Priorities - Book Two

Chapter Twelve: Back to 'Normality'

*** ~~~ Trevor ~~~ ***

We spent an hour talking to Ange. She told us that Ange was French for Angel. She seemed like a very nice woman but I think we shocked her when we told her that Roger and I were gay, and that we were a couple, but to her credit she recovered quickly. Unknown to us, there was a reason she reacted as she did. We found out that she and her husband had two children. Robert (pronounced Ro-bear) and Jacques. Robert was 12 and Jacques (pronounced like Zhock) was 9.

Daddy said he would prepare lunch for us all but Ange said, "Non. Monsieur King. Please allow me. I would love to show you what kind of things I can prepare."

Daddy looked at her and said, "But you have no idea what we have or where things are. Also, please just call us by our first names. No need for formality."

Ange smiled and said, "Think... if I can prepare a nice lunch for everyone without knowing those things, how do you believe it will be after I do?"

Daddy nodded and Ange went to work. She was fast! She flitted around the kitchen and in about twenty minutes she'd prepared our lunch. She put before us a salad, little finger sandwiches, and for dessert she'd made crepes filled with whipped cream and some fresh strawberries she'd found in the kitchen.

At the end of our repast, the decision had been made to hire her on a trial basis. Ange would work Mondays through Fridays from 6am until after dinner was completed. Her duties included cooking, shopping and light housework. She would have the option of staying in the guest room or she could commute. Daddy gave her a code to get into the gate and keys to the front door. She was to have coffee and a light breakfast ready for about 7am.

What surprised me was, she never asked what the position paid. I looked at her and asked, "Ange, you've accepted a position with us, but you never asked what the compensation would be."

"Trevor, Henri has told me that your family are more than fair, so I assumed that whatever I was paid would be adequate."

Dad was impressed by that answer. "Ange, you've impressed me once again with that reply. If it's acceptable, we will pay you $1,000 per week, plus expenses. Your family will become an extension of our family. Please invite your husband, assuming Henri will allow him an evening off, to dinner here on Saturday, and by all means bring Robert and Jacques."

Once we were finished, I turned to Roger. He had tears in his eyes. We both knew our weekend together was at an end. We hugged and I think we surprised Ange when we kissed deeply for several minutes. "I love you Roger and I will miss you until we're together again." I was having trouble not bawling, but wanted to be strong for him. I knew if I started crying so would he, and I didn't want to ruin what we'd had this weekend.

We looked and Ange had tears in her eyes. "You two are truly in love, I can see that. Love so strong is a very rare thing. The fact that it's two boys means nothing if the love is real." I smiled at her comment and I know Roger appreciated it.

"Well, I'm looking forward to working with you, Ange. I will order you a credit card to use to buy anything you need for the household. In the meantime, I will give you $500 in cash so you can purchase anything you will need for Monday. Just bring us the receipts along with any leftover cash.

"Merci, Bobby, I have already taken a look at what you have here, so I know what I will need for Monday. I do believe that $500 is far too much. I will take $100, should it be more, which I truly doubt, you can reimburse me the difference. Monday afternoon, when Nick and the boys have returned from school, I will know what I will need for the rest of the week and we can decide how to acquire it. Then, on Fridays, I will give you a list of what I will need the following week and we can discuss how and when to get it."

Again, I think Dad was impressed. "Works for me."

Henri and Marine told Roger to get his things together and bring them downstairs as they needed to leave. The restaurant was closed on Sundays but it was time they were getting home.

Roger and I went upstairs and once in my room we kissed again. I was holding him, fighting off tears when I heard him crying. Through his tears he said, "Trevor, you have become my entire world. Last night was the most beautiful experience I've ever had and I look forward to us repeating it often. Our time apart will be difficult, but knowing I have some of you inside me will make it better."

His words brought tears to my eyes and I replied, "Last night was just as magical to me, Babe. We will definitely do it again, but we shouldn't force it. If it feels right for us to make love like that we'll do it, but if all we need is to hold one another, then so be it."

We gathered his things and went downstairs. The adults had been talking and it was agreed that since Ange's husband, Michael, had to work in the restaurant, he would bring Jacques and Robert to our house each evening after they got home from school. He would go to work and the boys would join us for dinner.

Roger and I hugged as they were heading out the door. Then, all too soon, he was gone. My heart felt far emptier than it had been all weekend. Daddy turned to me and said, "It's hard for those we love to leave us, even if we know we'll see them again very soon. Keep his love in your heart and it will help you bear the times you are apart."

We spent the rest of the day in the hot tub or lounging around the living room either reading or watching a movie on television. At about 6pm, Dad asked us to get ready, he was taking us out for dinner.

We went to a place that served Bar-B-Que. It was amazing. The ribs were succulent, the BBQ Chicken was moist and tasty. The beans were the best I ever remember eating.

I made a comment that this food tasted more wonderful than I can ever remember anything like it tasting. Daddy looked at me and said, "Trevor, when you're in love everything seems better."

At the end of the meal we returned home. It was only about 8:30pm but for some reason I felt very tired. I told my parents I would see them in the morning and, after hugs and kisses all around, I went up to my room. It was hard looking at the bed, knowing I was going to be in it alone.

I took a shower again, missing the fact that I didn't have Roger sharing it with me. After drying myself, I walked naked to my room, grabbed my phone and texted Roger.

Trevor: I miss you so much!

After a moment he replied.

Roger: Not as much as I miss you, but we will see each other in less than 12 hours.

Trevor: You are in my heart and I know you will be in my dreams. I love you Rog.

Roger: And I love you, Trev. Good night.

Trevor: Good Night.

*** ~~~ Roger ~~~ ***

With a tear in my eye, I put my phone down. This entire weekend, from meeting Jim and Zac, then meeting Patrick and helping him through his moment of indecision, to last night and all the wonderful emotions it brought, had been perfect. I couldn't think anything could top it.

As I lay in my bed, my thoughts turned to last night. As I slowly stroked my erection, I thought of Trevor. The next thing I knew it was morning and my alarm was going off to wake me for school. I don't remember cumming last night and there was no evidence of it either on my body or in the bedclothes.

Looking at the clock I realized I needed to get ready for school. Trevor would be by to pick me up in a little over an hour... I couldn't wait.

*** ~~~ Trevor~~~ ***

After my alarm woke me from a wonderful dream about Roger, I got out of bed, took a shower and got ready for school. When I went downstairs Dad was in his usual spot, Daddy was sitting drinking a cup of coffee and Ange was preparing breakfast. Also, sitting at the table were two boys. I looked at them and they were quite good looking boys. The older boy, Robert, looked at me and I got a real funny feeling by the way he was looking at me. It reminded me of the way I must have looked at Roger before I told him how I felt about him. He was looking at me with what I could only call 'lust'. The younger boy, Jacques, was trying to hide behind his hands. He was, in my opinion, the cuter of the two boys.

I approached Robert and held my hand out to shake. He took it and I swear he held it longer than he needed to. His hand was moist and soft. His grip wasn't strong, but it felt powerful in its own right, I guess you could say it exuded confidence. I introduced myself and he did the same.

"As I'd arranged with your dads, Trevor, I brought the boys with me, so after I prepare breakfast I can take them to school." The fact that she felt it important to explain herself to me kind of made me feel more important.

I took a seat at the table and Robert chose to sit next to me. There wasn't a lot of room since we had three more people than usual. The adults talked as we ate our fruit and croissants, and drank our juice. Not much was being said by us kids.

Robert leaned close to me and whispered in my ear, "I think you're really cute."

I turned to him and the surprise on my face must have been evident. I excused myself and told the adults I needed to go back to my room to get some supplies I'd forgotten to put in my bag.

I ran up the stairs and closed my door. I was upset. Not with what Robert had said, but because on some level I thought he was cute too.

I was quiet on the way to school. I felt really badly about my feelings after seeing Robert. "What's wrong, Babe? You've been quiet. Are you having second thoughts about what we did Saturday night?" Roger asked, on the verge of tears.

I looked at him, wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder. I was sobbing deeply and, after a minute or so I choked out, "I'm sorry, Roger, I really am. It's not what we did; I still feel that was amazing, but I met someone today and it was weird. He said I was cute and I thought the same about him! I don't deserve you!"

"Wait a minute, you met someone? Where? Were you out early this morning?" he asked, confused.

I'd calmed some and was no longer crying. "When I came down for breakfast this morning, Ange was there with her two sons. The older one, Robert, is 12. I think he's gay, Rog. He sat very close to me at breakfast and while my parents were talking to Ange, he whispered in my ear that he thought I was cute. He had been looking at me like I believe I was looking at you before we told each other how we felt. But the worst part was, when he told me that, I thought he was too!" With that confession, I broke down again and cried again into his shoulder.

He held me for a while before pushing my shoulders back so he could look into my eyes. "Trevor, remember what you said at the lake with Jim and Zac? I even made a comment about it." He saw that I didn't remember so he told me, "I may own the restaurant but I still like to look at the menu?"

I smiled a bit before he continued, "We're both going to see guys we think are cute. Hell, before I was adopted, Eric came on to you. I have to admit he's pretty darn cute, don't you? Did that change anything? You told him you have a boyfriend and that was that. You can appreciate someone looking good without it being bad. I LOVE you Trevor. You are the only boy I want to be with. Sure, we'll have friends, and I am sure we'll see guys we think are cute, but you're the only one for me."

He hugged me again tightly and whispered, "I love you so much, Trevor." Then he kissed me, right there next to Daddy's car. He wiped the tears from my face and led me, hand-in-hand, into the building to the nearest bathroom so I could wash my face.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. We went to classes but at lunch one of the boys from the gay student's club approached me. "Hello Trevor, Roger. My name is William. I'm happy to meet you, but I've been asked by several of the boys to make a request. They would like you to run to be an officer in the Alliance. In my own opinion, I'd like you to run for President." He paused a moment before continuing, "You see, while Garrett is a good person, and a good friend, he, in the opinion of those who've asked me to talk to you, isn't the best person for the job. He tends to jump to conclusions, he doesn't think things through before acting."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I could tell Roger felt pretty much the same way. "William, I'm very new here. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to join and then immediately try to basically take over the group all of you have built. Why would you think I'm the right choice?"

"Several of the boys have talked to you since you've been here and they get the impression that you think before you act. We can tell you are very intelligent, and if I were to be totally honest, even if you weren't, we feel you would be a better choice than Garrett."

"Isn't there someone else?" I asked.

"We're afraid there isn't anyone who would have a chance of winning over Garrett other than you. You're a 'King' after all. That commands respect, not to mention that one of your fathers is Headmaster."

I didn't feel right about this, but didn't want to dismiss it out of hand. "William, this is a big decision. Allow me a day to consider your request," I said.

"See, this is what we're talking about. You didn't jump either way. This is what we need," William enthused.

I needed to think about this. I needed to discuss it with Roger, Daddy and Eric. Is this something I really wanted to do? What possible ramifications were there? How would Garrett react? These and more questions kept running through my mind.

*** ~~~ Garrett ~~~ ***

I've been a little worried about this whole election thing. I know I'm not the most popular guy in the Alliance, but next to Eric, I've been in it the longest. He doesn't know it, but I have had the most intense crush on Eric for a long time. I just wish I knew how to tell him. He's taken a real liking to the new kid, Trevor. I'm just happy Trevor's with Roger or I'd be in trouble if I ever think I could get together with Eric.

"Earth to Garrett, come in Garrett." Matthew said, sitting across from me in my living room.

"Yeah, Sorry. I guess I zoned out for a few minutes there…" I trailed off at the end.

"So, I was saying... I've heard that some of the other boys are trying to find someone to run against you."

"Any idea of who?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, but I'll find out, now how about I give you another blow job to help you relax." Matthew said with a grin.

*** ~~~ Trevor ~~~ ***

"I completely agree with you, Trevor. It would give the wrong impression for you to take over leadership of the Alliance. As you thought, you need to bring Eric and Garrett into this discussion, I am certain you three will work it out." Dad told me after he, Daddy, Roger and I talked it over that evening after Dinner.

"I think it should happen soon, and not at school. What do you think of inviting them to the house this weekend?"

"I think that's an excellent idea!" Daddy replied.

I took that in, picked up my phone and texted Eric.

Trevor: Sup

Eric: Not much, I'm surprised to hear from you on a Friday evening.

Trevor: Can you call me now?

Eric: Is there a problem?

Trevor: Just give me a call, there is too much to discuss in text.

Eric: Okay, I will call in a few minutes.

Dad looked over at me and said, "I think it's good that you are able to handle this in the manner you are. Nick and I will leave you and Roger to deal with it."

"Actually, I'd prefer it if you both stayed." I wasn't afraid of what might be said, and I believed they might be able to help me with the next phase of this if they heard the interaction between Eric and I.

About that time my phone rang. I answered it, putting it in speakerphone mode.

Trevor: Thanks for calling, you're on speaker. Both my parents, Roger and I are in the room.

Eric: Wow, did I do something wrong?

Trevor: (laughing) No. But something has come up I feel we should discuss. It has to do with the alliance.

Eric: Well, I can come over if it's convenient.

Trevor: That would be good. You know where we live?

Eric: Everyone in town knows where you live. I will be there in about 20 minutes. Do I need to bring anything?

Trevor: No, I don't think so. Thanks Eric, we'll see you soon.

Over the next twenty minutes I went over in my head how I wanted to present this.

 [To Be Continued]