books, I figured this would happen. What I came up with was the infinity symbol backed with crossed golden arrows. Infinity showing that I will always protect my slaves, and the crossed golden arrows are the historic symbol of special forces." Logan handed Dr. Ron a small thumb drive while he spoke.
"Right then," Ron said as he pocketed the thumb drive with the image. "Not that it will likely happen, but after you claim the slaves, don’t let them out of this base until I have been home for twenty four hours. That will give me the time to upload and link your symbol to the proper nets."
Both Adam and Logan nodded then Ron started to ask about their medical conditions, living conditions while under Bartnev, and how they were being housed in the Utah base. The only time Ron smiled was when Logan informed him that the boys were 'resting' in the rooms they had been assigned. Two to a room, in the pod connected to their own.
Once Ron had all the information, Logan asked Daileass to teleport them to the common room of the pods that the slave boys were using. When they arrived, they were standing right in front of the kitchen table. On it were several bottles of Gator-aid, a small bottle with several small blue pills in it, and a small jar.
"Daileass?" Logan asked with confusion.
"Well if you're doing what I think you are, you'll need the sport drink to keep yourself hydrated, the pills are extra strength Viagra, and in the jar is the best lubricant I could find. I figured you might need all the help you can get." Daileass couldn't keep the humor out of his voice, and it was just what was needed to break some of the tension that was building.
"Thanks, bro." Logan giggled out. Then he turned to Ron. "Okay, so how do we do this, and do it right?"
"That is why Aaron is here," Ron had a brief discussion with Aaron before they left, and Aaron was excited at the prospect of being claimed again. "I will claim Aaron as if he is an unclaimed or transferred slave. You will watch what I do carefully, and once I am done, I will watch as you mimic my actions with your sub mate Adam. If I deem you are ready then and only then may you claim the slaves."
Adam and Logan watched as Ron claimed Aaron, with a fascination that was just as strong in both, but for different reasons. Yes, in some ways what was happening was repulsive to their way of thinking, but neither boy was so closed-minded, so naive as to think that a slave personality was something that didn't happen.
Neither boy could deny that look of love and adoration that was in Aaron's eyes as Ron claimed him. They couldn't deny the feelings of contentment and being wanted that was rolling off the boy in waves.
When Aaron and Ron were done, Ron turned towards Adam and Logan looking expectantly. Adam stepped up to Logan and kissed him deeply. "Know I trust you with my entire being."
Logan smiled as Adam stepped back, took a deep breath, then dropped his eyes to the floor. The order to strip by Logan caught Adam by surprise, and before he consciously thought about it, he found himself stepping out of his clothing.
Through out the entire claiming ritual, Adam felt something stirring deep with in his very soul. He was starting to get a somewhat better understanding of what it meant to give himself completely to someone. Yes Logan was the one that was in control in the bed room, but this went so much further that that.
By the time it was done, Adam realized that, even without ever trying, he had reached his own orgasm the same time as Logan had. When Logan turned Adam around and proclaimed that Adam was his, Adam felt a completeness enter him that he had never known before. After sharing one more kiss, they both turned and looked towards Dr. Ron and Aaron.
"Hmm," Ron grinned. "I think you might not need any more practice." Turning serious he warned them, "One thing that will happen differently, is since you have a sub he will be the one to take your pants off as you get the slave ready. He will be the one to lube you up." Seeing they were ready he moved towards the door to the first room, "I deem you ready."
He stopped and turned around. "Oh yeah, you may want to get dressed first." That brought a round of laughter as they quickly got dressed again. Logan took a moment and downed half a bottle of sport drink, before he nodded that he was ready.
As they walked up to the first room, Logan raised his hand to knock, then thought better of it. Instead, he simply placed his hand on the door panel, and used his over ride to open the door. As soon as the door slid open, he saw two boys jump off the bed and onto their feet. He had intentionally picked the hardest one. This room had two boys, one clone of both himself and Adam.
As soon as the boys eyes fell on Adam they dropped to their knees. "Master what is it you wish from us?" The Adam clone asked with his head pressed into the carpet.
Adam glanced to Logan who nodded slightly. Logan was using everything that Adam had taught him about command presence, and doing it very well.
Adam stepped forward and in a soft voice spoke to the two prostrate boys. "Rise." Was all he said till they were both on his feet. Then he took a deep breath, glanced at Logan again and received another nod.
"I know you both believe I am your new master. However, that can not happen." Adam started to see the panic in the boys eyes, and was hit with the feelings running off of them like water; feelings of rejection, unworthiness, and fear. Quickly Adam continued. "I can not be your master, because my master does not deem me ready yet. However, if he finds you worthy, he may take you as well as me."
As Adam stepped back, he saw the hope flood into their eyes as they turned and focused on Logan. Logan took one step forward and barked out in his best commanders voice, "STRIP. Slaves are not to wear clothes unless granted permission, and I have not done so."
Clothes went flying in every direction, as they hurried to comply with Logan's orders. Adam could feel the confusion leaving them as they were back into a situation that they could handle, that they knew.
Logan moved forward and stepped in front of the Adam clone, who was looking towards the floor. He reached down and took the boy by the chin, firmly, but not painfully. He pulled the boys head up until he could look deep into the younger boys eyes. He starred into the steal gray eyes for several long moments before he spoke. "You may look like my Adam, but you are not him. Until I deem you are ready to choose your own name, it will be Cole. Do you understand?"
Quickly, the newly minted Cole nodded. Logan then gently pried the boys mouth open and ran a finger over his teeth making sure that nothing was cracked or broken. When he was satisfied, he ran a hand around to the back of the boys head, and pulled him in for a rough kiss, sliding his tongue deep into Cole's mouth.
When Logan broke the kiss, he ran his fingers over the boys lips. "Your lips, your mouth, your tongue, now belong to me." He then ran his hand down to the boy's chest slowly circling around the small nipples. "These belong to me."
Southward his hand traveled until it reached the boys small engorged penis. He gave it a few tugs which made Cole shudder and a small groan escape from his lips. "THIS belongs to me, and only me." At which point he stepped back and looked to Adam. "Strip me. It's time to see if this boy is worthy."
Immediately, Adam moved forward and slowly stripped his lover till he was as naked as the two boys in front of him were. Adam then took the small jar that Daileass had given them, and applied a large amount to the head of Logan's penis.
When Adam looked up into those very familiar eyes, he saw nothing but anticipation and need in them. As he stood up and stepped back, Logan turned the boy around physically, and pushed his back towards the ground, which the boy did without any hesitation, grabbing his ankles to steady himself. Logan stepped forward, aimed, and fully entered the boy in one strong thrust.
The moan that escaped the boys lips was one of both pain and pleasure, and for a moment, Adam brushed Cole's mind with his own. What he found there was hope, joy, but most importantly, a sense of worth.
As Logan felt himself getting close to the top of the orgasmic ride, he started to run his hands all over Cole's body. As he started to cum deep inside the young boy, he leaned forward and briefly bit the boy's ear, then spoke softly. "I find you worthy, you now belong to me, mind, body and soul. You belong to me and only me." Before he pulled out of the boy, he held out his hand, and Daileass teleported one of the new slave collars into it. With out a word, Logan placed the collar around the boys neck and fastened it.
He turned the boy around and roughly kissed him again. When Logan stepped back from the kiss, the boy had tears flowing down his smiling face. "Yes Master."
"Good." Logan said as he pointed to Adam. "Go over there and stand by my Adam, while I decide if this other one is as worthy as you are."
Cole quickly moved over and stood next to Adam, while Logan moved to the other boy. This boy was literally shivering in anticipation, and As Logan raised the boys head to stare into those blue eyes that were like looking into a mirror, Logan spoke for the first time to the boy. "You are not me, until I deem you are ready to choose your own name, your name will be Declan. Do you understand?"
"Yes Master." Declan said as the first tear slid down his face. Logan then claimed him the same same way he claimed Cole. When he was done, he told the Declan to stand next to Cole and Adam. When he turned to face both boys, Logan was again stone faced. "You are both worthy to be my slaves. You will be expected to learn what it is that I want, and do what you need to, to please me, in all aspects of your life. Adam will be your guide as I have trained him already and he has proven to be a good and proper slave. I expect you to emulate what he does, and if you have questions as to what I may want, I expect you to ask me. If I am not available, you may ask Adam. Do you understand?"
"Yes Master!" They both exclaimed, and Logan nodded his approval.
"I must go find out if the rest of the filth that was brought with you are as worthy as you two are. Until that time, I expect you both will clean yourselves up, and dress. You will then wait here for me to come and collect you when I am done. Understood?"
"Yes Master." They both chorused out, and watched as Logan turned to leave the room. When he got to the door way, he turned and looked at Adam. "Bring my clothing and follow me." Adam did not respond, simply picked up Logan's clothes and followed him from the room.
By the time Logan had claimed all ten boys, he was exhausted, but strangely he was feeling fairly good. Not specifically about the situation, or what he had done, but he knew that all ten boys were now safe in position they were comfortable operating in. Now the real task was to re-train them to be independent.
He found Dr. Teeper and Aaron sitting in the common room of the pod, Dr. Teeper was sitting at the table looking over a book, while Aaron was seated on the floor next to him, head pressed against the man's thigh. When Dr. Ron looked up, Logan flashed him a tired smile. "It's done."
"Good." Ron said as he stood up, Aaron rising at the same time. "Why don't we get something to eat, so we can go over what is going to have to happen over the next several months?"
Several minutes later, they were all sitting around the table, Aaron actually sitting in a seat this time, while they ate the food Dialeass had transported in from the mess deck. They made general small talk for several minutes while they ate, mostly about the Unit and how it was set up. Finally Ron sat back and thoughtfully looked at the two boys. "So... what's your plan?"
Logan sighed deeply, took a moment to organize his thoughts then began. "Well first, I'll be taking them to a place that I know where time runs very differently. Even if we were to spend a year there, it would only be a few hours here." That got raised eyebrows from Ron, but he kept quiet as Logan outlined his plan.
″I don't like this.″ Janet sighed heavily, more to herself then to anyone else in the room. After Logan and Adam had left, they all had agreed to meet back in the same conference room, an hour later. Mainly because a few of them needed some time to calm down, and do a bit of soul searching.
"What do you think is gonna happen with the slaves?" Jory asked a bit of tension still in his normally playfully voice.
"I can tell you exactly what is going to happen." Khan said from his position in the back of the room. Since he normally didn't speak up, a few of the people in the room actually started a bit when his deep resonating voice rolled over the room.
"Okay?" Joe asked although by the look Khan saw on his face, he probably knew exactly what Khan was about to say.
"Logan is going to claim them the same way that he has claimed Adam."
"WHAT?!" Jack said sitting straight up in his chair. "What do you mean by that?"
Khan pushed off the wall and started to pace around the room as he gathered his thoughts. To anyone who didn't know Khan, they may have thought he was stalking prey, and someone in the room was about to become lunch.
"Have you noticed how Adam always looks to Logan when they are into a non military situation?" Khan asked softly.
"Well yeah, but I always just thought it was Adam asking Logan's thoughts on something." Jack said somewhat defensively.
"No. When it comes to their personal lives, Logan has taken control. I know you do not know the full story about what Logan has done all his life, but please believe me when I say that Logan has been dealing with things larger then anything we can imagine for many years. He has an intuition to him that I have never seen rivaled by anyone. He saw that it was Adam needed to be whole, and gave it to him. Adam NEEDS someone that he can give control over to. Not when it comes to military matters, because he always has to be in control then, but he needs time when he's not in control. Logan saw this almost immediately, and took control of their personal life. When they are in the bedroom, it is Logan who is in control."
"Okay..." Jack said, still trying to accept what had been said. "So what do you think is going to happen with the slave boys?"
Chang spoke up at this point. "If I had to guess, by now, Logan has already claimed them all, and has taken them off by Mikyvis transport somewhere that he can take the time needed to re-train them. However, Daileass has explained to me a lot of the research that Logan has done since we found them. Be prepared for most of them to come back and be somewhat normal, although I will warn you, the almost part may be disturbing for some people. They will always look to Logan for important decisions, and there will probably be times when they seek out Logan for sex. They will feel the need to be controlled again, even if for only a brief time."
Chang paused as he took a sip of his water. "Then there will be one or two that could not handle having personal freedom. They will ALWAYS be slaves to Logan, and to an extent Adam. We have no choice but to accept these fact, and go with what ever it is that comes back."
"Your right." Logan said form the doorway. Standing next to him was Adam, in full uniform, and two of the clone boys, one a clone of Chang, and the other a clone of Adam. "You will accept them for what they are." Logan came walking into the room, with Adam right behind him. As soon as they came through the door, the Adam clone scurried to stand right next to Logan, while the Chang clone moved to Adam's side, both boys were smiling widely. "I would like all of you to meet Lieutenant Cole Casey," Logan said while placing a hand on the Adam clone.
"And this is Lieutenant Elijah Hayes." Adam said proudly as he laid his hand on the shoulder of the Chang clone standing next to him.
"They have been given the position of personal attache to Adam and myself. They will be taking lessons from Aiden as soon as we can arrange it, but expect them to be near us almost all the time."
"Okay...what about the others?" Janet asked as she got up and approached the four.
"We sent them over to get dorm rooms and gear." Logan answered.
"Are they going to be Unit Troops?" Joe asked.
"Yes." Adam said with finality. "They will most likely never see combat, but there are many roles that they can fill that are essential to our operations.
Janet nodded as she stopped in front of the small group. "I'm Janet Hayes, Adam and Logan's mother." She reached out a hand towards Elijah, and at first the boy hesitated, and started to look towards Adam, but then stopped himself. He took a deep breath, and took Janet's hand.
"It's nice to meet you ma'am. Thank you for taking care of us earlier." His voice was soft but firm. Adam immediately grinned, and lovingly squeezed Elijah's shoulder.
"Very good Elijah. I'm very proud of you." Adam spoke, and you could see Elijah almost glow from the praise.
Joe couldn't help it, he had to ask. "I'm sorry, but... how did you do it?"
Logan and Adam both grinned at the same time. Adam looked at Logan who nodded. "Actually it's somewhat simple in concept, but very difficult in practice." Adam said with a bit of a chuckle. "If you want to re-train someone, to mold someone, what's the best and easiest way of doing it?" He didn't wait for an answer, but simply continued. "We loved them, we showed them what we wanted, and how to achieve it. We rewarded them for doing things that we wanted them to do. It wasn't easy since we had to learn to think from their points of view, but it the end, it proved more then worth it."