Logan walked back over to the group at the same time that Tommy and Elwyn were transported in by Daileass. Adam had asked Alexei where a good place to use as a landing pad would be, and Alexei pointed them off to a large clear area. After Master Quel assured Adam that the several-acre cleared area would be large enough for the fighters to land in, Adam figured it would be best to have a few others there, as well as to warn Starfleet. Sergei took care of advising the Russian military, and Logan took care of advising Admiral Morrow what was about to happen, while Adam called Tommy and Elwyn in, figuring they would want to see this as well, and of course where the two boys went, Fluffy was there as well. The giant black panther had been Tommy's protector as long as Adam had known them, and she transferred that attitude to his brother as well.
Probably the most excited person there was Will, followed closely by Billy, who showed up not 20 seconds after Quel approved of the location. Both boys were rocking back and forth on the their feet, not waiting very patiently. When Adam nodded to Quel, the man pulled out a communications device from beneath his robes, and spoke into it in a language that Adam had never heard before. When the man shut the communicator, Adam looked at him curiously. "You know, Master, it just hit me. How is it that you can speak English so well?"
Quel smiled broadly with a bit on a glint in his eyes. "Well, when we found ourselves in this region of space, I felt it prudent to learn about the worlds that we were around, especially the languages. Of course, Commander Evans' wonderful trick of 'placing the skills in my mind' did not hurt either." The man laughed heartily, and so did all those who were nearby. By this time, word had gotten out as to what was going on, and suddenly they had many people who wanted to watch.
Quel turned toward Tommy and Elwyn and placed a hand on each boy's shoulder. While his words were meant for them, he was speaking loudly enough for those gathered to hear. "I know how uncomfortable it makes you; however, you have to understand that word of you two has spread like wildfire amongst my people. I will shield you as much as I can from their attentions; however, you must expect to get many long looks and stares. It would also do them good if you two would be willing to show them your new forms after they land... if you feel like you can do that of course."
Tommy looked nervously towards Adam, who gave him a smile and a nod. He then looked to his new-found twin brother, Elwyn, who also nodded, then looked back to Quel and hesitantly nodded himself. Quel pulled the small boy into a hug and squeezed him tight. Quel whispered a few words into the boy's ear that no one else was able to hear, but when the hug broke, Tommy's face was splitting with a huge smile.
Next Quel looked over the entire gathered group. "There is something that you all should know. Because of the fervent nature of my people's religious beliefs, these two young boys have become something that my people have not had in a very long time... someone to rally behind. Since I sent word back that we had not only found our missing people, but they had fulfilled the prophecy... things have been going non-stop. Every single class of ship has been re-named to fit what birds you would find on Earth. The entire crew has spotlessly shined the ships both big and small, as well as their uniforms, for the chance that they could be one of the ones chosen to show our Gods what we have become." Quel looked down to Tommy and Elwyn. "I know this is a lot for you to take in, but you suddenly have tens of thousands of people who will do everything it takes to not only keep you safe, but to make you two proud of them. I know it's not really fair, but it is the way that things are."
Tommy and Elwyn both looked rather small as the implications of what Quel just said to them really started to sink in. Then Tommy started to think about what Adam, the person he looked up to the most, would do in this situation, and he knew. Adam would meet this head on. He would take the hand that was dealt to him, and make the best of it. With a deep breath, he puffed his chest out and smiled up to Quel. "I won't let you or them down... we won't." Looking over to Elwyn, Tommy got a big smile, nod and a one armed hug.
Quel beamed and stood tall for all to see. "In that case, what are we waiting for?" He opened his communicator once more, and said only one word. "Begin."
He slapped his communicator closed, and turned to the group once again making sure he was heard by all. Of course, what he did not know was that Daileass was also showing this around the world to the various UNIT bases who wanted to see, and recording it for the others. "It will take a few moments for them to get into position, so I will tell you what you will see. In our part of the galaxy, space battles are a bit different then what you have ever heard of around here. Where we come from, we build large ships that can dish out an amazing amount of firepower, but the main staple of our combat comes in the form of fighter craft. Obviously if one of our larger ships tried to fire on a planet's surface, there would not be a whole lot left, so we use fighter craft. What you will see are two of our carrier ships, one smaller, re-named a 'Falcon'. It is much more maneuverable, and is used to come in and clear a landing sight. It will come in hot and fast, unleashing their compliment of very small one man fighter craft, once they are with in the atmosphere. The smallest of our fighters has been re-named 'Hummingbirds.'
Quel paused as he heard many of the kids that were watching start to snicker. He couldn't help but laugh as well. "You know, when I first heard what they had been re-named to, I was a bit hesitant, until I did some research on the little Earth bird. After watching how quick they move, and hover and dart here and there, I couldn't think of a better name for the fighters. However, I will let you all decide when you see them."
Quel paused for a moment, then took up his monologue again. "The next size up carrier, which will be the largest we will see today, is called the 'Sparrow.' It brings down the heavy firepower of the 'Robin' Class fighters. These are larger, two and three man fighters. They are no where near as fast or maneuverable, but they are much heavier armed and armored."
Quel paused again as he heard some murmurs in the group. He turned and looked up in the sky. Coming in hot and fast were four 'Falcons' in standard battle formation. One on point, one to either side, and one behind, and slightly higher. As soon as they reached the right altitude, very small ships seemed to drop out of the back of them. Immediately, they started to spiral down towards the landing zone, moving so fast that many of the non-UNIT members actually had trouble keeping up with their maneuvers.
Each of the small ships were designed to look like a diving bird, the undersides were painted in a dazzling array of colors, meant to confuse anyone watching, which it did very well.
Once the 'Falcon' had dropped their full load of fighters, they pulled up hard and fast, and rocketed away, only to be replaced by much larger ships, these ones were easily the size of a C-130 Hercules, however, both Will and Billy could testify that no C-130 could maneuver like that.
As soon as the Falcons were completely clear, the 'Sparrows' started to drop their load of 'Robins.' These ones were much larger then the Hummingbirds, designed to look like a bird in soaring flight. However, a closer look showed that the wings were loaded down with various sorts of weapons.
What happened next caused everyone there, including Quel, to gasp with surprise. The 'Robins' entered into the same plane as the Hummingbirds, and as if a ballet was being performed in the sky, the hummingbirds started to 'dance' around the larger ships, who in turn danced around the smaller ones.
This lasted only about twenty seconds, before Tommy turned to Elwyn, and pushed him in the shoulder. With a grin Tommy started to run towards the landing zone, only to jump high into the air, about thirty feet from the group, and transform himself into a huge Phoenix bird. Elwyn was only a few steps behind him, and he too jumped into the air, and took off flying towards the fighters up above. The wing span of the two transformed boys was actually a bit larger then that of the small fighters, who immediately started to spiral around their 'gods.'
In and out, Tommy and Elwyn danced with the fighter craft, this way, then that. Will could not believe how agile the fighters were, and more so, how quickly Tommy and Elwyn learned to fly, as if they were born to it. 'Perhaps they were,' Will thought to himself.
What happened next stunned everyone, Elwyn lined up behind Tommy and a bit to his left, and the rest of the fighters fell in behind them. Tommy turned the ballet into a game of follow the leader. He banked hard, one way then the other. He barrel rolled to his right, then pulled up, flapping his wings. GHe went straight up, only to pitch over once he lost all speed. He tucked his wings, and hurtled straight towards the group standing on the ground. Will mentally calculated that Tommy and Elwyn had to be going well over 200 miles per hour when Tommy suddenly banked hard to the right, while Elwyn went hard to the left.
The Hummingbirds were right behind them, but the Robins had pulled out shortly after they started their drop towards Earth. Will figured the larger ships wouldn't have been able to pull out of that sort of dive in time. The first hummingbird in line banked hard to the right, following Tommy, while the next in line followed Elwyn. The line of fighters lead by a Phoenix went out about a mile, then turned hard to come right back towards each other in a game of chicken at over a hundred miles an hour.
What no one could figure out was how Tommy and Elwyn could fly that fast. Of course, they had no time to think about it as it looked like the two lines were going to crash into each other when suddenly both boys pulled up hard and shoot straight up in the air one more time. When they reached the apex of their maneuver, the two birds followed by the fighters exploded outwards like a fireworks display.
With the show over, Tommy and Elwyn flew back down to the ground at a much more sedate pace. The fighters came in for a vertical landing all over the landing zone, followed shortly by the larger fighters, then the carriers.
When Tommy and Elwyn got close to the group, flying only a few feet off the ground, Tommy started to pull up, and then something happened that made Master Quel almost faint in surprise. Both Tommy and Elwyn seemed to effortlessly melt into another form. Instead of the human form that everyone expected, both boys transformed into pitch black panthers.
"But... but that is not possible!" Quel half whispered in shock.
"What?" Adam exclaimed, not knowing what the Master was talking about.
"The Gods... They're Avian... they can not change into mammals... it's... it's just not possible!" Quel said, still breathless as he watched the two black panthers walk up to the group, their long tails swishing back and forth.
Alexei looked up to Quel and, with the innocence that only a young child can achieve, he asked. "But if, they are Gods, doesn't that mean they can do anything they want?"
"Well... yes... no... you don't understand." Master Quel said, obviously flustered. His eyes remained glued to the two young 'gods' as they transformed themselves back into human form, both very naked, sweating, and tired looking boys. "You have to understand...The Deigr, or mammalian based shifters, can only shift into mammalian based creatures. They simply cannot take imprints that are so far from their base animal. The other animals are too foreign for them to understand. See, that's the basis for the shift, you have to be able to understand how the animal you want to imprint thinks. A mammalian shifter simply can't understand how an avian would think. That's why no one's EVER been able to shift into an Avian... they are too foreign."
"No they're not." Elwyn said, clearly exhausted from his recent flight, but also had a look of pure joy in his eyes. "My Daddy can turn into a bear, a cougar, an alligator, a large turtle, and a Yeti!"
Quel stared at the little boy in amazement, but was unable to ask any questions, as the Eryradain that had landed, had made their way to where they were at, and were trying to get a chance to at least touch they living 'gods'. Things were starting to get tense as Fluffy was not liking the fact that a lot of people were trying to get close and touch her 'boys'.
It was actually Jimmy who was the first to act, as he launched himself about five foot in the air, then burst into flame. He hovered there, and tossed down fireballs at the Eryradain that got too close to Tommy and Elwyn. That brought Quel back to his senses. He quickly moved to stand before Tommy, Elwyn, and the troops that had just landed. Raising his hands high above his head, he cried out, "Please back up. These are still just boys who have recently come into their destiny! They do not really understand what is happening to them yet. They have both said that they do not hide themselves, but please give them the respect they deserve."
That did the trick, and quickly the Eryradain moved back, and formed up in military ranks. It seems that no matter where in the Galaxy you're from, militaries seem to work the same.
Tommy was scared and exhausted, never before had he been this tired. Looking over at Elwyn, he knew his brother was just as tired as he was. They had never flown like that before. Sure they 'played' in the air before, but nothing like that! But something that he had learned from watching Adam since the day he'd been rescued, was that even if you're tired, you do you're duty. With a slight nod to Elwyn, Tommy took the offered robe from Logan, turned and walked through the crowd towards the assembled Eryradain.
With Elwyn to his right, and Fluffy to his left, Tommy held his head high as he walked slowly before them. Every once in a while, he would stop to look one of the pilots up and down as he had seen Adam do many times. And just like everyone that Adam looked over, every one that Tommy stopped before puffed out their chest, and stood a bit straighter. Tommy would nod his head up and down a few times, and then move on.
When he went past the line, he led the small group back to the middle of the group. He took a few moments to organize his thoughts. For a brief moment the only thing he could think about was how easy his dad made this look. Finally he took a deep breath, and started to speak. He knew Elwyn wouldn't do this part, his brother had already made it clear that Tommy was the leader of their little group. "First off, I would like to thank all of you for coming to our aid. My father is trying to lead his troops in stopping this country from being taken over by some very bad men, and your help will make that more possible. Second, I would just ask for some patience as my brother and I adjust to our new positions as your... returned gods. We will both do our best to make sure that we do not let you all down."
When he was done, the assembled pilots and crew all burst out in applause and calls of good will towards their gods. Both Tommy and Elwyn were a bit embarrassed by all this, but they both took it with good graces. Finally Adam stepped up next to Tommy and raised his hand for silence. When the group finally calmed down, Adam turned and made sure that everyone knew he was addressing them all -both UNIT and Eryradain.
"My family, and new friends. Thank you all for coming here and helping at this time of need. As my son Tommy said, we are trying to save this country from being taken over by some VERY bad men;men that have no issue with enslaving others for their own pleasure, or for labor; men who know not the sanctity of life, or care if those around them are suffering. Tzar Alexei Romanov asked us to come and help pull his country back from the brink of ruin. After seeing how he has been mistreated, and how others have been mistreated, we simply could not stand back and do nothing. We may not be many in number compared to those we will face, but with all of our training, and dedication, as well as the help from our new friends, there is no way we can fail."
Adam had to wait for a few moments as his last lines prompted cheers, not only from his own troops, but also from the assembled Eryradain. When silence fell on the group again, Adam continued. "Tonight things will be mostly calm, but starting tomorrow morning, expect things to heat up quickly. We will be making the first of several strikes starting at dawn. First though, I will be bringing in four more battalions..." There were gasps from the UNIT members. No one thought that Adam would bring that many more troops into Russia. "...I have been ordered by the Patriarch to do what is needed to bring this country under control as swiftly as possible. Every hour we wait there are more people, more kids, that are being sold into slavery, being forced to sell their bodies on the streets, or worse, being forced into brothels where they will be abused in some very horrible ways;' ways that some of you know all too well. It is time for the UNIT to say... on a world wide scale, that we will not tolerate the abuse of children any longer. We have the resources to find those that do, and hunt them down. Tomorrow we start in this country, but what we do here will have an impact on the world as a whole. So... get some rest... write your letters, and prepare yourselves, for tomorrow the UNIT does what it does best, and we're going balls to the wall on this one!"
Alexei led the triplets into his private suite of rooms. He still hadn't had a chance to really talk to them yet, but he was hoping to change that. He turned around when he heard a gasp behind him, only to see all three triplets slack jawed as they looked around his rooms. "Wow!" The one with the red shirt said, followed by simple nods from his brothers.
Alexei felt slightly embarrassed, and couldn't figure out why. Never before had he cared what others thought, but for some reason, he did care what these three thought. After a few moments of them looking around at the room, all three boys looked at each other in shock. First off, just this outer room was bigger then the house they lived in their entire lives. Second, there was more money in just decorations, then they had even thought could have existed and been spent in their short lives. All three of them knew Alexei was the Tsar, and had to be rich, but these three boys didn't really have a clue what rich meant.
Morgan was the one who caught it first, as soon as he knew, his brothers knew. They all looked over at Alexei and blushed a bit. Morgan, being the oldest, and usual spokesman for the group, quickly tried to ease Alexei's mind. "Sorry about that... it's just we're not really used to seeing things like this. Most of our lives we lived in a little two room trailer, sharing a room that was not even half the size of this room."
Alexei looked at the boys and schooled his response, so as to not show the pity he was feeling. "Well then, it's time for that to change. If you three have decided to be my protectors, then there is no reason that you should not all stay in here with me. What is mine is now yours." He paused for a brief moment, and then quickly went on, partly to stop them from declining his offer, and partly out of his own curiosity. "I do have one main question though. How is it that people can tell you guys apart?"
"Well that's simple really. See I will always wear something red, while Maddox has yellow, and Madison is always green. We never change colors, and we'll always have something of that color on."
"Okay, that makes sense. Not meaning any disrespect or anything, but I was kinda wondering how it was that you guys could protect me better then the huge hybrid named Logan?" Alexei knew he had been successful in changing the topic when all three boys looked a little embarrassed by his question.
Morgan couldn't help by smile a bit, even through his embarrassment. "Well the biggest thing is we don't look like much. But tell me, do you know anyone else who could do this?"
With barely seconds passing by, Alexei became acutely aware that Morgan's eyes were now burning as if there was a blue flame behind them. Then all over the room, everything started to rise, including the triplets and Alexei himself. The other two didn't seem surprised, only having slight grins on their faces. "See, that is what made us so good to do this kinda thing. No one will expect much out of three eleven year olds, and they certainly won't expect this kinda thing. Not to mention that if he wanted to, very few people can hide their thoughts from Maddox, or their feelings from Morgan."
It was Alexei's turn to stand, well float there slack jawed. "How... how'd you do that?!?!"
Morgan's smile faded and all three looked down to the floor. "We kinda got pushed into becoming 'N-gen' right before Adam rescued us from really bad people."
Alexei sat down on the bed, and motioned for the three brothers to join him. Hesitantly, they slowly joined him on the bed where he drew all three into a hug. "I promise you guys, from now on, no one will hurt you guys... not while I have anything to say about it."
Madison looked up and met Alexei’s eyes with a wry smile. "Aren't we supposed to be saying that to you?"
Adam sat down in front of the video screen and sighed. He was about to put the entire UNIT on alert and blow this thing wide open. Finally he sat forward and spoke. "Daileass, please connect me with Donnie... we need to talk."
Daileass didn't respond, he knew just how serious this was. Moments later Donnie appeared on the screen grinning. As soon as Donnie saw Adam's face though, the grin fell quickly, to be replaced with his 'warriors face'. "Yes sir... What can I do for you, General?"
"General, at this time I am asking and ordering you to spin up battalions four, five, six and seven. I expect for the forward teams to be on the ground with in two hours, the rest must be online and ready to go with in twelve hours." Donnie's mouth had dropped open, never before had the UNIT dedicated this much man power and equipment for a single deployment. Without pausing as he listened to Adam's orders, Donnie reached over and hit the base alert signal. It would be quicker to stand some people down then to try and alert individual battalions. "In one hour," Adam continued, "I want all the command staff from the four battalions to be assembled in the situation room, ready to receive their orders."
As soon as Adam finished up, Donnie snapped a salute, and without a word, Adam cut the connection. He sat back in his chair and started to think about what needed to be done. Master Quel's voice behind him, would have startled him, except that Adam could feel the man's presence. "Just how many people have you now ordered into this country?"
Adam turned slowly in his chair and faced the man. "Just over sixteen hundred."
Slowly Quel walked around Adam's desk, till he slid into the chair across from Adam. Drawing a deep breath, Quel slowly started to talk. "Adam, please feel free to tell me if it is none of my business, however, you look troubled by this. Perhaps it would be better to talk it out with someone who knows nothing of what is going on."
Adam sighed as he sat back in his chair. "It's just weird really. See, my brothers and I were trained in small unit engagements. I was always meant to lead small groups into battle, and that's what I WANT to do. I don't know how good I am at mass combat situations."
Quel leaned forward and stared intently at Adam, after a few moments, Adam started to squirm under the older man's gaze. "Adam, you have a very old soul. A soul that has only been one thing in all it's time. A commander. From what I have heard of your story, you have done as a commander always does. Taken what is handed to him, and turn it into something that no one could have ever believed is possible." Quel leaned in closer and reached across the desk to take Adam's hand.
"Adam... my people have been at war for hundreds of your years. I have seen military man come and go. But the one thing about all the best of them is the fact that they were born leaders. They didn't have people follow them because they were ordered to, they had thousands of people follow them because they all knew that their commander... their captain, would be the first one to cross the gates of hell itself if needed. He would be the first one to fight, and the last one to leave. No matter what they had to go through, their captain would be right there with them. Those kids are more loyal to you than they are to ANYTHING else, and before you say you don't deserve it, don't you DARE dishonor them by saying their trust and loyalties are misplaced. Just take it, and do what you have always done, the best that you can." Quel sat back and started directly into Adam's eyes.
For more then a minute, Adam sat there thinking over the words the older man had just said. Finally, he came to the conclusion that Quel was right. All he could do is his best, and pray it was enough.
Jory looked around at all the people who were suddenly bustling around the palace grounds. Adam had placed him on temporary assignment to lead the security teams, and also make sure that the pre-fab housing got put in properly, so he was pretty busy. He watched as the first section of the second 'quad' was beamed in. Like ants attacking an apple core, the technicians started to run all over the large housing piece getting connections ready for the next part.
Once they were ready, the second section appeared right in place, and the techs were at it again. "That's pretty cool!" A Voice said from next to Jory, making the boy start for a moment.
"Oh sorry... didn't mean to scare you like that." Jory looked over and saw Peter standing there with a slight grin on his face. Jory thought back to a thought that Adam sent out to everyone in the main group. Peter was shaping up to be a heck of a leader. If things worked out the way Adam and Logan thought they would, Peter would end up being a Division Head. Jory never bet against both Adam and Logan when they had an idea about someone, so Jory knew it would happen. With that in mind, he decided to talk to Peter and see just how much the boy wanted to do.
"Hey Peter.... hows it going?" he asked, trying to start the conversation.
"Ehhh... well it's a hell of a lot better then the last few weeks... I say that much." The older boy said with a laugh that never made it to his eyes.
"I can somewhat understand what you've been though, but lets not get into that." Jory said with a distant look in his eyes before he shook his head and looked back at Peter. "So... now that your a free man... any idea what you want to do?"
Peter looked at the smaller boy for a few moments before nodding with a deeply serious look on his face. "To be honest... I want to be a part of this Clan you guys are. I want to be able to help stop people from having to go through what I and the others here have. But most of all, I want to help catch the things that have hurt all the kids here. That's what I wanna do with my life."
Jory couldn't help smirk at the intensity in the kids voice and eyes. "If that's what you really want, we can make it happen. You've already gotten off to a good start by helping to look out for the little ones around here. If you can keep doing that over the next few days of insanity, then you'll be able to handle anything. Just keep one thing in mind... well two things. First is this. You're not able to go out and take out the bad guys... that's our job. Your job is to help figure out who they are, and where they are. Second, Adam likes to see people who will take charge in a situation and do things with out being told. He likes to figure out who will rise to the occasion and who will sink. It might seem like no one is paying attention at times, but trust me, we are. You keep doing what you're doing, and before you know what's happened, you'll be in the thick of things. Okay?"
"Yeah.. that makes sense." Peter said somewhat lost in thought.
"Good. Now, the new 'Quad' is just about done. Why don't you start getting the kids split up into the rooms so they can get some sleep."
"Good idea... thanks Jory." Peter said as he quickly turned and rushed off.
"Not a problem..." Jory said silently since Peter was already gone.
Adam stood outside the door to the Situation room. Inside he knew that the command staff for all four battalions were waiting. He could have done this over the video conference, but he really believed in connecting with his troops as often as he could. He didn't want the impersonal vid screen while briefing them, he wanted them to be able to see him in person.
He knew that, right now, Logan was doing the same thing with his 'troops', but then again... Logan's troops never got orders in a way that could be traced, they were always telepathically given, and even sometimes in person. Very rarely did Adam ever get involved with Logan's people, not because he couldn't, he just really didn't want to know what Logan did sometimes. Logan's people very often took care of the stuff that Adam didn't want to, or didn't need to know about.
Taking one last deep breath, and making sure everything was set in his mind, Adam pressed the button on the side of the door to open it up. As soon as he stepped into the room, everyone in the room jumped to their feet and snapped a salute. They all held the salute until Adam took up position behind the podium. When he returned the salute and then dropped it, they all dropped theirs. "Please take your seat."
Once everyone was seated, Adam looked out over the crowd and smiled. "It looks like we have finally found something big enough to bring all of us together. I know during the training, someone asked me 'what would happen if more then one battalion would have to work together?' The questions, scuffed at by a lot of people, because no one thought that we would ever find something big enough to need more then one. Well now we have."
Pressing a button on the podium, Adam looked over his shoulder to make sure the first of several pictures came on the screen. Satisfied that it was working properly, Adam turned back to the group and started talking again. "This is Alexei Romanov, The Tsar of Russia. He has recently thrown off a very oppressive and abusive 'caretaker', and has asked our help to take back his country. I wasn't really sure I wanted to take on something this big, but..." Adam's grin grew bigger, showing everyone there that he wasn't as upset as his words might portray, "...Logan decided to extended brotherhood to the young Tsar, who, after careful consideration, decided to accept the offer. In other words, we're now helping our UNIT brother to take back what is rightfully his."
Adam saw exactly what he was hoping for. The moment he made mention of the fact that Alexei was family, everyone in the room hardened slightly. This went from being just another mission, albeit a huge one, to now being something much more personal.
Adam hit another button, and started to tell all of them about the slaves they rescued, while picture after picture were displayed behind him. Now he had them angry, which is what he wanted.
Next he brought up pictures of the four different 'bases' spread through out Russia that each battalion was going to secure, and base their operations out of. This is part of what Adam, Alexei and the rest had worked out earlier. Four different areas inside of Russia that the UNIT could use to base out of. Once he made sure that each of the different battalion command staffs knew which base they were being assigned to, Adam decided that he needed to make a few personal comments. However, before he did that, he remembered that he might want to let them know about their new air cover.
"One quick thing guys. We will be having all the air support we need, freeing up our small numbers of helicopters. Instead of trying to explain to you what they are, why don't I just have Daileass show you what our new friends can do." By the time that video finished, everyone there was much more excited then they were before. Now it was time to bring them back down to earth.
"Okay everyone, now you know where you're going, and what you're going to be doing. I will let you all decide how you're going to go about securing your location, and then set up your operational protocols. That is what you guys have been trained for, so I don't need to stick my nose into it. However, always know that I am just a 'Daileass shout' away." That got the desired effect as most of the people in the room broke out into laughter.
"But seriously, there is something else I wanted to say to all of you here. I know that many of you have decided to try and emulate my leadership style. Don't. You all know that I was designed to be a commander from the front line, you guys don't have to do that. Hell, you shouldn't." Adam came around the podium so he was standing right in front of the crowd. "Please don't do anything that will endanger the mission. I know all of you want to be like me when it comes to commanding, but you guys aren't me. As it is, I have someone in training right now that will be attached to me as my back line commander. I'm okay at commanding from the front line, but it would be better if the real commander was in the back ordering troops around, while I am much better at commanding the front lines.
What all this means is, don't try and lead from the front when you're not meant to. Stay in the back and let your strike team commanders do what they are meant to. Okay?" Adam got the agreement he was looking for from everyone, then went back into what they were going to do, starting bright and early the next morning Russian time.
Alexei sat at the desk in the Tsar's office, getting ready to address the entire country. He was wearing the robe and crown that denoted his position in the Russian government... the head of it. Alexei knew his people very well, and the one thing he knew more than anything else was that the Russian people respected strength. If he was going to have any hope of re-taking his country, he had to show strength. Sitting behind the desk was needed as his knees were shaking, and he had a huge butterfly in his stomach, doing acrobatics that would have made any gold medalist proud.
Behind the camera stood his three new friends. The triplets had done so much for him in the short time they had known each other, and they probably didn't even know it. Their friendship alone had rekindled things that Alexei had buried long ago. The young boy knew that the times to come were going to be difficult, but when it was over, hopefully he would have some people that he could be a normal boy around.
He forced his mind back to the here and now. He was waiting for word from Daileass that all was ready. As a show of power, Alexei was going to do something that he 'shouldn't' be able to do. He was going to take over EVERY television, and radio station in the country, as well as forcing everyone operational computer to show it as well. During this live address, if they had some sort of media playing, they would hear his voice. Getting the nod from the camera man that everything was ready, Alexei took a very deep breath, let it out slowly, and then nodded his head that he was ready.
All across the huge country of Russia, emergency alerts were blaring from every television and radio that was active. Every person who was on a computer that was connected to the internet, had a new window pop up telling them that there was about to be an address by the Tsar, and to stand by. Those who tried to close the window, found out that they could not. Nor could they do anything else on their computers but watch the screen.
When Alexei got the sign that he was live, he looked right into the camera and started to talk, all the while praying that his voice would not crack. "Greetings my people. I sit before you tonight in great turmoil. Many things I have learned over the last few days concern me greatly, and I feel it is only right to bring these issues to light, to my people, so that all will know what has happened, and what I am doing to fix these issues.
First off, I must announce that my Premier, the most beloved Yuri Bartnev, has been killed in a most unfortunate automobile accident this afternoon. This is a great blow, not only to the people of Russia, but also to me personally. He was a great man that stepped up when my father, then my great grandfather, the former Tsar, were killed. He will be missed greatly, not only by me, but by all the people of our great country."
Alexei let his head fall downward slightly, while he took a moment to make everyone believe that he was fighting to keep control of himself. Truly he was trying to not vomit over the lies he had just spewed. Finally, he raised his head and looked directly in the camera. "However, in his tradition, I am stepping forward to be the leader I was born to be. With that in mind, several things will be changing from this moment on. First of all, every single piece of legislation that has been passed in the last four years since my great grandfather died, is suspended until I have personally gone through each and every one of them, and either approve them, or disapprove of them. If I disapprove them, they will be stricken from the books permanently.
Second, as of this moment, the KGB is being disbanded. In this time of freedom and liberty for the people of Russia, we do not need an organization based on fear and the corrupt policing of our own people. All of the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats will be rounded up and arrested, they will then be tried for their crimes against the people.
Third, any and all media restrictions are lifted. The only ones that remain in effect are those that protect the identities of minors, and those who are the victims of crimes.
Lastly, and this is the most important for all my people to understand. I have contacted Clan Short of Vulcan. Many of you may have heard of them, and the work they have done to help the children of this world. I have contacted them, and asked for their assistance in helping the children of this country. They have agreed to help, and over the next several days, policies will be put into place to protect this countries most valuable resource, our children.
In conclusion, I am taking back the control of this country, in the way my great grandfather wanted. He felt that the Tsar was only to be concerned with the welfare of his people. Not just the few rich or well connected, but for ALL of his people, all of MY people.
To those who have made their living by keeping others down, or by other corrupt means, I say this. Don't bother to run, you will only die tired. To those honest hard working people, I will say this. Bear with me, changes are coming, and quickly. But with as large as our country is, and as many people as it holds, nothing can be done as quickly as I would like. Please give me your patience and your prayers. It is my hope that the transition from where we are at now, to where I want to get us, will happen quickly, but it will not be over night."
Alexei stood up and looked deep into the camera, hoping the meet all of his people's eyes. He stood as tall has he could, making himself look as regal as possible. "I am Alexei Romanov, I am Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, and Novgorod, Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Tauric Chersonese, Lord of Pskov, Grand Duke of Smolensk, Volhynia, and Podolia, Prince of Belostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugra, Perm, Vyatka, and Bulgary, Lord and Grand Duke of Nizhni Novgorod, Sovereign of Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Beloozero, Udoria, Obdoria, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislavl, and the Severaya Okruga; Sovereign of Iveria, Kartalinia, and the Kabardinian lands, hereditary Lord and Ruler of the Circassians and of Dagestan; and Lord of Turkestan. I am of you, and you all are of me. Together we shall retake this country and make it the place it was dreamt to be by myself and my great grandfather. All I ask is for your help and for your understanding. That is all for tonight, my God bless all of Russia and all of her people."
Adam looked over at Logan as he slid down into his chair for breakfast. Logan had gotten to bed after Adam had fallen asleep, and Adam had gotten up long before Logan did, so he had not had any time to speak to him after they watched Alexei's news conference last night. Both boys leaned into each other for a quick kiss, then settled in to eat the food that was being presented. With a quick look around the table, Adam knew almost everyone that was leading this retaking was there. Obviously Alexei was sitting at the head of the table, to his right sat Morgan and Madison, while across from them sat Sergei and Maddox.
Also present were Khan, Runt, Janet, Joe, and Jory. Adam was happy to see Logan, the Wolverine, was standing over by the door, with another badger, one was always keeping an eye on Alexei, while the other was checking over the people coming into the dinning room. Around the room were scattered six more of the badgers, all watching everything intently.
With respect to Alexei, conversation was kept very light while they were eating, not talking about anything going on in the country at the moment. And there was plenty going on.
Mentally, Adam asked Logan a question, as soon as he was done eating. A question that Adam did NOT want any details to, just needed to know the basics. 'How did it go last night, love?'
Logan looked over and smiled tiredly at him. 'We got 516 of 524 targets, and no one was compromised. Two of my agents are crying their eyes out right now, because the bastards killed themselves before they got there.'
Adam's eyes went wide, he knew Logan and his 'teams' were good, but that was a phenomenal success rate. He was about to reply when Alexei called for him.
"General?" As soon as Alexei spoke, the table fell silent. When Adam looked, he saw that Alexei had finished his breakfast.
Adam nodded seriously. "Yes Your Imperial Grace?"
"I just wanted to make sure you understand that I was very serious with what I said last night in the emergency broadcast. Everything that the former Duke, and Premier owned is now yours. You may do with it as you wish, but I am giving you everything that Bartnev had, including his titles and lands."
Adam couldn't help but groan, while most of the rest of those around the table started to giggle. "I was afraid you would say something like that." He said softly, but still loud enough for everyone to hear.
Many of the people around the table sobered up immediately as Chang's voice sounded in their heads. 'My family... I... I need your assistance. I am at the Bartnev home and... well fuck! There is a serious situation here.'
Adam's eyes about popped out of his head, as did Logan's, Jory, Janet, Joe, and Khan. No one had EVER heard that level of stress in Chang's voice before. Adam recovered first. 'Do we need our equipment?
'No, other than mom's medical equipment... I... we just need you guys here. Chang's reply sounded just as rattled as his first statement. By now, Adam was very afraid.
The entire group that heard Chang's message stood up. Adam looked over to Alexei and spoke softly, trying to keep the fear out of his voice. "Chang has need of us at the Bartnev home. We shall return as quickly as possible. Daileass..." Adam didn't have to say more because as soon as he said Daileass's name, they were teleporting.